
The relevant responsible persons of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Social Work Department of the CPC Central Committee issued a report on the "General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Team of Community Workers......

author:Fusion media in the cloud
The relevant responsible persons of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Social Work Department of the CPC Central Committee issued a report on the "General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Team of Community Workers......
The relevant responsible persons of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Social Work Department of the CPC Central Committee issued a report on the "General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Team of Community Workers......

  Vigorously strengthen the construction of the team of community workers, and continuously expand the backbone of urban grassroots governance

  -- Relevant responsible persons of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Social Work Department of the CPC Central Committee answered reporters' questions on the "Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Construction of the Team of Community Workers".

  Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of the Team of Community Workers" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). On the occasion of the public release of the "Opinions", the relevant responsible persons of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Social Work Department of the CPC Central Committee answered questions from reporters on the formulation, issuance, and implementation of the "Opinions".

  1. Q: Please introduce the background and significance of the formulation of the Opinions.

  A: General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "grassroots cadres are the decisive factor in the effectiveness of grassroots social governance. It is necessary to give overall consideration to the building of the contingent of grassroots cadres and gradually establish a contingent of professional community workers with excellent quality. The 2017 Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening and Improving the Governance of Urban and Rural Communities, and the 2021 Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening the Modernization of the Grassroots Governance System and Governance Capacity all put forward clear requirements for strengthening the construction of community workers. In recent years, all regions and departments have resolutely implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, continued to promote the construction of the team of community workers, and the quality of the team of community workers has been continuously improved and the structure has been further optimized. The new era and new journey have promoted the modernization of the grassroots governance system and governance capacity, and put forward new and higher requirements for the construction of the community worker team, which urgently needs to be regulated and guaranteed in the system.

  The "Opinions" were issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, and are the first central document specifically on strengthening the construction of the contingent of community workers. The formulation of the "Opinions" is of great significance for Party committees and governments at all levels to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on grassroots governance, adhere to the clear orientation of focusing on grassroots governance, strengthen the construction of community workers in the new era, and build a team of community workers who are politically firm, high-quality, dedicated and dedicated, reasonable in structure, and satisfactory to the masses, and continuously expand the backbone of urban grassroots governance.

  2. Q: Please introduce the main principles followed in the drafting of the Opinions.

  Answer: The drafting of the "Opinions" is guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implements the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully implements General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on grassroots governance, and adheres to the following principles: First, adhere to the party's leadership. Adhere to and strengthen the party's leadership over the construction of the community worker corps, always put political standards in the first place, strengthen the political quality of community workers, and firmly grasp the correct political direction of the construction of the community worker corps. The second is to persist in serving the people. Take serving the masses and benefiting the masses as the starting point and end point of grassroots governance, firmly establish the views of the masses, implement the mass line, and strive to guide community workers to know the people's feelings, solve the people's worries, and warm the people's hearts. The third is to adhere to the problem-oriented. Facing the most urgent, concentrated, and most urgent problems in the construction of the community worker team, we should make targeted system provisions and policy designs. Fourth, adhere to the concept of systems. The "Opinions" carry out a holistic and systematic system design for the construction of the community worker team from all aspects of the whole chain of selection and breeding, emphasizing equal emphasis on incentives, guarantees and supervision and constraints, not only focusing on the connection with existing policies, but also putting forward new requirements according to the development of the situation and tasks. Fifth, persist in adapting measures to local conditions. Give full consideration to regional differences, and pay attention to leaving room for local exploration.

  3. Q: Please introduce the main framework and content of the Opinions.

  Answer: The "Opinions" consist of 6 parts and 17 measures. The introduction and the first part clarify the significance, guiding ideology, working principles and main objectives of the construction of the community worker team. Parts 2 to 5 clarify the key tasks of strengthening the construction of the team of community workers, and put forward specific requirements mainly from the aspects of improving the professional system, strengthening capacity building, improving the management system, and strengthening incentives and guarantees. The sixth part clarifies the organization and leadership of the construction of the community worker team, and puts forward requirements for party committees and governments at all levels to strengthen organization and implementation, carry out evaluation and guidance, and deepen burden reduction and efficiency improvement.

  4. Q: What are the provisions of the "Opinions" on improving the professional system of community workers?

  Answer: The "Opinions" implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on improving the professional system of community workers, and make a series of system regulations to enable community workers to be excellent, retained, and have a head start. The first is the selection system. Clarify the scope of community workers, strictly control the political and entry barriers, clarify the requirements for selection and hiring, strengthen the allocation of forces, and continue to optimize the structure of the community worker team. Second, there is room for development. Efforts should be made to establish and improve the job hierarchy sequence of community workers with echelon development, clear hierarchies, scientific and reasonable, and effective operation, research and formulate national occupational standards for community workers, promote the linkage between professional levels and job levels, and build career development paths that are in line with the characteristics of community workers' work. Increase the force of recruiting (hiring) civil servants and staff of public institutions from among outstanding community workers. Encourage and support outstanding community workers to serve as special tutors in institutions of higher learning, vocational schools, and so forth. Third, the treatment is guaranteed. All localities are required to scientifically set the salary composition and post level salary standards for community workers, and make it clear that, except for those who have the status of civil servants and staff of public institutions, in principle, the neighborhood (township) and community workers are to sign labor contracts in accordance with the law, and participate in social insurance and contribute to housing provident funds in accordance with relevant state regulations.

  5. Q: What are the requirements of the "Opinions" in improving the competence and quality of community workers?

  Answer: Community workers are the direct executors of the party's line, principles and policies in the community, and are the backbone of community governance and service, and the ability and quality of community workers directly affect the level of community governance and service. The "Opinions" put forward three requirements for improving the ability and quality of community workers. The first is to improve political quality. Strengthen the Party's innovative theoretical arming, continue to organize and promote community workers to earnestly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on grassroots governance, strengthen ideological and political education, strengthen education on policies and regulations, and deepen education on clean government. The second is to improve the ability to perform duties. Strengthen training on the ability to perform duties and actual combat training, focusing on strengthening the ability training of community workers in areas such as mass work, organization and mobilization, handling matters in accordance with law, conflict mediation, emergency response, coordination and communication, and information technology application. The third is to enhance the awareness of serving the residents. Educate and guide community workers to firmly establish the concept of serving the people, get close to the masses emotionally, serve the masses in action, continuously improve their work style, and solve problems for the residents with heart and soul.

  6. Q: What are the requirements for strengthening the education and training of community workers?

  Answer: Strengthening the education and training of community workers and continuously improving their ability and quality is an important part of strengthening the construction of the community worker team. The "Opinions" requires: In terms of the training system, research and formulate a national education and training plan for community workers, improve the hierarchical training system, and improve the education and training system. In the form of training, we flexibly use training methods such as case teaching, simulation teaching, and on-site observation. In terms of training carriers, set up training bases for community workers, establish a pool of trainers and resources, focus on online training, and encourage social forces to participate in the training of community workers. In terms of training resources, strengthen the establishment of social work-related disciplines in institutions of higher learning and vocational schools, encourage the establishment of internship practice bases in communities where conditions permit, support community workers to participate in the national social worker professional qualification examination and evaluation, and explore the establishment of a two-way comparative recognition mechanism for community workers' ability level and relevant professional skill level.

  7. Q: What are the arrangements for the strict management of the community worker team in the Opinions?

  Answer: Strengthening the management of the team of community workers and forging a team of community workers with a strong work style and discipline is the proper meaning of strengthening the construction of the team of community workers. The "Opinions" make arrangements for the strict management of the team of community workers from three aspects. The first is to improve the management system. Combined with the nature and content of community workers' work, establish and complete systems for community workers' daily work, and do a good job of routine management in a strict and down-to-earth manner. Improve mechanisms for the withdrawal of community workers by category, and establish a clear orientation of those who can enter and exit, and those who can advance and retreat. The second is to strengthen assessment and incentives. Carry out evaluations of community workers with a focus on political quality, work performance, and residents' satisfaction, establish and improve reward and punishment mechanisms, and boost the spirit of taking responsibility and starting a business. The third is to strengthen supervision and restraint. Regulate the performance and use of power by community workers, implement systems for disclosure of Party affairs, residence affairs, and finances, explore and carry out audits of the economic responsibility of secretaries of community Party organizations and directors of community residents' committees, and investigate and handle corrupt conduct that harms the interests of the residents in accordance with regulations, discipline, and law.

  8. Q: What measures do the Opinions put forward in caring for community workers?

  Answer: Community workers are rooted in the grassroots frontline, have the most direct contact with the masses, and serve the masses most concretely, and their work is very busy and hard. The "Opinions" require all localities and departments to take practical measures to increase the care for community workers. The first is to be politically concerned, increase the intensity of the election of "two representatives and one committee member" among community workers, vigorously publicize and commend the advanced models of community workers, and enhance the sense of professional identity and honor of community workers. The second is to care for the physical and mental health of community workers, regularly organize physical examinations and care activities, carry out visits and condolences, and help community workers solve practical difficulties in work and life in a timely manner. Third, in terms of work support, party committees and governments at all levels have created better conditions for grassroots officials to start businesses, and continue to deepen and expand the work of reducing the burden on the grassroots level, so that community workers have more time and energy to serve the residents.

  9. Q: What are the specific arrangements for promoting the implementation of the Opinions?

  Answer: One point of deployment, nine points of implementation. Studying, publicizing, and implementing the "Opinions" well is an important task for party committees and governments at all levels, especially the organization departments and social work departments of party committees at all levels. The first is to strengthen study and publicity. Adopt methods such as interpretation and interpretation, special training, etc., to promote all localities to accurately grasp the spirit of the "Opinions", understand the content of policies, and clarify work objectives. Combined with the experience and practices of each region in strengthening the establishment of the community worker corps, strengthen publicity and guidance, and create a positive atmosphere in which the entire society cares about and supports the establishment of the community worker corps. The second is to do a good job in organizing and implement Promote all levels of local Party committees and governments to implement their responsibilities in accordance with the requirements of the Opinions, include the construction of the community worker corps in the work arrangements of the Party committees and governments at the same level to strengthen the modernization of the grassroots governance system and governance capacity, establish and complete a work pattern in which the Party committee organization departments plan and coordinate, the Party committee social work departments guide and promote, and the relevant departments such as politics and law, institutional establishment, education, finance, human resources, and social security, to truly improve the quality and level of the construction of the community worker corps. The third is to focus on tracking the results. Make community governance and service levels, and residents' sense of gain, happiness, and security the criteria for judging the construction of the community worker corps, dynamically grasp the situation in areas such as the size, structure, and ability and quality of the community worker corps, and strengthen the assessment of the progress of key tasks in the construction of the community worker corps. In a timely manner, we will work with relevant departments to strengthen follow-up and guidance, and promote the implementation of the spirit of the "Opinions".

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

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The relevant responsible persons of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Social Work Department of the CPC Central Committee issued a report on the "General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Team of Community Workers......
The relevant responsible persons of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Social Work Department of the CPC Central Committee issued a report on the "General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Team of Community Workers......

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