
People with high blood lipids may have 4 abnormalities in their body, so don't take it seriously

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Wang Gang is a hard-working middle-aged man who is usually busy with work and stress, and has no time to exercise.

Recently, he felt unwell, so he went to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination, and after the physical examination report came out, Wang Gang was told by the doctor that his blood lipid level was high.

The doctor explained that high blood lipids are one of the common health problems of modern people, and when the blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels are too high, it will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

People with high blood lipids may have 4 abnormalities in their body, so don't take it seriously

The doctor told Wang Gang that people with high blood lipids may have four abnormalities in their bodies:

The first abnormality is the appearance of xanthoma in the skin, xanthoma is a subcutaneous cellulite, commonly found in the eyelids, neck, armpits and other parts, although xanthoma is mostly benign, but its appearance indicates an increase in cholesterol levels in the body, which is one of the signals of dyslipidemia.

The second abnormality is fatigue and fatigue in the body, when the blood lipid is high, the lipids in the blood will be deposited on the blood vessel wall, resulting in arteriosclerosis and stenosis, affecting blood circulation, insufficient blood supply will make people feel fatigue and fatigue, and the efficiency of work and study will decrease.

People with high blood lipids may have 4 abnormalities in their body, so don't take it seriously

The third abnormality is cardiovascular symptoms such as chest tightness and palpitations, and high blood lipids are the main cause of atherosclerosis.

When atherosclerosis occurs in the coronary arteries, the lumen narrows and the blood flow is reduced, which may cause symptoms such as angina, chest tightness, palpitations, and even myocardial infarction.

The fourth abnormality is insufficient blood supply to the brain, dizziness, forgetfulness and other manifestations, in addition to affecting the heart, the harm to the brain can not be ignored.

People with high blood lipids may have 4 abnormalities in their body, so don't take it seriously

Cerebral atherosclerosis can affect the blood supply to the brain, resulting in dizziness, dizziness, poor concentration, memory loss and other problems, and in severe cases, stroke.

Doctors emphasize that high blood lipids are not a small problem and are important risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Wang Gang realized the seriousness of the problem and decided to actively cooperate with the treatment and improve his lifestyle.

Doctors developed a personalized treatment plan for Wang, starting with taking statins to help lower LDL cholesterol in his blood.

People with high blood lipids may have 4 abnormalities in their body, so don't take it seriously

The second is to eat a reasonable diet, eat less high-fat, high-cholesterol foods, and eat more light foods such as vegetables and fruits. The second is moderate exercise, insisting on aerobic exercise of more than 30 minutes each time 3-5 times a week, such as jogging, swimming, etc.

Finally, it is necessary to quit smoking and limit alcohol, which is an important cause of dyslipidemia, and it is necessary to quit bad habits.

Wang Gang worked hard to implement the treatment plan according to the doctor's instructions, and after three months of re-examination, the blood lipid level decreased significantly, the xanthoma subsided, and various body functions improved.

People with high blood lipids may have 4 abnormalities in their body, so don't take it seriously

His case has brought enlightenment to the majority of people with high blood lipids: the warning of abnormalities in the body should be paid great attention to, and intervention should be made as soon as possible to avoid irreparable damage.

In short, high blood lipid is a dangerous sub-health state, which is easy to cause serious complications such as cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease.

At the same time, it is necessary to develop a healthy lifestyle, eat a reasonable diet, exercise moderately, stay away from tobacco and alcohol, and control blood lipids within a safe range in order to have a healthy future.

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