
What is the use of the little yarke hat worn by a Jewish man?


Walking through the streets of the Jewish ghetto, you can see figures wearing small white yirlen hats everywhere. This seemingly ordinary little hat carries the long history and profound cultural heritage of the Jewish people.

What is the use of the little yarke hat worn by a Jewish man?

The kosher yarkeke, also known as "Kippah", is derived from the Hebrew word meaning "dome". It was not originally reserved for Jews, but was a common male headdress in the Middle East. In the 8th century B.C., in order to distinguish themselves from other peoples, the ancient Israelites began to pin a small disc on their headscarves, which gradually evolved into the prototype of the kipa.

What is the use of the little yarke hat worn by a Jewish man?

In 70 C.E., the Romans destroyed the Second Temple, and the Jews were forced into exile. In order to maintain their identity under alien rule, wearing a kippa became an important manifestation of the Jews' adherence to their faith. They believe that wherever they go, the kippa above their heads is always reminding them that "God is above" and that they should live humbly and religiously.

In medieval Europe, Christian culture was dominant. In order to survive under the intense pressure of assimilation, Jews had to make compromises. They fused their style of clothing with Christian dress, replacing the traditional headscarf with the shape of a European top hat, but still retaining the characteristics of the dome, and the yarkeme was born.

What is the use of the little yarke hat worn by a Jewish man?

To this day, the kippa has become an important symbol of Jewish culture. Orthodox Jewish men wore it throughout the day as an indispensable sign of identity, while liberal Jewish men wore it on major holidays or worship services as a sign of piety. Kipa has also become more diverse in colour and material, from the most common white and black, to vivid colours, from traditional linen to lighter cotton materials. Some designers have even incorporated fashion elements into it and launched a variety of trendy kipas.

What is the use of the little yarke hat worn by a Jewish man?

Although the kippa is small, it firmly holds the spiritual home of the Jewish people. The small hat was often prone to falling off, and the Jews did everything they could to do so: some pinned it with hairpins, some sewn it with Velcro, and some simply glued it to their heads with double-sided tape...... No matter how peculiar the method is, there is only one goal - to keep Kippa firmly above his head, just like his own faith, and never give up.

What is the use of the little yarke hat worn by a Jewish man?

For thousands of years, Kippa has accompanied the Jewish people through their suffering and glory, witnessing their endless life. Nowadays, when we see the little white yarke on the head of Jewish men, we should not only see the unique symbol of a nation, but also understand their persistent pursuit of faith and steadfast protection of tradition. May this little yarella forever bear witness to the continuation and development of Jewish civilization.