
In the room where you often sleep, try not to put these 3 "things"

author:at one's leisure
In the room where you often sleep, try not to put these 3 "things"

As the saying goes: "Medicine is not as good as food, and food is not as good as sleep." "

A good night's sleep is better than any panacea in the world.

If you want to improve the quality of your sleep, the bedroom environment is especially important.

The following 3 things should not be placed in the bedroom, this is the experience that many people have summed up after being pitted, don't take it seriously!


Life's worries

Yan Youyun, a lady of the Republic of China, lives alone in a foreign country.

One day, a thief came into the house and stole all her jewelry.

Not only is the lost belongings valuable, but they are also her only guarantee for living in a foreign country.

In the face of such a thing, Yan Youyun did not complain at all.

The people around her were incredulous and asked her, "Don't you feel sad?"

"I only lost my belongings, but I didn't lose my life," she said. What are you sad about?"

In order to make ends meet, she dug up the lawn with her own hands, planted cabbage, water spinach, broad beans, peanuts, and raised a flock of chickens and a pig.

It is with her optimistic and open-minded personality that Yan Youyun successfully survived many difficulties and lived to the age of 112.

At her 100th birthday party, she was still in good spirits, dancing with others, talking and laughing.

Lin Qingxuan said: "Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory. Always think about one or two, don't think about eight or nine, everything goes well. ”

In life, there are not only beautiful scenery in the distance, but also chicken feathers in front of you.

No one can do everything well, and everyone has their own troubles.

Some people bring their worries into the bedroom and toss and turn all night without sleeping;

Some people forget everything before going to bed and wake up as reborn.

The mood of the two is different, and the quality of sleep is also very different.

In the room where you often sleep, try not to put these 3 "things"


Stress at work

As the saying goes: the way of health starts from the living room.

Home is a place to recuperate, not a place to work overtime.

When you have a good rest, you can concentrate and your efficiency will naturally improve.

In the early days of Lu Yongfeng's business, he was under a lot of pressure.

Every day, there are non-stop meetings, product selection, and various entertainments.

When I was busiest at work, I couldn't even drink a sip of water all day.

The overload of work has accumulated a lot of irritability in his heart.

But every day when I get home, I always adjust in the car for 5 minutes first.

Wait until your mood eases up, then walk into the house and greet your family with a smile.

No matter how much pressure he has, he always smiles when he faces his family;

No matter how bad the mood is, he is always kind to his wife and daughter.

Someone asked him, why did he do this?

Lu Yongfeng said: "Home is a comfort nest of love and warmth, not a trash can for stress and emotions.

The dust on the soles of your feet should be kept outside the door, and even more so on your heart. ”

Bad emotions are like viruses, lethal and contagious.

If you want to live a more comfortable life, don't bring home the stress of work.

In the room where you often sleep, try not to put these 3 "things"


Temper during quarrels

The ancients said: There is no training in front of the table, and no training in front of the bed.

The two had a conflict, quarreling at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed.

Don't bring your bad temper during a fight to the bedroom.

Zhang Jin and Cai Shaofen have been married for 16 years, and their harmonious relationship is enviable.

In an interview, Cai Shaofen said that she and her husband had an agreement that "thunder cannot be moved": "At any time, there will be no separate rooms." ”

No matter what happens, whether they quarrel or not, when they go to bed at night, they have to be in the same room.

There are many couples who will sleep in separate rooms after giving birth, but Cai Shaofen and Zhang Jin still sleep in the same room after giving birth to their youngest daughter.

Even if it was really noisy, at most Zhang Jin was making a bunk next to the bed, and the two of them resolutely did not sleep in separate rooms.

Cai Shaofen said that it was often her who looked at Zhang Jin's face and couldn't continue to be angry.

sighed "so handsome", and the two reconciled as before.

There is a little joke on the Internet that is widely circulated -

When your children make you angry, please calm down and meditate: biological, biological, biological. Be me, be me, be me.

When your lover makes you angry, please calm down and meditate: I chose, I chose, I chose. Deserved, deserved, deserved.

There is a saying that a hundred years of cultivation can be crossed in the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation can be cultivated to sleep together.

You might as well "pretend to be deaf" about trivial matters; know how to "be dumb" when there are dispensable disputes; and "learn to be blind" in harmless details.

Cherish the hard-won fate, and life can be sweeter.