
The heel is often "chapped", which may be related to these 3 factors, if you have, please pay more attention

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

In life, there is such a situation that makes people annoyed and helpless - cracked heels. Do you often feel that your heels are like withered earth, with cracks and criss, and you are afraid to take every step?

This may seem like a small problem, but in fact, there may be many hidden reasons behind it that you don't expect. Let's uncover the "culprit" of chapped heels.

The heel is often "chapped", which may be related to these 3 factors, if you have, please pay more attention

1. Fungal infection: a common cause of cracked heels

When it comes to chapped heels, we have to mention those "little guys" who are silent and like damp and dark places - fungus. Especially in the summer, the feet are stuffy in the shoes for a day, and the humid and stuffy environment is simply a "five-star hotel" for fungi.

There are several "regulars" here: Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum, dermatophytes. Once they settle down, they can trigger athlete's foot, which can lead to cracked heels.

You may ask, why does this fungus prefer our heels? There are two reasons: one is because the skin of the feet has many sweat glands and is easy to sweat, and the other is that the stratum corneum on the soles of the feet is thick, and the fungus loves to "nest" in such places.

If you want to say goodbye to these uninvited guests, you have to start with your daily routine: change your socks frequently, choose breathable shoes, and wash your feet thoroughly to dry them, and give the fungus a "five-star hotel" a "big cleaning".

The heel is often "chapped", which may be related to these 3 factors, if you have, please pay more attention

2. Vitamin A deficiency: a cause of chapped that cannot be ignored

In addition to the little things that tickle people, chapped heels can also be due to some shortcomings in our body - such as vitamin A. That's right, vitamin A is not only a "guard" for protecting the eyes, but also extremely important for the skin.

It promotes the renewal of skin cells and keeps the skin hydrated. Once vitamin A is insufficient, the skin becomes dry and the problem of chapped heels ensues.

If you want to avoid vitamin A deficiency, you should pay more attention to your daily diet. Eat more carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes and other foods rich in vitamin A, which can not only satisfy the appetite, but also keep the heels away from the trouble of "dry and cracked". Don't underestimate this change, stick to it for a long time, and you will find that your heels become much smoother.

The heel is often "chapped", which may be related to these 3 factors, if you have, please pay more attention

3. Dry cracking caused by skin diseases

Among the many causes of chapped heels, some are due to specific skin conditions, such as dry eczema and ichthyosis. Not only are these conditions uncomfortable, but they can also lead to impaired barrier function in the skin, which can exacerbate the problem of cracking.

Dry eczema, as the name suggests, is an inflammatory skin disease that manifests as dry, itchy skin, which causes the skin to lose moisture and become chapped;

Ichthyosis, on the other hand, is an inherited skin disease characterized by excessive hyperplasia of the stratum corneum on the surface of the skin, resulting in dry patches in the shape of fish scales.

For these chapped skin problems caused by skin conditions, it is key to seek professional medical treatment in a timely manner. Depending on the severity of your condition, your doctor may recommend moisturizers, ointments, or further medications.

Moderate amount of sun exposure can help improve the symptoms of people with ichthyosis, but this needs to be done under the guidance of a doctor to avoid sun damage.

The heel is often "chapped", which may be related to these 3 factors, if you have, please pay more attention

4. Susceptible population: people with a high incidence of cracked dry cracks

Cracked heels don't happen randomly, and certain people are more likely to suffer from this problem due to their physiology, health conditions, or lifestyle habits.

Older people are more likely to dry their skin due to natural skin aging and reduced moisture and oil production, while pregnant women are also more likely to experience dry and chapped skin due to changes in hormone levels in the body.

Manual workers who work for a long time that require frequent standing or walking are also more prone to chapped skin on their heels due to the extra pressure on their feet.

To reduce the risk of cracked heels, targeted preventive measures and lifestyle modifications are particularly important. For example, keep the skin on your feet clean and moisturized, use moisturizers that are appropriate for your skin type, and avoid wearing shoes and socks that are not breathable for long periods of time.

and moderately increasing the frequency of skin care for the feet. In addition, special populations such as the elderly and pregnant women may also need to take more personalized care measures, such as using gentler skincare products or, on the advice of a doctor, supplementing with nutrients that contribute to skin health.

Although a cracked heel is a minor problem, the reasons behind it are complex and involve many factors. Only by understanding the science behind it and taking targeted preventive and therapeutic measures can the problem be effectively mitigated or even eradicated.

The heel is often "chapped", which may be related to these 3 factors, if you have, please pay more attention

5. Preventive measures: how to avoid cracked heels in daily life

Cracked heels are common, but they can be effectively prevented with proper daily care. In everyday life, it is crucial to wear well-fitted, breathable shoes, as shoes that are too tight or not breathable can increase the accumulation of sweat and heat in the feet, providing a breeding ground for the growth of microorganisms such as fungi.

At the same time, soaking your feet in warm water and drying them thoroughly every day before applying a moisturizer specially designed for your feet is also a good way to maintain the health of your heel skin. In addition, regular exfoliation of the soles of your feet can also reduce the risk of cracked heels.

The heel is often "chapped", which may be related to these 3 factors, if you have, please pay more attention

6. Treatment: How to treat when dry cracking is severe

Once the heel is so dry that daily care alone is no longer enough, a more professional approach is needed.

Mild chapped chapped skin can be treated with topical ointments, moisturizers containing urea or lactic acid, which can help soften crusts and speed up the skin's natural healing process.

For more severe cases, a doctor may need to prescribe a cream containing hormones to reduce inflammation and itching. In extreme cases, your doctor may recommend physical therapy, such as laser treatments or a professional keratinization procedure.

The heel is often "chapped", which may be related to these 3 factors, if you have, please pay more attention


Chapped heels may seem like a small thing in life, but they can reflect our lifestyle habits, health status, and even the nutritional status of our body. By paying enough attention and care to these seemingly trivial details, we are not only able to improve the problem of chapped heels, but also improve the overall quality of life.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle and proper care are key to avoiding cracked heels. The next time you feel a problem with your heels, consider these tips that may bring you unexpected comfort and improvement.