
About 1.334 billion people!

author:Attraction Aoyama Lake
About 1.334 billion people!
About 1.334 billion people!

On April 11, the National Health Insurance Administration released the "2023 Statistical Express Report on the Development of Medical Security", introducing the development of medical insurance in 2023 from many aspects such as insured personnel, income and expenditure of medical insurance funds, medical insurance to help rural revitalization, and direct settlement of medical treatment in other places.

By the end of 2023, about 1.334 billion people will be insured by basic medical insurance, with the coverage of more than 95% and the quality of insurance coverage continuing to improve.

In 2023, the total income and total expenditure of the basic medical insurance fund (including maternity insurance) will be 3.33 trillion yuan and 2.81 trillion yuan, respectively.

In 2023, the 25 provinces that originally undertook the task of poverty alleviation through medical insurance will subsidize a total of 73.082 million people to participate in basic medical insurance through medical assistance, with an expenditure of 15.38 billion yuan, and the participation rate of low-income rural people and people lifted out of poverty will remain stable at more than 99%. The triple system of basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance and medical assistance has benefited 186 million low-income people in rural areas and reduced the burden of medical expenses by 188.35 billion yuan.

The new version of the National Medical Insurance Drug Catalogue has added 126 new drugs, including 3,088 Western medicines and Chinese patent medicines, including 1,698 Western medicines, 1,390 Chinese patent medicines, and 892 Chinese herbal decoction pieces.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Preliminary Trial|Li Yiman

Review|Editor|Xu Bin

Final review|issuance|Xiong Huanming

About 1.334 billion people!

Submission email: [email protected]

About 1.334 billion people!
About 1.334 billion people!