
The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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On a sunny afternoon, Cai Lin was standing in front of the cash register of a supermarket, holding a pile of snacks and drinks in his hands.

When the cashier told him that he could participate in the lottery, he drew one without healing, and it turned out to be a full body medical card worth a lot of money.

The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?

He smiled, thinking that this might be a good opportunity to check his body.

Cai Lin is a freelancer who is busy with work on weekdays and has little time to care about his physical condition.

But after being warned by doctors about high blood pressure five years ago, he stopped eating dinner to control his weight and blood pressure.

The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?

He has been doing this habit for five years, and apart from the occasional feeling of being a little hungry, he thinks he is in good health.

At the physical examination center, after looking at Cai Lin's examination results, the doctor said earnestly: "This practice of yours seems to be somewhat useful, but in the long run, it may not be the best choice." ”

Cai Lin was a little surprised, after all, in his opinion, this habit of his has helped him maintain a stable blood pressure and weight.

The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?

The doctor went on to explain that skipping dinner for a long time can reduce calorie intake and help control weight.

But at the same time, it can also affect the body's metabolism and may even cause gastrointestinal problems.

The doctor also mentioned that a healthy eating habit should be balanced, including a reasonable distribution of calorie intake from three meals a day, rather than simply omitting any meal.

The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?

He explains that a moderate dinner can help keep blood sugar levels stable and avoid prolonged hunger, while also ensuring that the body has enough energy during the night to repair and regenerate cells.

After hearing this, Cai Lin began to re-evaluate his eating habits.

He realized that a person's health depends not only on the number of weight or blood pressure, but more importantly on the overall health of the lifestyle.

The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?

The doctor suggested that Cai Lin could try some light dinners, such as protein-rich foods and vegetables, so that he could avoid being hungry at night without having much impact on his weight.

Cai Lin was grateful for the doctor's advice and decided to change his eating habits starting today.

He began to realize that health is really a long-term investment that requires careful care and the right lifestyle.

The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?

In addition, the doctor also mentioned the point that in addition to a reasonable diet, moderate exercise is also very important.

Even a simple walk or light housework can help boost the body's metabolism and have a positive impact on blood pressure and blood sugar control.

While this idea may not seem directly related to eating habits, in reality, it reminds people that a healthy lifestyle is far more important than a single diet or exercise habit.

The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?

Backed by a large body of data, doctors point out that regular physical activity can not only help with weight loss, but also improve the body's sensitivity to insulin, which can help with blood sugar control.

These data come from years of research showing that those who exercise regularly and in moderation have a significantly lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes than those who are sedentary.

At this point in the story, let's ask a question: how will Cai Lin's blood pressure and weight change after he changes his eating habits and increases his moderate amount of exercise?

The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?

For this problem, we can make a detailed analysis.

First of all, by distributing the diet reasonably, Cailin can avoid a long fasting state, which helps to maintain the stability of blood sugar levels and reduce fluctuations in insulin secretion, which can have a positive effect on blood pressure.

Secondly, by adding a moderate amount of exercise, you can improve your body's metabolism and speed up fat burning, which is very helpful for weight control.

The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?

In the long run, these changes will bring Cai Lin a healthier body and a higher quality of life.

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The 58-year-old uncle insisted on skipping dinner for 5 years because of high blood pressure, how is his body now?