
When I was 6 years old, I had a strange illness that left me with a sequelae

author:Guangdong second sister-in-law
When I was 6 years old, I had a strange illness that left me with a sequelae

(This article is the original work of Guangdong Second Sister-in-law, only the first release of the headlines, and the whole network has been opened to protect rights, and plagiarism must be investigated)

When I was 6 years old, I had a strange disease, I have never seen anyone get it when I grew so big, and I still have a sequelae that has been with me all the time, it really makes me miserable!

Before I talk about this strange disease, I have to mention my grandfather, who was a barefoot doctor at home.

My hometown is rural, we are a relatively remote mountainous area, the economy is very backward, when I was a child, my parents were not around, I grew up with my grandparents.

My grandfather was a barefoot doctor, and the villagers of several nearby villages would come to my grandfather if they had a headache, brain fever, or something like that.

In my impression, my grandfather always carried a leather-covered maroon medicine box, and there were two layers inside the medicine box, and an iron box was placed on the upper layer, which was used to put needles, just the kind of syringe for spanking needles.

When I was 6 years old, I had a strange illness that left me with a sequelae

The picture comes from the Internet

In the past, disposable syringes were not popularized, and the injections were reused, and the used needles were soaked in disinfectant alcohol after cleaning, so you always have a slow smell of alcohol if you want to.

On the lower layer, there were many bottles and cans of pills and pills, and my grandfather didn't allow me to move these things.

In the past, it was very cheap for people to see a doctor, I remember that my grandfather saw a patient, prescribed some medicine or something, and then prescribed some pills, and then took a piece of paper and folded it a few times, and the total charge was only 3 yuan or 5 yuan.

There are fewer people there, the villages are more scattered, and most of the people are not very wealthy farmers, so even if they have a little headache and brain fever, most of them choose to carry it at home, which is really uncomfortable, and will spend a few yuan to see a doctor.

So in the past, most of the time my grandfather was very idle, but the rural people could not be idle, when he did not have patients, he would not sit in the clinic, but was busy farming, busy weaving bamboo baskets and so on, this doctor's work can only be regarded as a side job.

When I was 6 years old, I had a strange illness that left me with a sequelae

However, like I have been with my grandfather since I was a child, any discomfort is handled by my grandfather.

It is very reassuring to have an elder who is a doctor in the family.

When I was 6 years old, it was a summer noon, I was playing at home, I don't know how, the position of the base of the thumb of my left hand, I was bitten by a bug, a bit like being stung by a bee, but I didn't take it seriously at the time, we are in the mountains, usually being bitten by mosquitoes and insects is a normal thing, we are used to it from childhood to adulthood.

But in the evening, I noticed that my left hand was a little numb, and the place where I was bitten by the bug was very red and swollen, and my fingers began to swell, and my fingers were covered with small red spots like "eczema".

Then I had a fever, grogginess, and I was tired, and my ears were like long downwind ears, and I usually heard very small sounds, but suddenly it seemed to expand countless times, and the birds outside were very noisy and noisy, and my cousin was watching cartoons in the next room, and I also felt so noisy.

Tired, sleepy and uncomfortable, I ran and scolded my cousin, told him to turn down his voice, and then went to bed and went to bed.

At this time, I didn't take it seriously, I always felt that it was just a common cold and fever, and my grandparents said that when I was sick, I just had to rest, cover the quilt and sleep well, sweat, maybe it would be fine.

When I arrived, when it was time for dinner, my grandmother got up and called me, but I couldn't get up at that time, the whole person was soft, and what was even more outrageous was that at this time, I was deaf!

When I was 6 years old, I had a strange illness that left me with a sequelae

My grandmother called me, I opened my eyes and saw that my grandmother was talking to me, but I heard some noise, "buzzing", as if I had hid in the water and heard outside in the water.

At this time, I burst into tears, crying and saying to my grandmother, "Grandma, I'm deaf, I can't hear." ”

At this time, my grandmother became nervous, touched my forehead, found that I had a fever, and then touched my hands, probably to see if they were cold or hot, and then saw my swollen hands.

I was also shocked, the part of the insect bite was very red and swollen as big as a cow's eye!

Originally, my left hand was red and swollen, but now both hands are red and swollen, full of dense red spots, and because it is so red and swollen, some of my fingers began to bubble with water, and as soon as I stretched out my hand, there were liquid spots oozing out of the fingers.

There is also a very different phenomenon, from the place where the insect was bitten, a red blood streak emerged, especially very obvious, blood red, probably as thick as a thin wire, it is slowly growing!

The redness was just a little bit at first, about two centimeters, but after a while, it grew longer and extended all the way up my arm to about five centimeters.

When I was 6 years old, I had a strange illness that left me with a sequelae

It's like this

At this time, my grandfather came back from outside, and my grandmother told him about me.

I don't know why, but after my grandfather came back, I felt like I had taken a reassuring pill, as if I wasn't afraid of anything.

Grandpa gave me a little pill, it was very bitter, he was afraid that I would not be able to swallow it, so he carefully put the pill in a ceramic spoon, crushed it, added some water and stirred it evenly, and then coaxed and forced me to drink it quickly.

Grandma went to pick some aloe vera, sliced it thinly, and applied it to the area where the insect had bitten.

I fell asleep, and I slept in a daze, and in a trance, I saw my grandfather holding a flashlight and coming to check my hands.

I took a look and saw that the red streak on my hand had grown again and had extended to my elbow.

My hands were red and itchy, but I didn't dare to scratch them, they were scratched and dripping, and I was a little scared.

At this time, I still can't hear, and my whole ear is deaf.

I fell asleep again, and I don't know how long it took, but my grandfather came again, and he turned on the light and woke me up, and he told me to sit down.

Then I rubbed a small ball of something like moxa with my hand, lit a match, lit this little thing, and pressed it to my arm, probably at a moxibustion point.

I don't know much about these, I just know that these hot and hot things are moxibusted on the body, and it hurts.

Can you imagine it? It's like burning your skin with an unextinguished cigarette butt, which reminds me of the treatment of prisoners in ancient films, which is no different.

But I also know in my heart that no matter how uncomfortable I am, I can't resist, grandpa is saving my life!

I remember getting 3 strokes on my left side and changing a few fresh aloe vera pieces to my grandmother.

When I was 6 years old, I had a strange illness that left me with a sequelae

After tossing and turning for a while, I fell asleep again.

When I opened my eyes, I found that it was already dawn, and my head was still a little drowsy, but I was much better than last night, and I listened to my headphones sideways, and found that I could hear my grandparents talking outside the house.

Haha, I'm not deaf!

I looked at my hand again, and found that those dense dots had disappeared a lot, my hand was not dripping, and the place where I was bitten by the insect was still red and swollen, and there was some pain, but the red blood on my hand was gone!

I have been solid since I was a child, and I have been a child in the mountains and forests since I was a child, and my physique is very good.

(Warm reminder: If you encounter something like this, you must go to a regular hospital to deal with it, don't be careless)

This insect bite accident was cured by my grandfather, and now that I think about it, I feel a little heartbroken.

I originally thought that this matter would pass like this, but I didn't expect that because of this insect bite, it caused me to be deaf, so that since then, there has been a sequelae: as long as I am sick, for example, when there is a fever, in more serious cases, I will have tinnitus, and in severe cases, I will also be deaf.

When I was 6 years old, I had a strange illness that left me with a sequelae

My husband felt very strange, he said that he had never seen anything like me, and as long as he was uncomfortable, he kept shouting "I can't hear it".

I can't explain this phenomenon to him, selective, intermittent, not that I will be deaf every time I have a cold and fever, but I can't tell when it will suddenly happen, just like that, I can't hear.

When I went to see a doctor at the clinic in our village, I nodded when people greeted me, and I couldn't answer any more words, I couldn't hear them! There was no way to communicate at all, so as soon as I went in, I told the doctor, "Doctor, I can't hear you," and then I talked to myself about my symptoms.

Let him watch for himself.

Every time the doctor in my village saw me like this, he couldn't help but smile.

Every time I get better, the symptoms of deafness disappear, and I am usually no different from a normal person, and my ears will not be uncomfortable.

To this day, I can't figure out why I was like that.

I don't know if there are any people like me around you? What rare strange diseases have happened around you?

Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

(Disclaimer: personal opinion, for reference only)