
In 2024, a delegation of Chinese envoys to China will visit Qingbaijiang

author:Qingbaijiang Business

Source: Chengdu Qingbaijiang

In 2024, a delegation of Chinese envoys to China will visit Qingbaijiang

  On April 9, the 2024 delegation of foreign envoys to China organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited Qingbaijiang, which is the largest and highest-level delegation to visit Qingbaijiang this year. 30 envoys from China visited the Chengdu International Railway Port Exhibition Center and Container Center Station, and participated in the departure ceremony of the China-Europe Express (Chengdu-Chongqing). Wu Hongbo, Special Representative of the Chinese Government for European Affairs, Ling Jun, Counselor of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, He Guangxian, First-level Inspector of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, Wang Lin, Secretary of the District Party Committee, and Li Jinping, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, attended the meeting.

In 2024, a delegation of Chinese envoys to China will visit Qingbaijiang

  Lodz, Duisburg, Vienna...... On the large screen in the exhibition hall of the Chengdu International Railway Port Exhibition Center, more than 130 cities appear in the list of cities connecting domestic and foreign countries. The transportation network is connected by points and strings, driving Chengdu International Trains to establish an international train route network and land and sea freight distribution system with Chengdu as the main hub, Europe in the west, Mongolia and Russia in the north, Japan and South Korea in the east, and ASEAN in the south.

  Nicaraguan Ambassador to China Michael Campbell is very concerned about the Chengdu International Railway Port. "We understand that this is the largest inland port in Asia, and our country is developing its own rail network, and we hope to learn from Chengdu's experience and practices to achieve something like Chengdu's. ”

In 2024, a delegation of Chinese envoys to China will visit Qingbaijiang

  The whistle whistles and the wheels spun off. In the Chengdu Railway Container Center Station, the containers are neatly arranged, the gantry crane is operating in an orderly manner, and a train full of goods slowly drives out of the station and runs to Europe. The envoys and delegations in China took out their mobile phones to take photos and waved goodbye.

  Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to China, Sinisa Beryan, said: "The Belt and Road Initiative has brought important development opportunities to the world, and many countries around the world can undoubtedly benefit from it. In the Belt and Road Initiative, transport connectivity is the foundation and focus. Just now, a train was sent to Poland, and we happened to witness its departure ceremony, and it only takes 12 days to get from China to Poland, which is amazing. It is now very simple for the China-Europe freight train to transport high-quality products from China to Europe, or vice versa from Europe to China. ”

In 2024, a delegation of Chinese envoys to China will visit Qingbaijiang

  From the exhibition hall of Chengdu International Railway Port Exhibition Center to Chengdu Railway Container Center Station, the delegation experienced the location advantages of Qingbaijiang as an important node city of the "Belt and Road", the starting point of Chengdu International Railway Trains and the carrying place of Chengdu International Railway Port, and had an in-depth understanding of the high-level open platform functions given by the state to Qingbaijiang Free Trade Zone, Comprehensive Bonded Zone, and National Economic Development Zone, actively seeking opportunities for docking and cooperation with Chengdu International Railway Port, and putting forward valuable opinions and suggestions for countries to discuss and jointly build and share the development dividend of the channel in the next step.

  Although the visit of the envoys to China has come to an end, the exchanges between Qingbaijiang and the world are still extending infinitely. The open Qingbaijiang looks forward to more cooperation with other countries in the world to jointly open up a newer and broader future.