
What kind of high blood pressure is the most dangerous? Doctor reminds: pay attention to these 3 types of blood pressure!

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

In this fast-paced society, high blood pressure has become an uninvited guest in many families, and most people's understanding of it is stuck in the simple understanding of "take some blood pressure medicine if your blood pressure is high".

However, doctors remind us that the world of high blood pressure is much more complex than we think, and that some of these types of high blood pressure are particularly dangerous and may be silently threatening our lives. So, what kind of high blood pressure is the most dangerous? Today, let's unveil the hidden veil of high blood pressure.

What kind of high blood pressure is the most dangerous? Doctor reminds: pay attention to these 3 types of blood pressure!

1. The potential risk of high blood pressure

High blood pressure is like a ticking time bomb, you never know when it's going to explode. Its health effects go far beyond the pressure in the blood vessels. this

When stress gets out of control, it can trigger a chain reaction, from heart disease, cerebral infarction, to kidney failure, all of which can sound terrifying. Especially in the face of certain types of high blood pressure, this risk is frighteningly high.

What kind of high blood pressure is the most dangerous? Doctor reminds: pay attention to these 3 types of blood pressure!

2. High blood pressure with a large pulse pressure difference: a hidden killer

The pulse pressure difference, simply put, is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and this value in a normal person is generally between 20 and 60 mmHg.

However, if your pulse pressure difference is greater than 60mmHg, then you have to be careful, as it means that your blood vessels are subjected to a huge impact every time your heart beats.

You think, blood vessels are like the bed of a river, and blood is flowing water. If the river rushes particularly violently every time the tide rises, the riverbed will definitely not be able to hold up, and after a long time, there will definitely be problems.

The same is true for blood vessels, high blood pressure with a large pulse pressure difference puts the blood vessels under tremendous pressure with each heartbeat, and over time, the blood vessels will be damaged, their elasticity will decrease, and they will become fragile.

Moreover, high blood pressure with a large pulse pressure difference is not only harmful to blood vessels. It can also lead to an increased burden on the heart, a gradual decline in heart function, and may even cause problems with the heart valves.

If you think about it, if something goes wrong with this heart, it's a big deal. Coupled with the damage to the blood vessel wall, it is easy to lead to atherosclerosis, which can induce cerebral hemorrhage or myocardial infarction, both of which can be fatal enemies.

What kind of high blood pressure is the most dangerous? Doctor reminds: pay attention to these 3 types of blood pressure!

3. Occult hypertension: the danger of being overlooked

Occult hypertension, also known as "occult" hypertension, refers to those whose blood pressure is normal when measured in a hospital or clinic but has abnormally high blood pressure at home or in everyday settings.

This type of hypertension is called "insidious" because it is difficult to catch in hospitals. Studies have shown that the incidence of cardiovascular events in patients with occult hypertension is much higher than that in patients with conventional hypertension.

The dangers of occult hypertension should not be underestimated. A long-term follow-up study of thousands of participants found that even when clinically normal, people with occult hypertension had several times higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

This type of hypertension, due to long-term undetected and untreated, can easily lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, increasing the risk of serious health problems such as heart disease and stroke.

Monitoring and management of occult hypertension is essential. Home blood pressure monitoring or 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is recommended as a diagnostic tool to more accurately capture the true picture of blood pressure.

In addition, for the treatment of occult hypertension, your doctor may recommend antihypertensive drugs in addition to lifestyle modifications.

What kind of high blood pressure is the most dangerous? Doctor reminds: pay attention to these 3 types of blood pressure!

4. H-type hypertension: more than just blood pressure

Type H hypertension refers to the condition that patients with high blood pressure are also accompanied by high homocysteine (Hcy).

Homocysteine, as an essential amino acid, is necessary to maintain normal concentrations in the body. However, when the levels are too high, it increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.

People with H-type hypertension are at a much greater risk of cardiovascular problems such as damaged blood vessels and arteriosclerosis than those with only high blood pressure.

Studies have shown that high homocysteine is closely related to impaired vascular endothelial function, which can promote the development of atherosclerosis, and then increase the probability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.

Therefore, H-type hypertension is not only a problem of blood pressure control, but also a problem that requires comprehensive intervention. In addition to routine blood pressure control measures, it is equally important to reduce plasma homocysteine levels.

Strategies to treat H-type hypertension include lifestyle modifications, regular use of antihypertensive medications, and taking medications such as folic acid to lower homocysteine levels. At the same time, regular monitoring of blood pressure and homocysteine concentrations is also an important means of preventing cardiovascular disease.

Occult hypertension and H-type hypertension, although not as common in clinical practice as conventional hypertension, their harm should not be underestimated.

For patients with hypertension, timely detection and scientific treatment of these special types of hypertension are essential for the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, in the face of high blood pressure, we cannot take it lightly, let alone take it lightly.

What kind of high blood pressure is the most dangerous? Doctor reminds: pay attention to these 3 types of blood pressure!

5. Hypertension in white robes: an "illusion" in the hospital

"White robe hypertension" refers to abnormally elevated blood pressure measured in a hospital or clinic setting, while blood pressure is normal at home or in other non-medical settings. This phenomenon may be caused by psychological factors such as nervousness and anxiety when the patient's blood pressure is measured in the hospital.

Studies have shown that white robes hypertension also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and while these patients may have daily blood pressure within the normal range, they have a higher risk of developing persistent hypertension.

For white robe hypertension, experts recommend home blood pressure monitoring or 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, which can help obtain more accurate blood pressure data and avoid overtreatment or misdiagnosis based on clinic measurements alone.

What kind of high blood pressure is the most dangerous? Doctor reminds: pay attention to these 3 types of blood pressure!

6. Nocturnal hypertension: a stealth crisis

Nocturnal hypertension refers to a condition in which blood pressure does not drop or even rises as properly as normal during sleep.

This type of high blood pressure is more difficult to detect because most people don't wake up at night to have their blood pressure measured. However, nocturnal hypertension is considered a strong predictor of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular event risk, and its harm is no less than that of daytime hypertension.

Strategies for managing nocturnal hypertension include adjusting the timing of medications, and in some cases, your doctor may recommend taking antihypertensive medications at night to more effectively control your blood pressure at night. In addition, it is necessary to maintain good sleep habits and improve lifestyle.

What kind of high blood pressure is the most dangerous? Doctor reminds: pay attention to these 3 types of blood pressure!

7. Resistant hypertension: opponents who are difficult to submit

Resistant hypertension refers to a condition in which blood pressure cannot be controlled at the target level despite the use of the maximum tolerated dose of three different mechanisms of antihypertensive drugs, including a diuretic. This type of hypertension is extremely challenging to treat and requires a more comprehensive and individualized treatment strategy.

The key to combating resistant hypertension is to identify potential causes, such as secondary hypertension, medication non-adherence, lifestyle factors, etc. In some cases, it may also be necessary to add more types of antihypertensive drugs or use newer antihypertensive therapies.

What kind of high blood pressure is the most dangerous? Doctor reminds: pay attention to these 3 types of blood pressure!


These specific types of hypertension demonstrate the complexity and diversity of hypertensive disorders. An in-depth understanding and proper management of each type of hypertension is essential to maintain people's cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

Therefore, in the face of hypertension, seek professional medical advice in time, actively control blood pressure, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to better prevent the occurrence of hypertension-related complications and maintain good health.

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