
Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

author:Literary stories say

1. Looking back on the past: from demanding perfection to bravely showing your true self

Looking back on that youthful time, the famous contemporary writer Mo Yan can't help but sigh, once upon a time, he, like many young people, was afraid of being criticized by others, and longed to become a near-perfect individual.

He clearly remembered that in the years of his youth, he tried his best to create a flawless image. Whenever he acted, he always thought carefully a thousand times, lest he make a mistake and provoke the ridicule of others.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

His gaze is always fixed on the eyes of others, lest he may provoke the disgust of others if he is not careful.

Under such a heavy burden, Mo Yan lived an extremely painful life. He was always under the unfathomable gaze of others, trembling, and did not dare to make the slightest mistake. That way of life was physically and mentally exhausting, and it seemed that he could never break free from the shackles of other people's scrutiny.

Looking back on the past, Mo Yan couldn't help but smile wryly. The reason why he was so obsessed with perfectionism back then basically boiled down to an excessive concern for what others had to say.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

However, as the years passed, he gradually realized that the excessive pursuit of perfection would not outweigh the losses.

2. Learn from the pain: bravely refuse the shackles, welcome and accept your own imperfections

After gradually entering middle age, Mo Yan gradually realized that the pursuit of perfection is not an easy task, but an unattainable dream. He understands that no one in the world can truly reach the state of perfection, and everyone will have some shortcomings and defects to a greater or lesser extent.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

This shift in perception led Mo Yan to seek to get rid of his over-reliance on others' judgments. He found that living in the solemn gaze of others for a long time was tantamount to putting a heavy shackle on himself.

After deep reflection, Mo Yan finally found a path to freedom and peace of mind. He realized that only by learning to put oneself at the center rather than paying too much attention to the judgments of others can one truly experience inner freedom and peace.

So, he began to declare war on the praise of dependence on others. He used to be ecstatic when he was praised for his flawlessness, but when he was criticized by others, he would fall into a deep depression of self-reproach and wonder if he had gone wrong.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

Now, the writer Mo Yan feels that this endless cycle will only wrap him in a dilemma, making it impossible for him to truly realize his personalized life. He began to gradually learn to accept his own shortcomings, and no longer regarded the so-called perfection as the only yardstick to measure his own worth.

He understands that if you want to live your true and free life, you must first accept and appreciate your own existence, and only then can you truly earn the respect and approval of others.

In the journey of life, Mo Yan has gradually learned to express his thoughts more confidently, and he has gotten rid of the trouble of worrying too much about other people's evaluations in the past. He understands that in this diverse and beautiful world, no one can meet everyone's expectations and needs, and that each individual has unique interests and values.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

As a result, he learned to deviate from the right and wrong judgments for the purpose of pleasing others, and instead focused more on listening to the call of the heart and chasing the life that the heart desires.

3. Break through the bottleneck: have the courage to offend others and live out self-worth - Mo Yan's deep insight and practice

After going through the transformation process from a perfectionist to a brave self-expression, Mo Yan finally realized that there is nothing to be afraid of offending a few people, and the most frightening thing is to live in the shadow of other people's evaluation for a long time.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

He recognizes that for each of us, we can't really make everyone like and approve of ourselves. While most people rejoice in us, there are always a small number of people who disagree with us.

If you sacrifice your true statement in order to cater to these few people, it is undoubtedly a very cost-effective act.

In view of this, Mo Yan decided to bravely face his flaws and express himself generously and sincerely. He realized that only when you truly admire yourself can you truly win the affection of others.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

On the other hand, if you always live under the scrutiny of others, even if you win gorgeous praise on the surface, deep down you can only understand that feeling.

As a result, Mo Yan began to express his personal opinions and thoughts without hesitation, and no longer cared too much about the possible responses of others. He knows that it is not terrible to offend a few people, and the most frightening thing is to live in the eyes of others for a long time, thus losing his true existence.

In this process, Mr. Mo Yan has repeatedly encountered doubts and criticisms. However, he was no longer as fearful and convicted as he had been. On the contrary, he can listen to all kinds of voices with a calm and calm heart, conduct deep reflection on his own behavior, and try to find reasonable answers.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

It is important to know that no one is a flawless person, and everyone will always make mistakes of one kind or another in their life journey. The key lies in whether we can look at our own mistakes with the right attitude, learn from our mistakes, meet future challenges, and scale new heights.

To be sure, Mr. Mo Yan has deep sympathy for those who treat him harshly for fear of dissent. He knew that that kind of lifestyle would lead to physical and mental exhaustion, and his heart would always be in a state of panic, and it would be difficult for him to truly relax and enjoy.

Therefore, he tried his best to encourage his friends and loved ones, admonishing them not to be afraid of incurring the displeasure of others, but to be brave enough to show their true colors and be their authentic and unique selves. He firmly believes that only by daring to accept and embrace self-defects, and using this as a cornerstone to pursue the ideal life, can we create a truly rewarding life.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

After years of ups and downs, Mr. Mo Yan finally realized the true meaning of life - life is short, we should take ourselves as the core, live a wonderful life that truly belongs to ourselves, rather than succumbing to the evaluation of others for a long time.

Since realizing this, he has come to realize that the answer to the endless pain and exhaustion he has endured in the past lies in his continued focus on the perspectives of others.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

No one can satisfy everyone's preferences, let alone maintain a perfect image every minute.

If you overly strive to be perfect in the eyes of others, you will not only fall into pain and stress, but also lose your true self. On the contrary, if you can have the courage to accept and embrace your imperfections, and face the world with your true self, that is the most precious attitude in life.

With this belief, Mr. Mo Yan is convinced of the fact that only by truly caring for oneself can one attract the true love and respect of others. In the past, it was precisely because he failed to focus on his self-worth that he was always caught up in the criticism of others, so his future was full of twists and turns.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

However, now he has grasped the essence of independent thinking in simple terms, and gradually has his own independent values. He understands that each of us should shape our own mindset and boldly express our individuality in our interactions with others, rather than giving up our independent decision-making skills for fear of offending others.

In the process, Mo Yan's heart quietly changed, and he began to learn to accept and appreciate his own flaws. He realized that people are not omnipotent, and they will always make some mistakes unconsciously, but the most important thing is whether they can face their own shortcomings, learn from them, and move forward to a better future.

This deep sense of self-reflection made Mo Yan feel the peace and freedom that he had never felt in his heart. He no longer desperately seeks to please others, but devotes himself to pursuing the ideal of life that he truly desires.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

He knew that if he lived only for others, he would undoubtedly bring untold misery.

Whenever he thinks of his past youth, Mo Yan is often full of emotion: in the past, he was so keen on pursuing the satisfaction that everyone praised. Today, he has learned to look at this complex world with a more tolerant and open mind.

He understands that there are no perfect people in the world, but as long as we always live with sincerity, we can earn the respect we deserve and be recognized by all walks of life.

Mo Yan said: It's not so terrible to offend a few people and do a few things wrong, it's the most terrible

Undoubtedly, it is not advocated here that we can harm others at will. On the contrary, Mo Yan believes that only when an individual truly respects and values himself can he better understand and appreciate the value of others.

This is the core concept he hopes to convey to his family and friends.

In the days to come, Mo Yan vowed to continue to move forward bravely and strive to be a person who dares to express his true thoughts. He believes that only by truly accepting and loving the imperfections in life can we bravely pursue our own wonderful life on this basis, and thus create our own miracle of life!