
Lin Zhao CP Fans' Heartbreak Alert: When True Love Meets the Reality Version of the Plot Reversal!

author:Ah Yuan wants to sleep


Lin renewes the car music festival

Jiang Xiaoyan, a name caused an uproar on the Internet. The paparazzi who was photographed driving his girlfriend Shi Ruiyi out in a car inadvertently broke the peaceful life of netizens.

Lin Zhao CP Fans' Heartbreak Alert: When True Love Meets the Reality Version of the Plot Reversal!

The scene is like this: several people are resting at the rest stop, instant noodles and hot water become their lunch, and after going to the toilet in turn, the group continues on the road.

Lin Zhao CP Fans' Heartbreak Alert: When True Love Meets the Reality Version of the Plot Reversal!

Lin Gengxin and Shi Ruiyi's relationship is like a down-to-earth realistic version of the movie, showing that stars also have the same daily life as ordinary people. However, this simple routine has sparked a lot of discussion on the Internet. In October last year, after the relationship between the two was exposed, Shi Ruiyi attracted much attention because she participated in "Creation Camp 2020".

Lin Zhao CP Fans' Heartbreak Alert: When True Love Meets the Reality Version of the Plot Reversal!

She is 11 years younger than Lin Gengxin, which has also become the focus of discussion among netizens. And just when everyone thought that the two had broken up and Lin Gengxin returned to a single life, Jiang Xiaoyan's operation was undoubtedly telling everyone that things were not so simple.

The "breakup" is nothing more than part of the rumors


In fact, Lin Gengxin and Shi Ruiyi have never publicly announced their breakup, and all the rumors of a breakup seem to be groundless.

Lin Zhao CP Fans' Heartbreak Alert: When True Love Meets the Reality Version of the Plot Reversal!

Lin Gengxin, a male star who has always shown an upright image, is suspected of secretly falling in love? In his love history, there has never been such a precedent.

Lin Zhao CP Fans' Heartbreak Alert: When True Love Meets the Reality Version of the Plot Reversal!

This time, some people broke the defense, and some people did not hesitate to dig up old videos to make a fuss in order to rub off on the popularity of forest renewal. While netizens were surprised by Lin's relationship, they also began to question the authenticity of these so-called "exclusive news". In the world of the Internet, the truth or falsity of information is often only a thought, but Lin Gengxin's real actions are the best proof.

Lin Zhao's bizarre fate of CP


At the same time, fans of Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying seem to have suffered an expected blow. Although the two worked closely together, after Lin Gengxin and Shi Ruiyi's relationship was exposed, many people began to re-examine the relationship between the on-screen couple.

Lin Zhao CP Fans' Heartbreak Alert: When True Love Meets the Reality Version of the Plot Reversal!

Some people began to wean Lin Zhao CP, while others insisted that no matter how reality changes, the beauty on the screen is still irreplaceable. In the turmoil of this relationship, Lin Gengxin and Shi Ruiyi not only became the focus of public discussion, but also made Lin Zhao's CP fans start a deep thinking about love and ideals.

Netizen: This wave of operations is too happy


Netizens found pleasure in this sudden romance news. From the way he ridiculed Lin for updating his "show of affection" to the old story of Shi Ruiyi's participation in "Creation Camp 2020", to the various reactions of Lin Zhao's CP fans, social media is full of humor and sarcasm.

Lin Zhao CP Fans' Heartbreak Alert: When True Love Meets the Reality Version of the Plot Reversal!

Some netizens joked: "Lin Gengxin's car not only carries Shi Ruiyi, but also carries the happiness of countless netizens." This light-hearted and witty atmosphere makes the discussion no longer just gossip, but an observation of a cultural phenomenon. Netizens expressed their healthy curiosity about the private lives of celebrities in jokes, and also showed the unique sense of humor of the online community.

Summary: Love, no need to over-interpret


In this discussion around Lin Gengxin and Shi Ruiyi's romance, we see the multifaceted nature of the social media age. From the initial speculation to the later understanding, to the digestion of information through humor, netizens showed a mature and tolerant attitude.

Lin Zhao CP Fans' Heartbreak Alert: When True Love Meets the Reality Version of the Plot Reversal!

Love is a matter of two people, even if they are public figures, they have the right to choose their own lifestyle. On the road to true love, perhaps the best gesture for a bystander is blessing and respect. And for those young users who are happy to express their opinions on social media, this event is not only an entertaining experience, but also a learning about how to remain rational and humorous in the online world.

Lin Zhao CP Fans' Heartbreak Alert: When True Love Meets the Reality Version of the Plot Reversal!

In this era of information explosion, we are surrounded by all kinds of news, but finding fun in these messages and keeping a relaxed heart is perhaps the best philosophy of life. As for the future of Lin Gengxin and Shi Ruiyi, as well as the choice of Lin Zhao's CP fans, time will give the best answer. Let us continue to observe and discuss with a calm mind, without losing humor and reason.

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