
Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

author:Zego said sports

WTT officials strongly support Sun Yingsha, and Wang Manyu may have lost the battle for outstanding representatives

Zege believes that in the world of table tennis, every major tournament is a stage for players to show themselves and chase their dreams. Recently, WTT's official warm-up for the upcoming Table Tennis World Cup has undoubtedly caused a lot of waves among fans. Especially the comparison between Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu, the two top players, has become the focus of heated discussions.

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

As we all know, Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu are the two core forces of Chinese women's table tennis, and their strength and achievements are enough to occupy a place in the international table tennis arena. However, there has never been a clear answer to the comparison of strength between the two. Now, the official attitude of WTT seems to have lifted some of the fog for us.

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

Judging from the official tour of the top 16, Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu are undoubtedly the two most watched players in this World Cup. But a closer look at the official description, it is not difficult to see the subtle differences. For Sun Yingsha, WTT used the words "outstanding representative" to describe her, which is a high recognition of her table tennis skills. When mentioning her achievements, she listed a number of heavyweight championships, including the World Table Tennis Championships in Durban, the Singapore Grand Slam, etc., which is undoubtedly a strong proof of her strength.

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

In contrast, the description of Wang Manyu is relatively bland. Although she also mentioned her sharp forehand and backhand play and excellent holding ability, she did not give high praise to Sun Yingsha as high as she did on the whole. Moreover, when mentioning Wang Manyu's chance to win the championship, he simply called it "a chance to realize his dream", and did not emphasize that she is "the most powerful title contender" as Sun Yingsha did.

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

Zege believes that such a difference in descriptions is not accidental, but a true reflection of the strength of the two players by WTT officials. Judging from the past results and performances, Sun Yingsha has indeed shown stronger strength in many aspects. Not only is she technically well-rounded, but she is often able to perform at a higher level in competitions, which is why she has been able to win many major competitions.

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

Of course, Wang Manyu is also a very good player. She has a sharp style of play and strong holding ability, and she is also a leader in women's table tennis. However, in direct conversations with Sun Yingsha, she often struggles to gain the upper hand. This does not mean that Wang Manyu's strength is inferior to Sun Yingsha, but the difference in technique and mentality between the two has led to such a result.

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

In addition, we can also see the different performances of the two players from some real-world examples. For example, in an international competition, Sun Yingsha played well at a critical moment, successfully reversed the situation of the game, and finally won the championship. Although Wang Manyu also performed well, he was a little nervous at the critical moment, resulting in the loss of the victory. Such cases are not isolated, but are often seen by the two in matches.

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

Therefore, Zego believes that the official attitude of WTT is not groundless, but based on the actual performance of the two players in the competition. Although Wang Manyu is also an excellent player, she seems to be slightly inferior in comparison with Sun Yingsha. Of course, this does not mean that Wang Manyu does not have a chance to catch up with Sun Yingsha in future competitions, after all, table tennis is a sport full of variables, and any player can play at an extraordinary level in the competition.

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

For Coach Ma Lin, he is undoubtedly aware of the current strength pattern of Chinese women's table tennis. He knows that Sun Yingsha is one of the most reliable players in the team at the moment, but at the same time, he will not ignore the potential of other players such as Wang Manyu. As a coach, all he needs to do is bring out the best in each player and help them achieve better results in the competition.

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

For Wang Manyu, although she faces some challenges and difficulties, it does not mean that she does not have the opportunity to achieve her dream of a Grand Slam. All she needs to do is keep her confidence, keep training hard and play her best in the game. Only in this way can she achieve better results in future competitions and contribute to the honor of Chinese women's table tennis.

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

To sum up, Ze Ge believes that although the official attitude of WTT reflects the strength gap between Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu to a certain extent, it does not mean that Wang Manyu has no chance to catch up in future competitions. Table tennis is a sport full of variables and challenges, and only with continuous efforts and hard work can we achieve better results. We look forward to the two players continuing to show their strength and style in future competitions and fighting for the honor of Chinese women's table tennis!

Sun Yingsha has become the official favorite of WTT, and the road to realizing the dream of the Manyu World Cup may be more bumpy?

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