
The 7-year-old boy bullied his classmates many times on the hot search, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school!


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The 7-year-old boy bullied his classmates many times on the hot search, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school!

It is said that the children in the first grade are innocent and innocent cuties, but this boy has become a "nightmare" for his classmates.


A 7-year-old boy was asked to transfer to another school

In Wuhan, Hubei Province, there is a 7-year-old boy who is not a worry-free master at school. This little guy has bullied his classmates many times! A 7-year-old baby can actually bully his classmates enough to choke.

The 7-year-old boy bullied his classmates many times on the hot search, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school!

The school teachers and parents did not educate him less, but this child not only did not change, but also intensified. In the end, the 46 parents in the class couldn't stand it anymore and signed a petition asking the child to transfer to another school.

The 7-year-old boy bullied his classmates many times on the hot search, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school!

The little boy's mother responded

The child is 7 years old and has previously been taken to the hospital for a check-up that shows ADHD. She has also tried many methods to educate her children, but to no avail, the children not only did not repent, but also intensified the bullying of classmates. She was also very helpless and didn't know what to do.

The 7-year-old boy bullied his classmates many times on the hot search, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school!

At this point, I want to say that this kid is also a headache. It's not easy for parents to meet such a "little devil". Netizens also expressed their opinions.

Netizens are hotly discussed

In fact, you can transfer to a special school, the children are like that, and no one should hold anyone accountable. Or suspend learning to go to treatment, and come back when it doesn't affect others

The 7-year-old boy bullied his classmates many times on the hot search, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school!

When I was a child, there was one in my class, and he took that pen and poked you down for a while, do you think he was a bully?

The 7-year-old boy bullied his classmates many times on the hot search, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school!

ADHD is a disease, if it is really ADHD and not naughty, then it should be treated, my neighbor has one, and then I went to a special hospital for treatment for two months in the summer vacation, and it is much better to come back! The academic performance has also gone up! If the disease is not treated, it will only get worse and worse, at least the academic performance is impossible to go up, and the real ADHD is not even able to sit still for a class

The 7-year-old boy bullied his classmates many times on the hot search, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school!
The 7-year-old boy bullied his classmates many times on the hot search, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school!

The old father's seven wolves are strong enough, and the old mother's slippers are sharp enough.

The 7-year-old boy bullied his classmates many times on the hot search, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school!

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