
The "fairy days" under the bridge and cave: zero yuan water and electricity rent, and beauties become beautiful by picking up skirts?

author:The sound of the waves is still the same
In a corner of this bustling city, there is a magical world hidden - under the bridge cave, there is a group of "bridge cave gods" who live a life that makes people fall through the glasses. Utilities are free of charge

You can eat a full pot of noodles for five yuan, and the eldest sister can be beautiful by picking up her skirt? It sounds like a fantasy, but this is a real story that happened around us



As soon as you step into this mysterious world of bridges and caves, the first thing that catches your eye is the rows of simple but neat huts, which seem to be dilapidated, but reveal an extraordinary atmosphere. Residents don't have to worry about high rents and utility bills, because everything is free here. Yes, you heard it right, it's zero yuan water and electricity rent!

What's even more surprising is that there is a noodle stall under the bridge cave, the owner is a hospitable uncle, his five yuan a pot of noodles, not only full of portions, but also quite good taste. It is said that this noodle stall is the favorite of the gods of the bridge and cave, and it is always full when it comes to meals. Five dollars can make you eat to your heart's content, where can you find such a good thing?

The "fairy days" under the bridge and cave: zero yuan water and electricity rent, and beauties become beautiful by picking up skirts?

What's even more amazing is that there is also a beauty-loving eldest sister under the bridge cave, she is not dressed plainly like other residents, but wears a beautiful dress every day, and her demeanor is graceful. The eldest sister said that under the bridge, there are often people who discard unwanted clothes, and she picks out the skirts she likes, and after some transformation, they become her new clothes.

This kind of life sounds like a myth. However, it is actually happening all around us. Perhaps, this is the charm of life - there are always some seemingly incredible things that are silently playing out in some corner of the world.

The "fairy days" under the bridge and cave: zero yuan water and electricity rent, and beauties become beautiful by picking up skirts?

Although they live on the edge of the city, they have their own unique way of life and wisdom. They use their own way to interpret the beauty and colorfulness of life. Their stories not only let us see the other side of life, but also make us think and understand more about life.

In fact, life is like the world under this bridge, full of countless possibilities and surprises. As long as we discover and experience with our hearts, we can find our own beauty. Perhaps, we can also create a wonderful world of our own in our own way, just like these bridge and cave gods.

The "fairy days" under the bridge and cave: zero yuan water and electricity rent, and beauties become beautiful by picking up skirts?

Of course, this lifestyle is not acceptable to everyone. But for those who are willing to try and dare to challenge, this may be the place they are looking for. Here, they can find their own tranquility and freedom, and they can stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city and live a simple and pure life.

In short, the group of gods under the bridge and cave tell us with their way of life: there is not only one mode of life, and everyone has the right to choose the way they want to live. No matter what kind of life you choose, as long as you feel and experience with your heart, you can find your own happiness and satisfaction.

The "fairy days" under the bridge and cave: zero yuan water and electricity rent, and beauties become beautiful by picking up skirts?

Author's point of view

So, the next time you pass by one of those seemingly inconspicuous bridges, stop and listen. Maybe you will find a whole new world, a world full of surprises and touches. And this world may be hidden around you and me, waiting for us to discover and experience.

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