
As the saying goes, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", what is a "heavenly court"?

author:Seeing the world with the eyes of the law 111

Face reading was known as face reading in ancient times in the mainland, which is a technique for judging people's character, fate and health status, which originated in ancient China and has a long history and profound cultural heritage.

Face reading is a unique phenomenon in ancient Chinese culture, not only as a technique for interpersonal communication and personal cultivation, but also as a philosophical cultural heritage.

As the saying goes, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", what is a "heavenly court"?

Although it faces the challenge of science and rationality, it still occupies a place in the cultural history of the mainland and even the world.

In modern society, only by rationally understanding and studying physiognomy can we better understand the profound connotation of traditional Chinese culture, for example, the ancients said, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", this sentence is very reasonable.

The origin and development of face reading

Physiognomy has a history of thousands of years in the mainland, dating back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. According to the records of "Zuo Chuan", as early as the Zhou Dynasty, there were physiognomy scholars who specialized in interpreting physiognomy, and in the Han Dynasty, physiognomy was relatively mature, and famous physiognomy books such as "Physiognomy Sutra" and "Human Physiognomy Sutra" and other works came out one after another.

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, face reading was further developed and became a popular cultural phenomenon in the court and the scholar class, and Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang and others in the Tang Dynasty were the representatives of face reading, and their physiognomy theory and practice had a profound impact on later generations.

As the saying goes, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", what is a "heavenly court"?

By the Song Dynasty, physiognomy was combined with numerology, feng shui, etc., to form a more complex and complete system. Being able to develop for such a long time without decay, physiognomy played an important role in ancient Chinese society, and it also has its meaning of existence.

On the one hand, physiognomy was seen as a way to understand the inner qualities and future destiny of people, and the emperor would use physiognomy to select officials and identify loyal traitors.

On the other hand, physiognomy also reflects the philosophical ideas of the ancients on the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, believing that the appearance of a person is inseparable from his inner character and destiny.

It blends multiple ideas such as Taoism, Confucianism, and medicine, reflecting the ancient Chinese's deep understanding of life, the universe, and nature.

As the saying goes, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", what is a "heavenly court"?

The popularity of this culture also led to the development of literature, art, and drama, and many literary works depicted characters with obvious facial features.

Despite its historical popularity, face reading has also been controversial, with critics arguing that it lacks scientific basis and can lead to superstition and prejudice, while proponents argue that face reading is a treasure of Chinese culture with a wealth of philosophical and psychological knowledge.

Whether physiognomy is useful or not, or whether it makes sense, we may be able to see one or two through the interpretation of the common saying "marry a wife, don't marry a warped mouth, marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court".

Marry a wife, don't marry a warped mouth

What is "upturned mouth", here does not refer to a person with crooked mouth and slanted eyes, but a mouth upturned action when a woman is angry, "warped mouth" refers to a woman who gets angry at every turn, this kind of person is narrow-minded and snarky.

As the saying goes, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", what is a "heavenly court"?

In the ancient culture of the mainland, marriage was not only a family union, but also the embodiment of morality and values. When choosing a mate, the ancients paid attention to the virtue and quality of the wife, which was closely related to the social customs, moral concepts and Confucianism at that time.

The emphasis on moral norms and etiquette in ancient mainland societies is deeply rooted in Confucianism, which believes that a person's moral character directly affects the way he behaves and conducts affairs, and therefore virtue is seen as an important criterion for judging a person, especially women.

In the ancient family structure, the male leader and the female leader were the general family division of labor, and the wife was not only responsible for housework and childcare, but also presided over the family affairs when the husband was away, which required the wife to have enough wisdom, patience and responsibility.

In the view of the ancients, a good wife can assist her husband in governing the family, educating his children, and passing on a good family style, and plays an important role in maintaining family harmony and social stability.

As the saying goes, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", what is a "heavenly court"?

In contrast, a narrow-minded and bitter woman may lead to family conflicts, which is not conducive to family harmony and stability.

In any era, children's education is very important, and mothers play a vital role in this process, and good wives are more likely to raise nurturing and moral children, which is extremely important for the long-term development and reputation of a family.

On the other hand, if the mother misbehaves, it may have a bad impact on the children and even affect the future of the entire family.

The family is also the basic unit of society, and family harmony is regarded as the cornerstone of social stability, and marrying a virtuous wife can build a harmonious family, thus contributing to the overall harmony of society.

As the saying goes, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", what is a "heavenly court"?

On the contrary, discord in marriage can lead to family conflicts, which in turn affect the social order. A woman's narrow-minded and bitter personality will also cause a lot of friction and conflict in married life, affecting the harmony of the relationship between husband and wife.

A good wife can play the role of a mediator and supporter in the life of the couple, helping the husband to solve problems and face the difficulties of life together, so as to maintain a stable marital relationship.

In short, the ancients paid more attention to virtue when choosing a wife, based on the consideration of family and social stability, as well as the pursuit of a good married life, and this selection criterion deeply reflected the social values and moral concepts of ancient China.

Marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court

"Tiantinglei" is also called "Tiantianlei", which refers to "wrinkles" on the forehead, not that people with wrinkles are not good men, it means that men are worried about a state, often worried, depressed men will not make great achievements, and will not bring a good life to women, this kind of person is better not to marry easily.

As the saying goes, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", what is a "heavenly court"?

In ancient China, marriage was regarded as an important social affair, not only related to the union of two individuals, but also involved the union of two families and even two clans, so it was particularly important to choose the right marriage partner.

At the same time, women's social status and development opportunities are relatively limited, and marriage is often an important way for them to realize their personal value and social identity.

For ancient women, choosing a man with "spirit" and self-motivation as a partner was not only a personal choice, but also a reflection of family strategy and social values.

A person's state of being energetic, elegant, and energetic involves not only external health and vitality, but also inner morality, wisdom, and sentiment.

As the saying goes, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", what is a "heavenly court"?

A man with vigor usually means that he is healthy, intelligent, responsible, and able to fulfill the roles assigned by the family and society, providing a stable life and a good living environment for his wife and children.

In feudal society, men were the main labor and economic source of the family, and marrying a motivated man meant that the social status and economic status of the family could be improved for women and their families in ancient times.

More importantly, marrying a man with spirit and self-motivation is in line with the Confucian culture and ethics of ancient society. Confucianism emphasizes "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith", and advocates the concept of personal self-cultivation, family unity, governing the country, and leveling the world.

In this cultural context, choosing such a man as a husband is considered to be an important way to realize personal values, fulfill family responsibilities, and contribute to society. Therefore, a woman's choice of marriage is not only related to personal happiness, but also closely related to the glory and interests of the family.

As the saying goes, "Don't marry a wife, don't marry a man, don't marry a heavenly court", what is a "heavenly court"?

To sum up, a man looking for a virtuous woman is conducive to his own development, and a woman marrying a self-motivated man will also usher in a good life, so "marry a wife and don't marry a warped mouth, marry a man and don't marry a heavenly court" is not superstition, but a profound reflection of the cultural values and ethics of ancient society.

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