
Caring childcare in the hospital: let the medical staff take the baby to work at the same time

author:People's Daily Health Client

(People's Daily Health Client Reporter Kong Tianjiao Zhao Yuanzhi) The bright activity hall is dominated by cream yellow, the classroom door is pasted with weekly teaching plans and nutritional recipes, and the classroom is placed with globes and building block toys...... At 7:30 a.m. every morning, with the arrival of children one after another, the nursery school for the children of employees of Beijing Friendship Hospital also began to be lively. Gong Yingguang, vice chairman of the labor union of Beijing Friendship Hospital, told the People's Daily health client reporter: "The nursery school solves the problem of childcare for medical staff under the age of 3 and solves the worries of employees about childbirth and parenting. ”

On April 7, the General Office of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and the General Office of the National Health Commission released the "2023 National List of Caring Childcare Employers", and medical institutions, including Beijing Friendship Hospital, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Hohhot Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Liuzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, etc., were selected as 100 national caring childcare employers.

Caring childcare in the hospital: let the medical staff take the baby to work at the same time

Children in the nursery school of Beijing Friendship Hospital play games. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

"When the child was 1 year old, he was sent to the hospital's caring nursery class, and under the careful care of professionals, he lived a full and happy life. Under the transparent management, we can clearly understand the details of the child's childcare class, whether it is diet, sleep or daily activities, we can get timely feedback, and parents are also very relieved. On top of that, I can commute to work with my kids every day, which is really convenient. Ding Bingjie, deputy director of the nutrition department of Beijing Friendship Hospital, is one of the employees who put their children in the nursery school, which not only solves the practical difficulties of medical staff and makes them work more securely, but also provides a world for children to grow up happily.

Caring childcare in the hospital: let the medical staff take the baby to work at the same time

A child undergoes daily practice at the nursery school of Beijing Friendship Hospital. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Every day at about 5:30 p.m., the staff will pick up the babies and toddlers in the nursery, and if the medical staff work overtime, the nursery will wait for an extra time or even two hours.

Caring childcare in the hospital: let the medical staff take the baby to work at the same time

The environmental facilities of the nursery school of Beijing Friendship Hospital. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

The construction of two nursery schools in the Xicheng and Tongzhou campuses of Beijing Friendship Hospital began in August 2022. Gong Yingguang introduced that from site selection and design, construction and reconstruction, to the comparison and selection of childcare institutions and the research of employee needs, the hospital supervisors and leaders participated in the whole process and fully cooperated. "Since we want to solve the worries of employees, we must do a good job. In the daily management, the hospital has all the supervision and management mechanisms for childcare, and the hospital staff will go at least once a day, sometimes once in the morning and once in the afternoon to see the teacher's attitude towards the children, whether the meal standard is up to standard, etc. ”

At present, there are 10 infants and toddlers in the Xicheng campus of Beijing Friendship Hospital, and 12 infants and toddlers in the Tongzhou campus. Gong Yingguang said, "At first, we mainly faced the children of hospital employees, but now it has expanded to the grandchildren and granddaughters of retired employees, the children of employees of nearby hospitals, and the children of employees of other health systems, so that more young people can raise the next generation with peace of mind." ”