
The woman broke into the boys' dormitory naked and smashed the follow-up! The scene was exposed and the boys laughed wildly, and the police intervened

author:September Chaos

It is said that impulsiveness is the devil, and it is said that you have to control your emotions, but not everyone can do it, and people who are too impulsive and do not consider the consequences to vent their emotions may do things that she will regret for the rest of her life. For example, the girl who broke into the boys' dormitory naked and knocked on the door one by one.

On April 11, a woman suddenly broke into Jining Normal University in Ulanchabu, Inner Mongolia.

The woman broke into the boys' dormitory naked and smashed the follow-up! The scene was exposed and the boys laughed wildly, and the police intervened

The woman was not wearing a single piece of clothing on her body.

The woman was emotional, broke into the men's dormitory and smashed it wildly, attracting many onlookers.

The insider broke the news that during the period, a male teacher wanted to stop the woman, but the woman did not listen to persuasion at all, and even tore up with the male teacher.

The woman broke into the boys' dormitory naked and smashed the follow-up! The scene was exposed and the boys laughed wildly, and the police intervened

There was also a person next to him who wanted to drape the woman in a sheet and let her cover it, after all, there were all boys around.

However, the woman resisted strongly and was not willing to put the sheet on her body at all.

The woman broke into the boys' dormitory naked and smashed the follow-up! The scene was exposed and the boys laughed wildly, and the police intervened

Some netizens broke the news that the woman did not just smash a dormitory, she knocked on the door one by one, and smashed it directly when she entered the door!

It is worth noting that when the girl was emotionally out of control and smashed things wildly, there was a boy next to her who burst into laughter.

This laughter sounded very harsh and out of place with the scene and events at that time.

The woman broke into the boys' dormitory naked and smashed the follow-up! The scene was exposed and the boys laughed wildly, and the police intervened

After the incident attracted attention, everyone talked about the identity of the woman and why she broke into the boys' dormitory naked and smashed things wildly.

Regarding the identity of the woman, the school first responded, claiming that the woman was not a student of their own school, but an outsider.

Many netizens speculated that the reason that could make this woman so crazy was probably an emotional problem.

The woman broke into the boys' dormitory naked and smashed the follow-up! The scene was exposed and the boys laughed wildly, and the police intervened

The reason why she broke into the boys' dormitory and smashed it may be that another party was among them.

However, there is no basis for this speculation at present, it is just a speculation made by netizens based on life experience, just take a look.

As for the real cause, it is still necessary to wait for further investigation by the police, who have now intervened.

After watching the video, my heart was a little heavy, and throughout the whole process, in fact, the most injured and affected person was this woman.

The woman broke into the boys' dormitory naked and smashed the follow-up! The scene was exposed and the boys laughed wildly, and the police intervened

Whatever happened, for whatever reason, she shouldn't have done it, it was putting herself in a position of complete disadvantage. Not only hurt their own dignity and decency, but also unable to get back the justice they want, and may even be punished by the relevant departments for disturbing order or damaging other people's property.

This kind of behavior can be said to be harmful to her. If I had to say anything good, the only thing I could think of was that she vented her emotions through this incident.

But what can you do if you vent your emotions? How many people will really think about her, feel sorry for her, and empathize with her? There should be almost no people.

The woman broke into the boys' dormitory naked and smashed the follow-up! The scene was exposed and the boys laughed wildly, and the police intervened

Not only is almost no one sympathetic to her, but the vast majority of people are laughing at her and watching her hilarious. For example, the boy who laughed wildly in the crowd of onlookers.

When a few people around him want to help a girl maintain the last bit of dignity, this boy should not have that empathy at all, so he will laugh mercilessly.

The woman broke into the boys' dormitory naked and smashed the follow-up! The scene was exposed and the boys laughed wildly, and the police intervened

Of course, you can't blame the guy for that, no one is obligated to empathize with you. Moreover, such an embarrassing situation was created by the girl herself.

So, before acting impulsively, be sure to think more about the pros and cons. Don't expect others to sympathize with you and help you, you must first learn self-respect and self-love in order to win the respect of others!

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