
"Primary school students traveling in the Forbidden City" tore apart the cruel truth of society, and netizens fried the pot

author:Listen to the flowers bloom and fall

"Primary school students travel in the Forbidden City, which can break the hot search of 10,000 people, which is really breathtaking. A few days ago, a short video on Weibo sparked widespread discussion, and netizens expressed their envy and experience the inequality in the distribution of educational resources. This subtle incident has set off an upsurge of judgment on social fairness and justice. So, what deep-seated problem is hidden behind this little thing?


First, the imbalance of regional development leads to uneven educational resources

The analysis of the fundamental reasons behind this incident can be said to correspond to the divergence of the mainland's regional development strategy. For a long time, in order to promote the economic start of the central and western regions, the mainland's education departments gave more support in arranging the allocation of educational resources, which really helped the western region play an important role at that time.

However, with the changing times and the economic strength of the East and the West getting closer and closer, regional policies alone can no longer bridge the widening development gap. According to statistics, 80% of the mainland's GDP is concentrated in the eastern coastal cities, but the distribution of universities and prestigious universities is still mainly concentrated in the east. This puts students in the Midwest at a greater disadvantage in terms of competitive opportunities and learning experiences.

"Primary school students traveling in the Forbidden City" tore apart the cruel truth of society, and netizens fried the pot

Second, there is a huge difference in the level of education between urban and rural areas

Similarly, there are clear differences between urban and rural areas in terms of education levels and hardware allocation. With the economic development and industrial structure upgrading, cities can attract more educational resources. In rural areas, there is a relative shortage of schools and teachers.

According to incomplete statistics, the ratio of computers in urban primary and secondary schools on the mainland is 4.1:1, but only 0.6:1 in rural areas. Some schools don't even have fixed classrooms. This will make it a great disadvantage for rural students to receive education compared to their urban counterparts.

"Primary school students traveling in the Forbidden City" tore apart the cruel truth of society, and netizens fried the pot

Third, the income level determines the difference in educational experience

In addition to regional differences, the economic level of the family is also directly related to the quality of children's education. Wealthy families are able to provide their children with high-quality tutoring and supplementary curricula, while children from poor families often rely on general public education resources. For another example, the heated discussion caused by the "Forbidden City Primary School Students" incident is reflected in the educational achievements of others, and they are aware of the gap that is difficult for them to reach.

The problem of inequality in education is complex and difficult to address in a single move. Only with the participation of the whole society will it be possible to achieve true equity and sharing of education while ensuring regional, rural-urban and individual differences.

"Primary school students traveling in the Forbidden City" tore apart the cruel truth of society, and netizens fried the pot

Write at the end

The incident of "primary school students traveling in the Forbidden City" involves far more than just a trivial incident of a primary school student visiting the Forbidden City. It highlights the long-standing problems in the distribution of educational resources on the mainland, as well as the current situation of educational inequality caused by regional, urban-rural and economic disparities. There are historical reasons for these problems, but as the times have progressed, we can no longer rely solely on regional policies or economic development to bridge the gaps.

"Primary school students traveling in the Forbidden City" tore apart the cruel truth of society, and netizens fried the pot

Education equity is a systematic project, which requires government departments to strengthen the integration of resources between regions and between urban and rural areas, and optimize the allocation. At the same time, it is also necessary for the majority of members of society to strengthen the concept of fairness and understand the common expectations of people in different regions. Each region should give full play to its own advantages and promote the sharing of the North, the South, the East and the West.

"Primary school students traveling in the Forbidden City" tore apart the cruel truth of society, and netizens fried the pot

Finally, we should not be overly concerned about the well-being of others, but should be grateful for the material achievements of civilization that we have. It is also advisable to support poor areas through small actions, such as donating educational resources, so that more children have the opportunity to receive good-neighborly education. Only on the basis of inclusion and solidarity can we work together to improve equitable systems and build a just and more progressive society.

"Primary school students traveling in the Forbidden City" tore apart the cruel truth of society, and netizens fried the pot

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