
People are panicking, and a war in the Middle East is about to break out.

author:Years of nostalgia and dreams

1. The United States believes that Iran and its allies are about to launch a missile attack on Israel. U.S. and Israeli intelligence services assessed that Iran could launch a "massive missile or drone attack" on Israeli military and government facilities in retaliation for Israel's attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria, as reported by Bloomberg on April 10.

People are panicking, and a war in the Middle East is about to break out.

2. The whole city of Israel is on alert, and the streets and alleys of Israel are quiet and quiet, and there is not even a car. They have been waiting for Iran's large-scale missile strike, and they have been waiting for eight days, so Defense Minister Gallant said: Israel is ready for war with Iran, and it seems that a major war is inevitable. According to US military experts, Iran has at least 3,000 intermediate-range ballistic missiles capable of striking the Israeli mainland.

3. Israel was very panicked the day before yesterday and directly closed its 28 embassies abroad, which is obviously afraid that Iran will retaliate reciprocally and attack its own embassies abroad, if the Israeli embassy personnel are killed, Israel will not only lose face, but also is likely to lead to a full-scale conflict with Iran.

People are panicking, and a war in the Middle East is about to break out.

4. In such a grim situation, the United States also smelled dangerous information, on April 11, the CIA warned that Iran will strike targets in Israel within 48 hours, once Iran strikes at Israel, the United States will certainly not be able to escape, so the United States and Israel are stepping up preparations for what is coming, after the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria, the United States and Israel have maintained a high degree of vigilance against Iran's possible response.

5. In the face of warnings from US intelligence services, a large number of Israeli people poured into underground bomb shelters to escape the war. According to reports, Iran has vacated a large area of airspace in the western part of the country, and civilian aircraft have been rerouted to fly, suspected to be paving the way for the launch of drones and ballistic missiles. Next, Iran's anger may be ignited, so let's watch for this big war to come!

People are panicking, and a war in the Middle East is about to break out.