
Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

author:Creek loves to talk

When Taiwanese Zhu Jianling embarked on a journey to Qiannan, she was full of curiosity and anticipation for this mysterious land. Qiannan, a multi-ethnic autonomous prefecture located in southwestern China, attracts countless tourists with its rich ethnic culture, magnificent natural landscapes, and unique historical background. The purpose of Zhu's trip is not only to explore and experience, but also to compare and understand the differences between the culture and life of the two places from the perspective of a Taiwanese.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

A trip to Qiannan: the first impression

Zhu's journey began in Duyun, the capital of southern Qiannan, where Miao and Dong cultures converge. When she first arrived in Duyun, she was attracted by the unique Dong stilted building here. These wooden buildings stand quietly under the blue sky, and the traces of history are particularly sacred in the sunlight. Zhu Jianling felt a kind of quaintness and tranquility that was completely different from the modern cities of Taiwan.

In a local Dong village, she experienced the great song of the Dong people. The villagers sit around and express their gratitude for nature and life with melodious singing and complex harmonies. This power of music and the cohesion of the community gave Zhu a deep empathy that is hard to find in Taiwan's fast-paced city life.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

Nature's Gifts: Ecology and Scenery in Southern Qiannan

From Duyun City, Zhu Jianling traveled to Libo, home to the Libo Botanical Garden, a World Natural Heritage Site. Walking through the verdant park, she felt as if she had walked into a natural oxygen bar. In stark contrast to Taipei's commercial bustle and steel forests, Libo's natural beauty offers endless tranquility and relaxation.

When Zhu Jianling was rowing in the Libo Water Forest, she saw the blue sky and green trees reflected on the water, and her soul was baptized like never before. She believes that the natural landscape of southern Qiannan is incomparable to Taiwan, and this kind of vastness and purity is difficult to see in the city.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

A blend of cultures: ethnic customs and local cuisine

In Qiannan, Zhu Jianling not only experienced the national culture, but also tried the local flavor food. The cuisine of southern Qiannan is characterized by spicy, among which Miaojia sour soup fish and spicy chicken impressed her. These delicacies are very different from the light flavors of Taiwan, and each bite makes the taste buds go through an intense adventure.

Especially the silver jewelry and Miao embroidery of the Miao people, Zhu Jianling saw the local women wearing traditional costumes, wearing delicate silver ornaments, and wearing embroidered clothing, and felt the power of this cultural inheritance. These handicrafts are not only beautiful, but also a cultural symbol, carrying the wisdom and art of the Miao people from generation to generation.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

Comparison between the two places: the way of life in Taiwan and southern Qiannan

During her trip, Zhu Jianling deeply experienced the differences between Qiannan and Taiwan in terms of life rhythm and cultural background. Taiwan, especially Taipei, is a modern metropolis with high-rise buildings, a fast pace of life, and advanced technology and business development. Qiannan, on the other hand, showcases a more laid-back lifestyle that is closely related to nature. Here, people's lives seem more connected to the land and traditions, and communities are more connected to each other.

This difference was particularly evident when Zhu Jianling visited the traditional market in southern Qiannan. The market is full of fresh produce and handicrafts, and the relationship between the vendors and their customers is not only a buying and selling relationship, but also a long-lost human touch. In contrast, Taiwan's supermarkets and shopping malls are modern, but they lack a little warmth between people.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

Reflections on Travel: The Trade-off Between Environment and Development

Zhu Jianling's trip to southern Qiannan is not only a feast for the eyes and tastes, but also a meditation on the relationship between environment and development. Although Qiannan retains a large number of natural landscapes and traditional culture, it is also facing the pressure of modernization. How to find a balance between the protection of natural and cultural heritage and the promotion of economic development is a question that needs to be pondered.

She believes that Taiwan is ahead of the curve in this regard, with a strong sense of urban planning and environmental protection, but also sacrificing some natural beauty. Qiannan's development strategy may offer some different perspectives, especially on how to use and protect natural resources.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

Conclusion: A bridge between cultures

After returning to Taiwan, Zhu Jianling was deeply impressed and complicated by Qiannan. She saw the beauty of different cultures and lifestyles, as well as the deep connections between the two places and the possible learning space. Qiannan is not only a place full of tradition and nature, but also a new world to be explored and understood.

Zhu Jianling's trip not only allowed her to gain rich personal experiences, but also deepened her respect and understanding of cultural diversity. She hopes that there will be more such opportunities in the future, not only for travel and adventure, but also to build bridges between different cultures and promote wider understanding and exchange.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

Through Zhu Jianling's eyes, we see a different Qiannan from Taiwan, and this shift in perspective not only enriches our worldview, but also reminds us to cherish and protect those unique cultural and natural landscapes. This kind of travel is much more than photographs and souvenirs, it is about deep dialogue and mutual understanding between people, cultures and cultures.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

Introduction of Qiannan

As a native of Qiannan, I am very happy to introduce you to this fascinating land. Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, located in the southern part of Guizhou Province, China, is a place with beautiful natural scenery and rich ethnic culture.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!


Qiannan Prefecture enjoys the reputation of "natural oxygen bar", where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the air is fresh. Libo's small seven holes are a famous tourist attraction and are known as "super bonsai". The water here is vast, the waterfall community is frequent, and the scenery is picturesque. Another example is Jiuqu Cave in Longli, which is a comprehensive tourist area integrating karst cave wonders and underground river rafting, which has attracted the attention of countless photography enthusiasts and explorers.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!


Qiannan is a multi-ethnic area, mainly Buyi and Miao. Every Spring Festival, Miao Year and other traditional festivals, people of all ethnic groups will wear traditional costumes and hold various ethnic activities. The "Miao Family Banquet" and "Dragon Boat Race" of the Buyi Nationality, the "Jumping Flower Festival" and the "Eating New Festival" of the Miao Nationality are all very distinctive cultural displays, attracting many domestic and foreign tourists to come to experience.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

Food recommendations

When it comes to Qiannan, we have to mention the local cuisine. The Miaojia sour soup fish in southern Qiannan, the stone pot chicken of the Buyi people, the spicy chicken and various wild mushroom roast meat, etc., are all delicious foods not to be missed. Especially in Xingyi, Liangdu, the beef noodles there are highly praised by diners because they are made from local free-range cattle, the meat is delicious and the soup is mellow.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

Development potential

In recent years, Qiannan Prefecture has made great strides in tourism and agriculture. In particular, eco-tourism and ethnic cultural tourism have become the two major engines to promote local economic development. In addition, traditional industries such as tea and tobacco in southern Qiannan, as well as modern industries such as emerging data centers and clean energy, are injecting new vitality into this red land.

Taiwanese went to Qiannan City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Qiannan like this!

In general, Qiannan is not only a region full of development potential due to its pleasant natural landscape and unique ethnic culture. Whether it's an immersive visit to a natural wonder, an immersion in the rich national culture, or a taste of authentic cuisine, Qiannan offers you an unforgettable travel experience. If you have the opportunity to visit, you will be able to experience the unique charm and hospitality. #春日生活打卡季#

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