
Why do you say that "yin damages and yang"? To nourish yin, you need to properly replenish yang, soak two herbs in water to drink, and make up for yin and yang

author:Director Liu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that people with yin deficiency may damage yang qi when they reach a certain point, why is this?

Why do you say that "yin damages and yang"? To nourish yin, you need to properly replenish yang, soak two herbs in water to drink, and make up for yin and yang

In fact, the yin and yang in the human body are like two people playing a seesaw, only when a balance is reached, the human body can ensure health, and we can't blindly pay attention to nourishing yin, or replenishing yang. Because in traditional Chinese medicine, "yin and yang are mutually interdependent", that is, yin and yang are interdependent.

In modern life, many people may excessively damage yin fluid due to the high pressure and fast pace of life, so after using some prescriptions to nourish yin, they may be relieved in a short period of time, but they are prone to diarrhea and abdominal pain, because there is no proper yang tonic at the same time.

Just like one of my patients some time ago, due to an unhealthy schedule and unbearable hands at night, I had the problem of tinnitus, and hurriedly started to treat yin, but the actual effect was not ideal.

When you look at the tongue, the base of the tongue is red and has sunken, indicating that there has been a situation of yin damage and yang.

Why do you say that "yin damages and yang"? To nourish yin, you need to properly replenish yang, soak two herbs in water to drink, and make up for yin and yang

Then in terms of conditioning, it should be supplemented by yin and yang, and I only used 2 herbs at that time: Huangjing and Xianling Spleen.

Yellow essence replenishes qi and nourishes yin, and at the same time, it can also strengthen the spleen and promote the absorption of medicinal effects, moisten the lungs and benefit the kidneys.

Why do you say that "yin damages and yang"? To nourish yin, you need to properly replenish yang, soak two herbs in water to drink, and make up for yin and yang

Fairy spleen, also known as "Epimedium officinalis", has the effect of tonifying kidney yang and strengthening muscles and bones, and can work hard from the innate foundation of the human body - kidney yang, so as to warm the whole body.

Why do you say that "yin damages and yang"? To nourish yin, you need to properly replenish yang, soak two herbs in water to drink, and make up for yin and yang

Later, the patient's condition slowly improved. This also gives us a warning: medicine cannot be pure yin without yang, nor can it be pure yang without yin.

Okay, that's all for today's discussion of yin damage and yang, I hope it can be helpful to you.