
2024-2030 China Beauty New Retail Industry Market Status Survey and Future Trend Research Report

author:Beijing Boyan Zhishang Information Consulting Co., Ltd., 2010

2024-2030 China Beauty New Retail Industry Market Status Survey and Future Trend Research Report

2024-2030 China Beauty New Retail Industry Market Status Survey and Future Trend Research Report

Report Number: 1759523

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  China's new beauty retail industry is developing rapidly, with huge market space and increasingly fierce competition. With the development of social economy, Chinese consumers' demand for beauty is increasing, and consumers' demand for beauty is increasingly inclined to high-end brands and high-tech products, so China's new beauty retail industry is in a very hot stage of development.

  The market status of China's new beauty retail industry can be viewed from three aspects:

  First, the market demand is hot and the industry is developing rapidly. According to relevant surveys, Chinese consumers' demand for beauty consumption is increasing, sales of the beauty industry are also growing rapidly, and the development of the new beauty retail industry is also becoming increasingly active.

  Second, the competition in the industry is becoming more and more fierce. Due to the huge market space and large market demand in the new beauty retail industry, it has attracted a large number of enterprises to enter, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In order to gain a larger share of the market, enterprises continue to launch new products and provide better services to win the favor of consumers.

  Third, technology research and development and service capabilities continue to improve. As the new beauty retail industry is in a very hot stage of development, major companies have invested a lot of money in technology research and development and service improvement to enhance their competitiveness.

  The market status quo of China's new beauty retail industry is undergoing tremendous changes, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. If enterprises want to achieve good results in the market, they must continuously improve their technology research and development capabilities and service capabilities to meet the needs of consumers and win the favor of the market.

The "2024-2030 China Beauty New Retail Industry Market Status Survey and Future Trend Research Report" released by Boyan Consulting consists of seven chapters. Firstly, the market development environment of the new beauty retail industry and the overall operation situation of the new beauty retail industry are introduced, and then the current situation of the market operation of the new beauty retail industry is analyzed, and then the competition pattern of the new beauty retail market is introduced. Subsequently, the report analyzes the operating conditions of key enterprises in the new retail of beauty, and finally analyzes the development trend and investment forecast of the new retail industry of beauty. If you want to have a systematic understanding of the beauty new retail industry or want to invest in the beauty new retail industry, this report is an indispensable and important tool for you.

The data of this research report mainly use national statistical data, General Administration of Customs, questionnaire survey data, and data collected by the Ministry of Commerce. Among them, the macroeconomic data mainly comes from the National Bureau of Statistics, some industry statistics mainly come from the National Bureau of Statistics and market research data, the enterprise data mainly comes from the National Bureau of Statistics large-scale enterprise statistical database and stock exchanges, etc., and the price data mainly comes from various market monitoring databases.

Table of contents of the text

Chapter 1: Overview of the development of China's new beauty retail industry

Section 1 Overview of the New Beauty Retail Industry

1. Definition of the beauty industry

2. Definition of the new retail industry

3. Elements of the new retail industry

(1) Experience

(2) Efficient

(3) Skills

(4) Blendering

Fourth, the definition of the new retail industry of beauty

5. Characteristics of the new beauty retail industry

Section 2 In-depth understanding of the "new retail" of beauty

1. The performance of "new" in the "new retail" of beauty

(1) New economy

(2) New business

(3) New model

(4) New Users

2. The multi-dimensional empowerment of "new retail" in beauty

(1) Products

(2) Supply chain

(3) Knowledge

(4) Experience

(5) Scenes

(6) Marketing

Section 3 Analysis of relevant views and important principles of new beauty retail

1. Redefine the perspective of new beauty retail

(1) Remove the head and tail, and only grasp middle-class customers

(2) The heart of the cold feeling needs to be understood by the brand

(3) Intelligent manufacturing is the "nuclear power" of new beauty retail

(4) Experience is communication, which enhances the value of the scene and reduces the cognitive cost

(5) Break through the boundaries of traditional retail, so that people, goods and places are "unbounded" from now on

(6) Knowledge services will become a new driving force for the continuous expansion of the beauty industry

Second, the principle of developing new beauty retail

(1) Make products/services with fission function

(2) Give partners enough profit margins

(3) Open up online and offline information flow, logistics and passenger flow

(4) Let each promotion increase the value of yourself

(5) Do not make self-congratulatory products/services

(6) Don't make products/services that can't be iterated quickly

(7) Do not make products without a sense of experience

(8) We do not engage in activities that damage our own value

Section 4 Analysis of the Development Background of the New Beauty Retail Industry

First, consumption upgrading, personalized consumption in the era of quasi-marketing has become a necessity

Second, new technologies have given new opportunities and means to physical commerce

3. Consumers are paying more and more attention to the evaluation and recommendation of talents

Fourth, consumers' shopping channels are becoming more and more diversified and digital

Chapter 2 Analysis of the Development of China's Beauty Industry

Section 1 Analysis of the development of China's beauty industry

1. The development process of China's beauty industry

2. Characteristics of the development of China's beauty industry

3. The market size of China's beauty industry

Fourth, the development of China's cosmetics retail market

Section 2 Market Competition Analysis of China's Beauty Industry

1. Analysis of the competitive landscape of China's beauty industry

(1) Hierarchical analysis of industry competition

(2) Analysis of industry competition pattern

2. Analysis of the five forces model of China's beauty industry

(1) Analysis of existing competitors in the industry

(2) Threats from potential entrants in the industry

(3) Industry substitute threat analysis

(4) Analysis of the bargaining power of industry suppliers

(5) Analysis of the bargaining power of industry buyers

(6) Summary of industry competition

Section 3 Analysis of the Development of Market Segments in China's Beauty Industry

1. Analysis of the development of the mass skin care products market

2. Analysis of the development of the men's care products market

3. Analysis of the market development of infant and child care products

Fourth, the development analysis of the mid-to-high-end skin care products market

5. Analysis of the development of the cosmetics product market

6. Analysis of the development of the perfume product market

7. Analysis of the market development of cosmeceutical products

8. Analysis of the development of the beauty tools market

Section 4 Analysis of the development of the online market in China's beauty industry

1. The online penetration rate of China's beauty products

2. Types of online consumers of Chinese beauty products

(1) Online shopping experts

(2) Information family

(3) Applicable family

3. Online consumption attitudes of Chinese beauty products

Section 5 Analysis of the pain points of China's beauty industry

1. Analysis of the pain points of China's beauty industry

2. Analysis of the solution path of the pain points of China's beauty industry

Chapter 3 Analysis of the Development Status of China's New Beauty Retail Industry

Section 1 Analysis of the Development of China's New Beauty Retail Industry

1. Analysis of the development process of China's new beauty retail industry

2. Summary of the status of China's new beauty retail industry

3. Analysis of the economic characteristics of China's new beauty retail industry

4. Analysis of the development characteristics of China's new beauty retail industry

5. Analysis of the market size of China's new beauty retail industry

6. Analysis of the profitability of China's new beauty retail industry

Section 2 Analysis of the Industrial Chain of China's New Beauty Retail Industry

1. The industrial chain map of China's new beauty retail industry

2. Supplier analysis of China's new beauty retail industry

3. Analysis of brands in China's new beauty retail industry

4. Analysis of dealers in China's new beauty retail industry

5. Analysis of service providers in China's new beauty retail industry

6. Analysis of terminal channels in China's new beauty retail industry

Section 3 Consumer Research and Analysis of China's New Beauty Retail Industry

1. User portrait of China's new beauty retail industry

(1) User gender structure

(2) User age structure

(3) Regional distribution of users

2. Consumption characteristics of China's new beauty retail industry

(1) The growth path of beauty consumers

(2) Characteristics of beauty consumer behavior

3. Consumer preferences in China's new beauty retail industry

(1) Health

(2) Composite

(3) Efficient

(4) Fun

Fourth, the category potential of China's new beauty retail industry

5. Star categories in China's new beauty retail industry

6. Consumption channels of China's new beauty retail industry

(1) Analysis of international brand channels

(2) Analysis of local brand channels

Chapter 4: Analysis of Business Model and Channel Innovation in China's New Beauty Retail Industry

Section 1 Canvas Analysis of Business Model of China's New Beauty Retail Industry

1. Customer segmentation and positioning in the new beauty retail industry

2. Analysis of the value proposition of the new retail industry of beauty

3. Analysis of key activities in the new beauty retail industry

Fourth, the channel analysis of the new retail industry of beauty

5. Customer relationship analysis of the new beauty retail industry

6. Analysis of important resources in the new retail industry of beauty

7. Analysis of partners in the new beauty retail industry

8. Analysis of fixed costs in the new retail industry of beauty

Section 1.9 Analysis of Revenue Sources in the New Beauty Retail Industry

Section 2 Analysis of Traditional Marketing Channels in China's Beauty Industry

1. Analysis of the development of supermarket channels in the beauty industry

2. Analysis of the development of department stores in the beauty industry

3. Analysis of the development of daily chemical franchise stores in the beauty industry

Fourth, the development analysis of drugstores in the beauty industry

Section 3 Analysis of New Marketing Channels in China's Beauty Industry

1. Analysis of the development of comprehensive e-commerce platforms in the beauty industry

2. Analysis of the new battlefield of social media consumption in the beauty industry

3. Analysis of the new battlefield of live consumption in the beauty industry

Section 4 Marketing Channel Innovation in China's New Beauty Retail Industry

1. Analysis of the new battlefield of consumption on the official account of the beauty industry

2. Analysis of the new battlefield of micro-business consumption in the beauty industry

3. Analysis of the new battlefield of WeChat mall consumption in the beauty industry

Fourth, the analysis of the new battlefield of APP applet consumption in the beauty industry

5. Analysis of the new battlefield of community retail consumption in the beauty industry

Chapter 5 Analysis of the Implementation Strategy of China's New Beauty Retail Industry

Section 1 How beauty stores can adapt to the times and develop innovative stores

1. How can beauty stores effectively touch the pain points and itching points of consumers?

2. How can beauty stores subvert the traditional beauty and skin care model?

(1) Smart skin care makeup mirror

(2) AR virtual makeup mirror

3. How to conduct digital marketing in beauty stores

Fourth, how can beauty stores learn from popular IP marketing?

Section 2 Analysis of the Implementation Strategy of New Retail Upgrading and Transformation of Beauty Stores

1. One of the strategies for the upgrading and transformation of new retail in beauty stores - atmosphere

(1) How to create an atmosphere

(2) Case study of atmosphere creation

Second, one of the strategies for the upgrading and transformation of new retail in beauty stores - display

(1) How to display the product

(2) Case analysis of display products

3. One of the strategies for the upgrading and transformation of new retail in beauty stores - drainage

(1) How to attract traffic to the store

(2) Case analysis of store drainage

Fourth, one of the strategies for the upgrading and transformation of new retail in beauty stores - intelligence

(1) How to carry out intelligent innovation

(2) Case analysis of intelligent innovation

5. One of the strategies for the upgrading and transformation of new retail in beauty stores - data

(1) How to manage and market data

(2) Data management and marketing case analysis

6. One of the strategies for the upgrading and transformation of new retail in beauty stores - unmanned terminals

(1) Types and applications of unmanned terminals

(2) Case analysis

7. One of the strategies for the upgrading and transformation of new retail in beauty stores - resource integration

Chapter 6 Case Study of China's Leading Beauty New Retail Companies

Section 1 Analysis of the New Retail Layout of Beauty Giants of Internet Giants

1. Tmall

(1) How to play Tmall's new retail

(2) Tmall new retail product categories

(3) The development of new retail of Tmall beauty


(1) The gameplay of JD's new retail

(2)'s new retail product categories

(3) The development of new retail in JD Beauty

3. Xiaomi

(1) The gameplay of Xiaomi's new retail

(2) Xiaomi's new retail product categories

(3) The development of new retail of Xiaomi beauty

Section 2 Case Analysis of Leading Domestic Beauty New Retail Enterprises

First, the membrane family

(1) Brief analysis of enterprise development

(2) Analysis of business conditions

(3) Enterprise new retail business model

(4) New retail marketing strategy of corporate beauty

(5) New retail channels and networks for corporate beauty

(6) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of new retail of corporate beauty cosmetics

Second, Lin Qingxuan

(1) Brief analysis of enterprise development

(2) Analysis of business conditions

(3) Enterprise new retail business model

(4) New retail marketing strategy of corporate beauty

(5) New retail channels and networks for corporate beauty

(6) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of new retail of corporate beauty cosmetics


(1) Brief analysis of enterprise development

(2) Analysis of business conditions

(3) Enterprise new retail business model

(4) New retail marketing strategy of corporate beauty

(5) New retail channels and networks for corporate beauty

(6) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of new retail of corporate beauty cosmetics

Fourth, five-color sugar

(1) Brief analysis of enterprise development

(2) Analysis of business conditions

(3) Enterprise new retail business model

(4) New retail marketing strategy of corporate beauty

(5) New retail channels and networks for corporate beauty

(6) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of new retail of corporate beauty cosmetics

Fifth, Kangmeiya

(1) Brief analysis of enterprise development

(2) Analysis of business conditions

(3) Enterprise new retail business model

(4) New retail marketing strategy of corporate beauty

(5) New retail channels and networks for corporate beauty

(6) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of new retail of corporate beauty cosmetics

6. No. 1 beauty store

(1) Brief analysis of enterprise development

(2) Analysis of business conditions

(3) Enterprise new retail business model

(4) New retail marketing strategy of corporate beauty

(5) New retail channels and networks for corporate beauty

(6) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of new retail of corporate beauty cosmetics

7. Little red lips

(1) Brief analysis of enterprise development

(2) Analysis of business conditions

(3) Enterprise new retail business model

(4) New retail marketing strategy of corporate beauty

(5) New retail channels and networks for corporate beauty

(6) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of new retail of corporate beauty cosmetics

8. Fan Wenhua

(1) Brief analysis of enterprise development

(2) Analysis of business conditions

(3) Enterprise new retail business model

(4) New retail marketing strategy of corporate beauty

(5) New retail channels and networks for corporate beauty

(6) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of new retail of corporate beauty cosmetics

9. Mary Degard

(1) Brief analysis of enterprise development

(2) Analysis of business conditions

(3) Enterprise new retail business model

(4) New retail marketing strategy of corporate beauty

(5) New retail channels and networks for corporate beauty

(6) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of new retail of corporate beauty cosmetics

10. Meixing's family

(1) Brief analysis of enterprise development

(2) Analysis of business conditions

(3) Enterprise new retail business model

(4) New retail marketing strategy of corporate beauty

(5) New retail channels and networks for corporate beauty

(6) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of new retail of corporate beauty cosmetics

Chapter 7 Prospect Forecast and Investment Suggestions for the Beauty New Retail Industry

Section 1 Development Trend and Prospect Forecast of the New Beauty Retail Industry

1. Analysis of industry development factors

2. Prediction of industry development trends

(1) Market development trends

(2) Industrial development trends

(3) Channel development trend

(4) Brand development trend

(5) Product development trends

(6) Technology development trends

3. Forecast of industry development prospects

(1) The overall demand forecast of new beauty retail

(2) Demand forecast for new retail products in beauty

Section 2 Investment Status and Risk Analysis of the New Beauty Retail Industry

First, the analysis of the current situation of industry investment

2. Analysis of industry entry barriers

3. Analysis of the business model of the industry

Fourth, industry investment risk early warning

5. Analysis of industry mergers and acquisitions

Section 3 Analysis of Investment Opportunities and Hot Spots in the New Retail Industry of Beauty

1. Analysis of industry investment value

2. Analysis of industry investment opportunities

3. Analysis of industry investment hotspots

Section 4 Analysis of the Development Strategy and Planning of the New Beauty Retail Industry

1. Research and analysis of the development strategy of the new beauty retail industry

(1) Strategic comprehensive planning

(2) Technology development strategy

(3) Marketing brand strategy

(4) Competitive strategic planning

2. Strategic thinking on new beauty retail enterprises in mainland China

3. Analysis of the development suggestions for China's new beauty retail industry

Table of Contents of Charts

Figure 1: Definition of new retail in beauty

Figure 2: Analysis of development opportunities and threats in China's new beauty retail industry

Figure 3: Competitive hierarchy of China's beauty industry

Chart 4: Competitive landscape of China's beauty industry in 2023 (unit: %)

Figure 5: Current competition in China's beauty industry

Exhibit 6: Analysis of potential entrant threats to the beauty industry in China

Exhibit 7: Analysis of the threat of alternatives in the beauty industry in China

Chart 8: Analysis of the bargaining power of upstream suppliers in the Chinese beauty industry

Chart 9: Analysis of the bargaining power of downstream customers in the mainland beauty industry

Exhibit 10: Conclusion of the analysis of the five forces of the mainland beauty industry

See text for more charts......

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