
If a man doesn't smoke or drink, he doesn't have any hobbies, and he may live a submissive life


Men and men, although they are different, share certain commonalities. Each class carries its own pressures, and alcohol and cigarettes, at some moments, seem to be their solace in coping with these pressures.

Some people have been influenced by the environment since childhood, and have developed the habit of smoking and drinking, and over time, these habits have been deeply rooted in the bone marrow and are difficult to give up. And some people, perhaps only occasionally, do not have much preference for tobacco and alcohol, but they are not averse, they have become a kind of spice in life.

If a man doesn't smoke or drink, he doesn't have any hobbies, and he may live a submissive life

When it comes to men's hobbies, some people prefer to work out and fish, enjoying the peace and focus, while others prefer to cook, sit around a table with family and friends, and enjoy food and social time. However, for those men who are busy making ends meet, alcohol and tobacco may be their only solace. Between busy work and housework, they may not have much time to pursue those noble hobbies, and smoking and drinking have become their temporary relaxation and escape.

Although alcohol and tobacco are controversial in terms of health, they often play an important role in social situations. During the New Year's holidays and when friends get together, tobacco and alcohol can often break the silence and shorten the distance between each other. A cigarette and a glass of wine convey friendship and respect, and also make the atmosphere more harmonious.

If a man doesn't smoke or drink, he doesn't have any hobbies, and he may live a submissive life

However, we also need to understand that good health is the ultimate goal. Alcohol and tobacco can bring short-term pleasure, but over-dependence can cause damage to the body. Therefore, we need to do what we can and enjoy these in moderation.

The existence of tobacco and alcohol has a deep historical and cultural background. They are not only the spice of life, but also the catharsis and expression of emotions. Sometimes, when we encounter troubles or depression, smoking and drinking may bring a moment of peace and relaxation. However, we must be soberly aware that they are not the fundamental way to solve the problem, but a temporary escape and anesthesia.

If a man doesn't smoke or drink, he doesn't have any hobbies, and he may live a submissive life

Everyone's choice is free, and we should respect and understand each other's choices, regardless of whether we choose tobacco and alcohol as a spice in our lives. As long as we can maintain a healthy lifestyle and rationally look at the pros and cons of tobacco and alcohol, we can find our own balance and happiness in our busy lives.

If a man doesn't smoke or drink, he doesn't have any hobbies, and he may live a submissive life