
Friendship VS Love!Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao held the umbrella, and netizens disputed the value of friendship

author:Kobayashi said entertainment

Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship: a friendship that is deeper than holding an umbrella

In this world of vanity and brainless manipulation, there are still some heartwarming moments once in a while.

Friendship VS Love!Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao held the umbrella, and netizens disputed the value of friendship

For example, seeing that Zhao Liying not only drenched herself in the rain, but also was willing to hold an umbrella for her friends, this is simply an advanced form of friendship! Some people say that this is just a trivial matter, but the friendship contained in the small things is probably more sincere than many major events. can't help but sigh: In this era of "people's hearts separated from their stomachs", such friendship is really not easy to get.


The umbrella moment of friendship: hold out a piece of romance

Imagine that Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao are walking in the rain together, holding two beauties with an umbrella, it feels like a picture from a romantic movie.

Friendship VS Love!Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao held the umbrella, and netizens disputed the value of friendship

Netizens said: "Holding an umbrella is not only to cover the rain, but also to hold up a sky of friendship!" Another commented: "I also want to find a friend to hold an umbrella for me whenever it rains, such friendship is sweeter than a couple!" It can be seen that this act of holding an umbrella not only deepened the friendship between the two goddesses, but also set off a wave of romantic feelings in the hearts of netizens.


Zhao Liying's shared experience: hard work is useful

When Zhao Liying was willing to share her experience, netizens seemed to feel a surge of positive energy.

Friendship VS Love!Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao held the umbrella, and netizens disputed the value of friendship

"She not only performs well in the play, but also a good example worth learning from in life!" said some netizens. Indeed, when a successful person is willing to share his experience and experience, he can not only help others, but also make his own achievements more meaningful.

Friendship VS Love!Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao held the umbrella, and netizens disputed the value of friendship

This spirit of sharing is simply a model of "helping others", no wonder Zhao Liying can have such a huge fan base.


Zhao Liying's big picture: a different actress

"I want to break through, I want to be a little bit different. This sentence seems to be Zhao Liying's heart all along. She is not satisfied with being the same, but has the courage to challenge herself and pursue differences.

Friendship VS Love!Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao held the umbrella, and netizens disputed the value of friendship

This positive attitude is undoubtedly one of the important reasons for her success. Some netizens commented: "Zhao Liying not only has a big picture in the play, but also an atmospheric girl in real life!" It seems that this girl is not only a goddess on the screen, but also a role model in reality.


Ending: The beauty of friendship is so precious

The friendship between Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao is not only an umbrella, but also a symbol of friendship. In this world of utilitarianism and hypocrisy, such friendships are particularly precious.

Friendship VS Love!Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao held the umbrella, and netizens disputed the value of friendship

Some people may question whether this kind of friendship is real, but in those rainy days, in those moments of sharing, who can question this sincerity? Let us cherish every friend around us, because they may be the ones who hold up a sky of friendship for us.

Controversial Summary: Is Friendship More Precious Than Love?

In this era of chasing love, perhaps we ignore the preciousness of friendship. The friendship between Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao makes people re-examine the power of friendship. It is not only deeper than holding an umbrella, but also like an invisible feeling, which will always hold up a piece of romance in our hearts. So, let's no longer simply pursue love, but cherish those sincere friendships even more!

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