
What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

author:Have a good time

See a topic: What is the biggest difference between having a child early and having a child late? Let's see what netizens say:

The difference between 22 and 38 years old is 16 years, and both early and late births are accounted for [covering face]

What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

Having a baby early has left me with no more energy to devote to my career.

What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

It depends on whether you meet the right person.

What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

Parents who have children early can help, and those who have children later have to take care of not only the children but also the elderly, which is more stressful.

What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

Born at the age of 16? It's a bit outrageous

What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

I think you think too much, not all in-laws can help you with children.

What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

At the age of 28, no matter how you can graduate from college, you can still work for a few years and see the world, which is really the best age.

What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

Is it smart to have a baby early?

What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

There are still risks in having children when you are older, and your health will not be too good.

What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

Many people don't realize this, and they always want to think that there are better people waiting for him in front of them, so they delay.

What's the biggest difference between having a baby early and having a baby later?

After reading the sharing of netizens, I really benefited a lot, and different people have different experiences sooner or later when they have children.

Here are some of my thoughts to share with you:

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