
Don't listen to online advice, why should young people save money to buy a car?

author:Luzhou Liu Tao used car

Most of the people on the Internet are persuaded that cars are consumables, and houses are value-added, so don't buy a car for a while, but I think young people must buy a car first.

Because most young people are running around in a city that they are not familiar with, living in other people's houses, facing many people with a smile at work, and returning to the rented house to sleep after work, only the car can give you a space of your own at any time, even if it is just a little bit.

Don't listen to online advice, why should young people save money to buy a car?

It can be used in the work of buying a car, such as a business trip, such as going out to run errands, and now online car-hailing is indeed convenient, but it is unstable, and everyone has encountered a time when they can't get a car. Not to mention being late for work, there is also overtime, no matter what time you work overtime, your car is downstairs waiting for you to go home.

And if you live in the suburbs of the city, public transportation can't reach or inconvenient places, your own car can meet you.

Don't listen to online advice, why should young people save money to buy a car?

Regarding the fact that the car is a consumable, I think that buying a car is within the scope of your ability, don't let yourself be stressed to the point that your life is affected, just drive it and drive it, BBA does have face, and then there is Bentley Porsche, just choose the right one.

Don't listen to online advice, why should young people save money to buy a car?

It's true that the value of the car starts to depreciate from the moment you buy it, but I think it's paying for it. As long as you don't change cars so frequently, you have been using them without selling them for money and not generating transactions, so how can you talk about depreciation? Luzhou buys second-hand cars to Liu Tao second-hand cars, real car conditions, real after-sales warranty!