
The romance in ancient poetry

author:Mobao calendula


The romance in ancient poetry

When it comes to ancient poems, those ancient poems are like bright pearls, shining in the long river of history, illuminating the hearts of our modern people. Each poem is like a letter written to us by the ancients, allowing us to feel the deep and romantic feelings in our taste.

The romance in ancient poetry, you see, is first embodied in the depictions of natural scenery. Poets, they really know how to write! Write about mountains, rivers, flowers, and trees vividly, as if they were right in front of our eyes. For example, in Meng Haoran's "Spring Dawn", when he writes about spring, the scene of birds singing and flowers falling all over the ground is as beautiful as a painting! This feeling of being one with nature is really intoxicating.

Let's talk about the expression of love in ancient poems. In Qin Guan's "Queqiao Immortal, Xianyun Trick", he wrote the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, the kind of love that crosses the galaxy, is really moving. Every time I read such a poem, I feel warm in my heart, as if I have also talked about a sweet love.

Of course, there is more to the romance in ancient poetry than that. Poets also express their romantic feelings through their reflections and perceptions of life. For example, Li Bai's "Will Enter the Wine", he writes about the transience and impermanence of life, that kind of pride and ambition and open-mindedness, which is really admirable. Every time I read such poems, I feel as if life is full of hope and motivation again.

There are also some specific examples, which also made me feel the romance in ancient poetry. For example, Su Shi's "Water Tune Song Tou When Will the Bright Moon Be There", he used the bright moon to express his longing for his relatives, and that kind of affection is really moving. and Li Qingzhao's "Like a Dream Order", she writes about the sadness and loss after waking up, the faint sadness and helplessness, which also makes people feel that the romance in ancient poetry is really everywhere.

There are really too many romances in ancient poems! They are like open windows, allowing us to glimpse the deep emotional world of the ancients. Every time I read these poems, I feel warm in my heart, as if I have returned to that era full of romance. Therefore, we must cherish this precious cultural heritage, taste the romantic feelings in the ancient poems with our hearts, and let that unique romance flow in our hearts forever.

The romance in ancient poetry
The romance in ancient poetry
The romance in ancient poetry
The romance in ancient poetry
The romance in ancient poetry
The romance in ancient poetry
The romance in ancient poetry
The romance in ancient poetry
The romance in ancient poetry
The romance in ancient poetry