
10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

author:A circle of anecdotes

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Text: A circle of anecdotes

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10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?


Who said that teachers are lonely ants? Who said that teachers can only live on a three-foot podium?

Today I will tell you how a famous New Oriental teacher turned into a rich person!

An ordinary English teacher, relying on his unique vision for virtual currency, became rich overnight, with a net worth of more than 30 billion!

It may sound like a hoax, but it's a fact that there are facts.

The former New Oriental teacher is Li Xiaolai, and his legendary experience can be called a legend among teaching craftsmen.

So, how did Li Xiaolai go from poverty to wealth on his own?

Let's be down-to-earth and trace the wonderful story of this former New Oriental teacher who embarked on the road to prosperity.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

Li Xiaolai's growth background and early predicament

His family background is average, and he grew up in Yanqing, Jilin.

From an early age, he showed extraordinary intelligence, especially in mathematics.

When he was in junior high school, his classmates and teachers all looked at him differently and praised him.

He is good at arithmetic and critical thinking, and has often performed well in subjects such as analytic geometry and algebra, and is often able to find a more elegant way to solve problems.

Li Xiaolai has an almost obsessive love for mathematical knowledge, and this quality of courage to study and innovative spirit is the key gene for him to reach the peak of his life.

No one expected that just when Li Xiaolai's career was taking off, his family suddenly changed, and his old father was critically ill, not only spending all his savings, but also plummeting his career.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

Seeing his beloved father dying in pain, Li Xiaolai was extremely painful in his heart, but he insisted on using all his wealth to treat his father, and finally let his father out of danger.

Although his father's life was saved, Li Xiaolai was penniless and in debt.

As a dutiful son, he had no complaints about it.

In order to get rid of the predicament of debt, Li Xiaolai decided to open an Internet café.

However, due to being too simple and kind, and lacking business experience, he was deceived by others, deceived all his investments, and fell into the lowest point in his life, destitute and in debt.

Li Xiaolai may have collapsed, but he didn't give up easily.

It was this tenacity that refused to admit defeat that finally brought him to the pinnacle of his life.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

Friends strongly recommended him to join New Oriental

Just when Li Xiaolai was at a loss, his friend Luo Yonghao, who was also an English teacher at New Oriental, extended a hand of friendship and found him a job as an English teacher at New Oriental, giving him a new starting point.

The two are not only friends, but also like-minded partners, helping each other and forging ahead in the days of New Oriental's common struggle.

When he first entered New Oriental, Li Xiaolai, like other novice teachers, forgot to sleep and eat in preparation for classes, and paid extremely hard work in order to attend every class well.

His profound knowledge and humorous way of teaching captured the hearts of students, and he spared no effort to answer every student's difficult and miscellaneous problems after class, and soon established an image of a mentor and helpful friend among students and parents.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

With extraordinary perseverance and brilliant mind, Li Xiaolai not only regained lost ground, but soon stood out as the most popular senior lecturer among students and parents.

During his 7 years as a teacher at New Oriental, he not only gained fame and money, but also made many like-minded friends, laying the foundation for his future start.

A highly regarded definitive work on English vocabulary

In addition to teaching, Li Xiaolai also has a talent for publishing as a writer.

In 2005, he published the book "TOEFL Core Vocabulary Breakthrough in 21 Days", which was widely welcomed and respected by foreign language test takers, and even became a must-read for students going abroad, and was praised by the industry as "a must-have book for TOEFL test takers".

The book is a collection of Li Xiaolai's teaching experience for several years, systematically combing the high-frequency core words of TOEFL vocabulary, supplemented by vivid and interesting memorization formulas, so that countless students can benefit a lot.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

Therefore, Li Xiaolai is known as a "fluent in vocabulary" among foreign language candidates, and has accumulated a large number of die-hard fans for him.

With this best-selling book and a stable income as a lecturer, Li Xiaolai has finally saved some considerable savings.

At this time, an opportunity turned his life upside down.

If it weren't for the success of this book, it is likely that there would not have been a later legend.

Get rich overnight and leave New Oriental

In 2008, Li Xiaolai resigned from his job as a lecturer at New Oriental and prepared to start his own business.

Under the enthusiastic introduction of a friend, he stumbled upon a new virtual currency - Bitcoin, which had already broken through the $1 mark at that time.

For Li Xiaolai, who has always been curious and keenly aware of novelties, this is simply an unprecedented speculative opportunity.

Out of a desire for the unknown and a reckless adventurous mentality, he did not hesitate to spend $12,100 and buy about 2,100 bitcoins.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

This crazy investment made Li Xiaolai completely smell the smell of getting rich.

In order to mine more bitcoins and earn the strange wealth of encrypted digital currency, he rented a factory site in China and equipped it with the most advanced mining equipment at that time, and mined it day and night to earn bitcoins, which was almost crazy.

And this bold bet also paved the way for his later road to prosperity.

Devoted to the mining pool with more than 600,000 yuan

Li Xiaolai threw himself into the world of Bitcoin.

According to his own estimates, his total number of bitcoins has reached 6 figures since 2013, and an unprecedented stream of virtual wealth has flowed into his mining pool.

In order to raise more funds to buy mining machines and mine more bitcoins, he did not hesitate to spend more than 600,000 yuan again, which can be described as a desperate bet.

Li Xiaolai's crazy investment in Bitcoin has caused an uproar in the outside world.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

Some people praised him as a "pioneer in the code world", while others questioned whether he was obsessed.

But I have to admit that Li Xiaolai's unique vision and keen sense of future technology have made him a real pioneer and investment winner.

As the price of bitcoin continued to soar later, the value of bitcoin held by Li Xiaolai also increased day by day.

Especially in 2013, with the media hype, Li Xiaolai was recognized as one of the largest Bitcoin holders in China, and the reputation of a bitcoin tycoon came from this.

This also made more people start to chase Bitcoin and follow the trend of investment, triggering a virtual currency frenzy.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

is worth more than 30 billion, but it has been suppressed

The frenzied investment in the Bitcoin virtual currency has made Li Xiaolai's net worth soar to more than 30 billion yuan in just a few years, becoming a household name billionaire.

But at this moment, the state began to strictly control virtual currencies for the sake of maintaining financial security, which cast a shadow on the prospects of Bitcoin.

As a pioneer and beneficiary of Bitcoin investment, Li Xiaolai has a deep understanding of this.

He is well aware that the era of crazy riches brought by Bitcoin may be over.

Li Xiaolai, who has a unique vision, knows the current affairs as a warrior, and when the price of bitcoin reached its peak, he did not hesitate to sell all the bitcoins in his hand and cashed out 13.5 billion in one go.

Although he made a lot of money, he bluntly said that it was all a "scam".

This appalling act of gambling has aroused great shock in public opinion.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

Exit from the Bitcoin world

After becoming a super-rich, Li Xiaolai did not hesitate to withdraw from this seemingly tempting but risky virtual currency world.

"There will be no more access to the currency market," was his solemn promise to the outside world.

This decision undoubtedly surprised a large number of people who were chasing Bitcoin at the time and obsessed with the dream of getting rich overnight.

Some people rebuked Li Xiaolai's approach, believing that it was a classic "leek-cutting" behavior, making money and running, but more people were appreciative, praising it as a choice that a shrewd businessman should make - the most clear and decisive decision, never be nostalgic.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

In any case, Li Xiaolai made his own choice.

Obviously, in his heart, real investment requires extreme rationality and sobriety, and any bubble will be punished sooner or later.

At this point, he is indeed one step ahead of most people.

Back to the familiar education industry

Exiting the virtual currency world, Li Xiaolai, who became rich, did not stay away, but returned to the field he is best at and most familiar with - the education industry.

He has successively founded the "Family Growth Community", launched the "Good Family Education" and other supporting courses, and also presumed the "lesson within the class" "The Most Important Lesson of Life", and continued to preach and solve doubts for students and parents.

Today's Li Xiaolai is still the true character of the teaching craftsman, but he has a taste of getting rich.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

And that life legend and that unique vision will surely be recorded in history and become an eternal topic of conversation for future generations.

Through Li Xiaolai's experience, it is not difficult for us to find that success is not accidental, but the result of courage, opportunity and wisdom.

It was the perfect combination of these three that he finally reached the highest point in his life.


Seeing this, you must also be impressed by Li Xiaolai's legendary life experience of being just a teacher, right?

From nothing to a sudden wealth of 30 billion, from ordinary to extraordinary, Li Xiaolai has completely subverted everyone's stereotype of the profession of teacher with his life.

Yes, teachers are not all mediocre ants, they can also win big on life's bets with wisdom and courage.

10 years ago, the New Oriental teacher who impulsively bought 100,000 bitcoins, what is the current situation?

Li Xiaolai's use of his own experience is undoubtedly the best footnote to this assertion.

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