
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena

author:Baibai loves to eat and entertain

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Nature is full of wonder and power, creating incredible miracles and spectacles. In this world, there are many amazing natural phenomena that are fascinating. Let's explore some of these amazing natural wonders and appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature.

Super lightning is an exceptionally powerful lightning that can reach a current density of up to 1 million amperes, capable of illuminating entire cities and generating very intense electromagnetic radiation. This type of lightning usually occurs at the top of a thunderstorm cloud and is produced due to the interaction of an extremely strong electrostatic field and strong air currents inside the storm. Super lightning is a very rare phenomenon, and it is difficult for humans to witness its appearance with their own eyes.

The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
Red tides, also known as red tides, are also known internationally as "harmful algae" or "red ghosts". It is a harmful ecological phenomenon caused by the explosive proliferation or high aggregation of certain phytoplankton, protozoa or bacteria in seawater under specific environmental conditions.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
There are many wonders on the mainland. Let's take a brief example, and then take a look at the new Sky Wonder. One of the most concerned sky wonders is nothing more than what we call "Zhengzhou Green Sky".
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
On 13 June, an extremely rare "roller cloud" appeared on the sea surface of Yantai, Shandong Province, and the roller cloud is also known as one of the world's nine strange clouds.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
There is a special kind of lenticular cloud called "hat cloud", which mostly occurs in high mountains and is very rare, and the more layers of hats, the rarer it is. There are many photography enthusiasts who deliberately choose a time to photograph the hat cloud, and the result can only be said to be "encounterable but not sought".
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
Rainbow eucalyptus
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
On April 10, the auspicious time of the traditional Chinese "Year of the Dragon, Dragon Moon and Dragon Day", the sky of Shenzhen staged a visual feast: a magnificent solar halo surrounded the sun like a rainbow, which was beautiful, allowing passers-by to stop and take pictures, and the beautiful scenery instantly swept social media.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
The phenomenon of lightning during volcanic eruptions is relatively rare, and very few people have actually seen it, but in comparison, the "World Tree" lightning that appeared over the Acatenango volcano in Guatemala recently is super spectacular.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
Over the years, visitors to Death Valley National Park in California have noticed that the rocks appear to move on their own, leaving visible marks on the dry lake bed. No one actually saw the rocks moving, and there were no footprints indicating that someone was pushing them. But over time, the 317-kilogram rocks have sailed up to 250 meters away.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
In the winter and spring, a Canadian lake in Osoyoos, British Columbia, looks just like the others. But in the summer, the water evaporates, revealing hundreds of mini-pools, forming a polka-dotted lake. The people of the Okanagan people believe that each circle has different medicinal and healing properties.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
The city of Kazan, a calm Russian city, suddenly took on a striking sight in the sky on August 2. Residents looked up and saw a large, uniquely shaped cloud suspended in the sky, a shape that bears a striking resemblance to the well-known "mushroom cloud." Pedestrians on the streets, elderly people at home, and children were shocked, and all kinds of speculation and worries arose.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
What is more terrible than a volcano and lightning? That is to put the two together! But what is this rare and terrible natural phenomenon? When volcanoes erupt, they produce a lot of energy, they emit a lot of soot, and these soot particles rub against each other and make impacts, which causes electrons to transfer, and these positively charged particles produce lightning balls. So, volcanic lightning is basically a volcano where lightning shoots.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
Red sprites appeared in the sky of the Tibetan Himalayas on the mainland. The sight of this bizarre red sprite in the sky is amazing. It looks like UFOs and alien objects floating in the sky.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
In Belgorod, Russia, the mysterious beam of light, orange light towers over the night sky, and it is particularly eye-catching. With regard to the mysterious beam, many Russian media people said: Russia is conducting weapons tests against satellites? When Chernobyl was just bombed, there was such a beam over the core.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
Recently, there was an amazing scene in Yibin City, Sichuan: "Double Sun" appeared in the sky. It is understood that this event is most likely an atmospheric optical phenomenon, called "parhelion". Parahelia is a very rare natural phenomenon that occurs in the sky with a large number of tiny hexagonal ice crystals, and under certain conditions, sunlight shining on these ice crystals will form a refraction phenomenon, thus forming a solar halo around the sun.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
A rare total solar eclipse phenomenon is staged in many regions of the world, attracting the attention of countless astronomy enthusiasts.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
"Buddha light" is a physical solar halo phenomenon. When sunlight shines on the surface of clouds, it is diffracted and diffused to form a spectacle. When the "Buddha light" is generated, a circular colored band of light appears, and its size is related to the intensity of the sunlight and the thickness of the clouds.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
In 2021, an extremely rare flood occurred in Richmond, Australia, and after the flood waters receded, a motorcycle was caught on a power line, and it was swept up to this height by the floodwaters
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
In 2019, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Manila, Philippines, shaking out the water in a swimming pool built on the roof of a building.
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
The power of nature is truly terrifying, and you can't miss these amazing natural phenomena
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