
Retired civil servants perform skits to make money and have fun, and don't stop in retirement

author:The front smell is on the road~


Retired civil servants perform a skit play: a wonderful life of retreat without retreat

Liu Lin, a retired civil servant, is now acting in skits in Hengdian. His story has sparked the attention and discussion of netizens. Some people say, who would be disgusted with having too much money? After retirement, why not have the opportunity to enrich one's life? Moreover, I heard that Liu Lin not only received a pension, but also earned income from skit performances, which can be said to be double the gold coins! The life of retreating without retreat looks really colorful.

Retired civil servants perform skits to make money and have fun, and don't stop in retirement

Acting Challenge for Retired Civil Servants: The All-rounder of the Leaders in the Cultural Field

Retired civil servants perform skits in a skit, which makes one marvel at the all-rounders of the best in the field of culture. Liu Lin's story tells us that no matter how his identity changes, as long as he has talent and hard work, he can be comfortable in various fields. His acting skills challenged the image of a civil servant and showed a different side to the audience. Such a shift is commendable and makes people laugh.

Retired civil servants perform skits to make money and have fun, and don't stop in retirement

Variety in retirement: Spending time can also enrich yourself

Retired civil servants perform skits that not only enrich their lives, but also enrich themselves. Some people say that it's good to pass the time, and enriching yourself is a plus. Maybe Liu Lin also has a good performance in acting. Being able to have your own things to do after retirement will not only pass the time, but also improve your abilities and interests. This kind of diversity in retirement is truly enviable!

Retired civil servants perform skits to make money and have fun, and don't stop in retirement

You can also play hi in retirement: acting in skits has become a new fun

When I retire, I will also act in skits, experience a colorful old life, hahaha [haha] what to do, now I think about it and I am happy, why not retire, retired civil servants perform skits sideways, this new interest makes people can't help but ponder their retirement life. Some people joked that when I retire, I will also act in skits and experience a colorful old age. Imagine that you are happy now, why don't you retire yet! You can also have fun when you retire, and acting in skits has become a new expectation.

Retired civil servants perform skits to make money and have fun, and don't stop in retirement

Freedom of choice after retirement: pursue what you love

Retired civil servants performing skits are undoubtedly a free choice for retirement life. It's good to retire and do what you love. Liu Lin chose to act in a short drama to make his retirement life colorful. This also gives us a lesson that life after retirement is not helpless, but the beginning of more possibilities.

Retired civil servants perform skits to make money and have fun, and don't stop in retirement

A New Outlet for Retirement: Pursuing New Interests and Challenges

Retired civil servants staged a skit that showed a new outlet for retirement life. Some people excitedly said that after I retire, I also want to go to Hengdian to be a group performer! Retirement is no longer just about enjoying old age, but about pursuing new interests and challenges. Performing skits has become a part of retirement life, making people look forward to a wonderful life after retirement.

Retired civil servants perform skits to make money and have fun, and don't stop in retirement

Retreat but not retreat, there are infinite possibilities in life

Retired civil servants performed short plays, allowing us to see the wonderful life of retiring but not retiring. Whether it's enriching your life, passing the time, or pursuing something you love, life can be colorful after retirement. The transformation of retired civil servants has also shown us the multifaceted talents of the best in the field of culture.

Retired civil servants perform skits to make money and have fun, and don't stop in retirement

Retirement is not a matter of helplessness, but a new beginning that allows us to pursue new interests and challenges. Such a colorful retirement life has sparked discussions and imagination among netizens. Are you looking forward to a wonderful life after retirement?

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