
Most of the coronary heart patients who can live past the age of 80 have these 4 characteristics, and it is not too late to understand

author:Intensive care Dr. Yang

Coronary heart disease, which is becoming more and more common in modern society, often scares people. However, did you know that most of the coronary heart patients who live past the age of 80 have some special characteristics. Let's explore the secrets of these long-lived coronary heart patients, so that health and longevity are no longer out of reach.

Most of the coronary heart patients who can live past the age of 80 have these 4 characteristics, and it is not too late to understand

1. The heart is calm and tranquil, like a clear and deep stream.

In traditional Chinese culture, we often emphasize the philosophy of "calm mind and natural coolness". For patients with coronary heart disease, it is especially important to maintain peace of mind, as stability not only contributes to their health, but also injects a gentle and stable force into their path to recovery. Medical studies have shown that long-term mood swings and stress can exacerbate the burden on the heart, leading to the aggravation of coronary heart disease. And those coronary heart patients who can live past the age of 80, most of them can maintain a peaceful heart, face the ups and downs of life, and be able to deal with it calmly.

For example, Uncle Zhang is a typical example. He has suffered from coronary heart disease for many years, but every time he sees him, he is always smiling and in good spirits. He often said: "Life is like a play, with ups and downs, joys and sorrows." As long as we can maintain a normal heart, we will be able to get through every difficulty in life. It is this peaceful state of mind that allows Uncle Zhang to live a healthy and long life despite the troubles of coronary heart disease.

Most of the coronary heart patients who can live past the age of 80 have these 4 characteristics, and it is not too late to understand

2. Eat modestly, like a long stream of water

China's food culture is vast and profound, and the health wisdom contained in it is innumerable. For coronary heart patients, dietary regulation is the key to controlling the disease and prolonging life. Most of those coronary heart patients who can live past the age of 80 can follow the dietary principle of "five grains for nourishment, five fruits for help, five animals for benefit, and five vegetables for abundance" to achieve balanced nutrition and appropriate intake.

Grandma Li is such a coronary heart patient who pays attention to diet. Every day for breakfast, she drinks a bowl of hot millet porridge with some fresh vegetables and fruits, for lunch she focuses on whole grains and lean meats and avoids too much greasy and spicy food, and for dinner is simpler, usually light soups and vegetarian dishes. Grandma Li often said: "Eating is like living a life, you have to be fine and long, and you can't overeat." It is this healthy eating habit that allows Grandma Li to maintain a healthy body despite the suffering of coronary heart disease.

Most of the coronary heart patients who can live past the age of 80 have these 4 characteristics, and it is not too late to understand

3. Exercise moderately, such as flowing water

In traditional Chinese culture, we often use the term "flowing clouds" to describe a state of nature and harmony. For coronary heart patients, moderate exercise is like flowing water, which can not only exercise the body, but also will not bring too much burden to the heart. Those coronary heart patients who can live past the age of 80 are mostly able to choose suitable exercise methods according to their physical condition, such as walking, tai chi, yoga, etc.

Uncle Wang is a coronary heart patient who loves sports. He goes for a walk in the park every morning to get some fresh air and feel the beauty of nature. Sometimes, he also plays Tai Chi with his friends, which not only exercises his body, but also makes his mood happy. Uncle Wang said: "Exercise is like flowing water, which can take away the tiredness and troubles of the body. As long as we can maintain moderate exercise, we can have a healthy body. ”

Fourth, regular inspections, such as precautions

In traditional Chinese culture, there is a wisdom called "planning ahead", which means to prepare in advance to prevent problems before they happen. For coronary heart patients, regular check-ups are such a kind of precautionary wisdom. Through regular check-ups, changes in the condition can be detected in time and the treatment plan can be adjusted to avoid the deterioration of the condition.

Aunt Zhao is a coronary heart patient who attaches great importance to regular check-ups. She regularly goes to the hospital for physical examinations every year, including electrocardiogram, blood pressure, blood sugar and other indicators. Once she notices an abnormality, she will consult a doctor in time to adjust the treatment plan. Aunt Zhao said: "Regular check-ups are like buying insurance for our body, so that we can live with peace of mind. It is this kind of wisdom that allows Aunt Zhao to maintain a healthy body despite the trouble of coronary heart disease.

Most of the coronary heart patients who can live past the age of 80 have these 4 characteristics, and it is not too late to understand

Most of those coronary heart patients who can live past the age of 80 have the four characteristics of peace of mind, moderate diet, moderate exercise, and regular check-ups. These traits are not unattainable, but can be cultivated and accumulated over time in everyday life. As long as we can actively adjust our lifestyle and mentality, we can have a healthy and long life like these long-lived coronary heart patients.

Of course, we must also understand that everyone's physical condition and condition are different, so in specific practice, it also needs to be adjusted according to the actual situation of the individual. At the same time, we also need to maintain our attention and understanding of medical knowledge so that we can better manage our health. After all, health is our most valuable asset, and only with a healthy body can we enjoy the beauty of life. Let's start from now on, actively adjust our lifestyle and mentality, learn from those long-lived coronary heart patients, and strive to pursue a healthy and long-lived life!

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