
Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers

author:Morning and twilight glow

In this marriage turmoil, everyone plays a different role, and every detail affects the direction of the whole situation. As a public figure, Da S's every move affects the hearts of many fans. Sometimes, however, an aura in the public eye does not protect her from harm and can even become a burden to her.

Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers

First, let's focus on Big S himself. As a successful actress and mother, Big S is under tremendous pressure. In her career, she needs to work hard to maintain her image and win the recognition of the audience and the favor of the market. In family life, she needs to play the role of a good mother and wife, take care of the children, and maintain family harmony. The burden of such a dual identity forces her to choose between career and family, and this choice often comes with sacrifices and costs.

Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers

Secondly, let's take a look at Wang Xiaofei. As a rich second generation, Wang Xiaofei lives in the shadow of money and fame, but he also has his own hardships and struggles. Perhaps, behind his derailment, is dissatisfaction with married life and loss of his identity. Perhaps, behind his frequent show of affection on social platforms, it is a way of self-expression and escapism from the outside world. In any case, Wang Xiaofei's behavior has become the fuse of the marriage crisis and the focus of public opinion.

Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers

Finally, let's take a look at those who stand between the two, such as Ge Siqi and Gu Junye. As friends and relatives of Big S, they were caught up in this marriage turmoil and had to choose between the two. They may choose to support Da S and become her strong backing, or they may choose to remain neutral and avoid getting involved in right and wrong; or even more, they may choose to side with Wang Xiaofei and become his supporters and accomplices. Whatever role they choose, they all bear their own responsibilities and pressures, and they are also subject to outside judgment and accusations.

Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers

In this entertainment industry where vanity and reality are intertwined, everyone is pursuing their own happiness and success. However, success does not equal happiness, and fame and fortune do not equal true love. Perhaps, we need to look at marriage and family more rationally, and cherish the happiness in front of us more, instead of chasing ethereal honor and status. Perhaps, we need more tolerance and understanding, more tolerance and care, in order to truly find the meaning and value of life.

Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers

There may not be a perfect answer to the end of this story, but we can learn a lot from it. We can learn to look at marriage and love more rationally, learn to cherish the happiness in front of us more, and learn to face the challenges of life more strongly. Perhaps, in the process, we will be hurt and will encounter setbacks, but only after experiencing wind and rain can we see the rainbow and enjoy true happiness. May everyone find their own happiness and joy in the journey of life!

Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers
Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers
Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers
Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers
Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers
Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers
Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers
Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers
Big S finally said: Please don't block me, I will never speak ill of each other The two children need their fathers