
Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

author:Yujian Xiaopo Station


In the vast entertainment industry, Lin Gengxin's love life is always put under the microscope. When the news came out that "Lin Gengxin's girlfriend participated in the creation camp", for a while, the Internet seemed to be ignited by this sentence, and discussions came and went.

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

The truth always seems to be swimming in the clouds, and Lin Gengxin, a powerful actor with acting skills, seems to have been pushed to the forefront again. Is it the ghost of an ex-girlfriend, or the loneliness of being single?

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

In the hearts of fans, there are thousands of possibilities. On this stage, everyone is a detective and a participant, trying to cut through the clouds and see the truth.

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Regarding Lin Gengxin's emotional status, the discussion on the Internet seems to have never stopped. Whenever Lin Gengxin and the actress show excellent chemistry in the play, there will be voices trying to find the shadow of this emotion in reality.

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

Fans sail through the sea of the series, capturing every possible hint of love, expecting the two lead actors to bring the emotions in front of the screen to life. But the reality is often far from expectations, Lin Gengxin has always maintained his single state, and no news about the relationship has been exposed.

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

This seems to give fans a hope that maybe one day in the future, the love in the play can really cross the screen and become a warm story in reality.

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In the carnival of the entertainment industry, there is a group that has always maintained rationality and sobriety, they do not participate in any CP stumbling, but simply appreciate Lin Gengxin's acting skills and appearance.

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

For them, the TV series is just a form of entertainment, and it is not necessary to project the emotions of the drama into real life. This segment of the audience has formed a clear stream on social media, and they have attracted a large number of like-minded people by expressing their opinions in humorous and witty language.

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

They spoke freely in the comment area, discussed Lin Gengxin's acting skills, and shared the fun of watching the drama, forming a positive atmosphere for watching the drama. This objective and rational attitude has also made more people begin to pay attention to the series itself, rather than the story behind it that may not exist.

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

In this drama-centered discussion atmosphere, Lin Gengxin's image is more three-dimensional, he is no longer half of a certain CP, but as an actor, he has won the respect of the audience with his own strength.

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

The audience began to pay more attention to the development of the plot and the growth of the characters, rather than the private lives of the actors. This transformation is undoubtedly a kind of progress for the entire entertainment industry. Audiences are beginning to learn to appreciate the art itself, rather than over-pursuing behind-the-scenes gossip.

A stage for coexistence


In this arena full of controversy and discussion, Lin Gengxin single-handedly supported the sky. Whether it is speculation about feelings or discussion of the CP of the series, he responds to the outside world with silence and works.

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

This attitude may be his foothold in the entertainment industry. And the audience has also learned to grow in the process, and they have begun to realize that every actor is not just a character on the screen, they have their own lives, their own choices.

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

Respecting the private lives of the actors and appreciating their wonderful performances on stage is the attitude that a mature audience should have.


In Lin Gengxin's story, we see the multifaceted nature of the entertainment industry, and we also witness the change in the audience's attitude. The process was full of controversy and discussion, but in the end, we all learned to understand and respect.

Lin's new love affair detonates the social circle!

This is perhaps the most attractive part of the entertainment industry, which teaches us how to find our foothold in a complex world.

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