
Foamy urine, is it a bad kidney? Or is it a "notification" of these 3 diseases?

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Have you ever noticed that when you go to the toilet, peeing is like making you a glass of beer, full of foam?

However, let's talk about it, this foamy urine may be your body "whispering". Don't underestimate the foam of peeing, it can have a lot of origins.

Foamy urine, is it a bad kidney? Or is it a "notification" of these 3 diseases?

1. Urine foam phenomenon

In general, when you pee, the foam is caused by the urine "saying hello" to the air in the toilet, especially when you are pouring thousands of miles from a high place.

These bubbles, in general, burst in one word, and disappear in a moment. But if the bubble seems to have roots, and you wait and wait for it to not leave, then something may be wrong.

Well, the reason for the foam may be related to the protein in your body. How to say it, normal people's urine contains a little protein, but the amount is very small, basically does not affect the surface tension of urine, and the foam is naturally less.

However, if there is more protein in the urine, the surface tension of the urine will change, and the foam will increase. And if there is more protein, most of it is because the kidney filtration function cannot control the bottom line.

Foamy urine, is it a bad kidney? Or is it a "notification" of these 3 diseases?

2. The connection between abnormal kidney function and urine foam

No one's kidneys are made of iron, and once the renal tubular filtration function is not good, the protein will run into the urine, forming the so-called "proteinuria".

Proteinuria, as the name suggests, is an excess of protein in the urine. If this happens, foamy urine is just a prelude, and there may be a string of kidney diseases behind it.

Usually, the doctor will recommend a kidney function test to see if the kidneys are really making a fuss and if the protein is really running into the urine.

This foamy urine, once it is related to the kidneys, it is a big deal. Abnormal kidney function, to put it bluntly, is the kidney filter problem, once the filter leaks, the protein will run, and then all kinds of problems will come. At this time, timely diagnosis and treatment are particularly important.

After talking for a long time, foamy urine is actually the body saying hello to you, reminding you to pay attention. Early detection, early treatment, and then good protection of our kidneys, so that it can continue to work for us healthily, is what we should do.

Foamy urine, is it a bad kidney? Or is it a "notification" of these 3 diseases?

3. Changes in urine in diabetic patients

When diabetic patients have high blood sugar, the body excretes excess glucose through urine in order to lower blood sugar, and in this process, the nature of urine also changes.

In hyperglycemia, the concentration of glucose in the urine increases, which leads to a change in the specific gravity of the urine and may also produce foam. And, don't forget, diabetes can also cause kidney pathologies, such as diabetic nephropathy, which is also a common cause of proteinuria.

But don't jump to conclusions, foamy urine is not exclusive to diabetes. If diabetic patients have foamy urine, it should be judged comprehensively based on blood sugar control and other symptoms.

For example, if blood sugar is well controlled, foamy urine may not be associated with diabetes, and conversely, if blood sugar is not well controlled, foamy urine may be a sign of diabetic nephropathy.

Therefore, once diabetic patients find foamy urine, it is best to go to the hospital in time to check it, including blood sugar, urinalysis, kidney function and other indicators.

Foamy urine, is it a bad kidney? Or is it a "notification" of these 3 diseases?

4. Signals of urinary tract infection: the other side of foamy urine

In urinary tract infections, bacteria can cause an inflammatory response in the urethra, bladder, and even up to the kidneys. At this point, the urine may be mixed with bacteria, white blood cells, and even red blood cells.

Once these things enter the urine, they can change the properties of the urine and make it blister. Especially in women, foamy urine is more common because the urethra is shorter and closer to the anus, making urinary tract infections more likely.

Symptoms of urinary tract infections also include urgency, frequency, and painful urination, and if you have these symptoms, coupled with foamy urine, you should consider the possibility of a urinary tract infection.

However, the diagnosis of urinary tract infection must be confirmed by urine routine and urine culture, and foamy urine alone is not enough to conclude that the following conclusions are made.

Therefore, if you have symptoms of foamy urine accompanied by other urinary tract infections, it is wise to go to the hospital for examination in time to find out the cause and treat the symptoms.

Foamy urine is a phenomenon of great concern, but it is not a patent sign for a particular disease. It could be a hint of a kidney problem, a sign of diabetes, or even a urinary tract infection.

Therefore, in this case, the most important thing is not to panic, but also do not take it lightly, go to the hospital in time for a comprehensive examination, and find the real reason behind the foamy urine, so as to prescribe the right medicine and maintain good health.

Foamy urine, is it a bad kidney? Or is it a "notification" of these 3 diseases?

5. Urine abnormalities caused by hormonal disorders

Hormones play a vital role in the human body, regulating various physiological processes. Once hormone levels are disrupted, the balance of the body is disrupted. Hormonal disorders can lead to changes in kidney function, which can affect the composition and nature of urine.

For example, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can affect the filtration function of the kidneys, which in turn can change the properties of the urine, leading to foamy urine. Fluctuations in hormone levels can also cause changes in the body's metabolic rate, which in turn affects protein excretion in the urine.

Increased foaming in the urine may be related to abnormal secretion of hormones such as insulin, growth hormone, sex hormones, etc. Especially in some endocrine disorders, such as Cushing's syndrome or adrenal insufficiency, patients often have noticeable foamy urine.

Therefore, when faced with foamy urine, doctors often consider hormone level testing to help diagnose whether there is a problem with hormone secretion.

Foamy urine, is it a bad kidney? Or is it a "notification" of these 3 diseases?

6. Drug side effects and urine changes

In modern medicine, drug treatment is a common way to manage diseases. However, many drugs can also cause side effects, including effects on urine properties, as well as their efficacy.

Certain drugs, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), certain antibiotics, and chemotherapy drugs, can increase the burden on the kidneys, which can increase the amount of protein in the urine, which can manifest as foamy urine.

In addition, drug-induced changes in urine are not limited to an increase in protein content. For example, certain medications may cause changes in urine composition, such as increasing calcium, phosphorus, or urate in the urine, which may also indirectly lead to the production of foam in the urine.

Therefore, when a patient develops foamy urine during medication, the doctor will carefully review the patient's medication history to assess whether it is due to the side effects of the medication and adjust the treatment accordingly.

Foamy urine, is it a bad kidney? Or is it a "notification" of these 3 diseases?


In the face of foamy urine, we should not take it lightly, and we need to pass a comprehensive medical assessment and a clear diagnosis in order to accurately treat and ensure good health.

In life, staying vigilant, paying enough attention to any abnormal signals in the body, and seeking medical attention in time can ensure that health problems are solved in a timely and effective manner.

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