
Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

author:Wadim, wilderness explorer

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Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

A few days ago, a very hot topic appeared, that is, do you know how dirty the gym is? This topic has made netizens come out to comment, many people have been infected with some viruses after going to the gym, so let's take a look at the sharing of netizens!

There are many types of HPV, and there will be low immunity

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

There are many guys who don't pay attention to hygiene

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

If you don't soak together, you'll be fine, shower, rub your back, have a disposable mat, and then wear it standing in your underwear

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

Check HPV, I'm a filamentous warts and I'm at high risk, and I'm numb

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

Always wash your hands carefully after taking public transport and don't touch your mouth, nose and eyes

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

The public toilet is always squatting, and there is no need for a toilet

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

It seemed that there was a pox on the back, and then it exploded, and the yellow, white, and red were flowing on the gym equipment, and the person left without wiping it

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

Yes, no wonder others say don't sit on a hot bench

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

It's corns that aren't contagious, so you're plantar warts

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

So, why are there still so many people playing in the pool?

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

They don't disinfect it, and I saw with my own eyes that they took what others used up, as well as the bath towels that fell to the ground, folded them up and put them directly in that cabinet, saying that they had disinfected them

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

I have a plantar wart that was infected by yoga, and I had more than a dozen stitches on a few toes on my left foot and a few stitches on my right thumb. After that, I didn't do yoga and gym memberships anymore

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

I used to be infected when I stayed in a hotel, and the soles of my feet hurt to death

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

When you buy a house in the future, you must prepare a room for fitness at home

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

It should be very cheap and lead to infection

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

The swimming pool will not change the water, the cost is too great, it is all poured that chemical, the water becomes clear, and there is a smell of disinfectant water

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

It is easy to break the skin when doing nail art and cutting dead skin, and then many businesses do not disinfect or do not disinfect in place

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

So Xiaobian here suggests that no matter which public place you go to, you must pay attention to hygiene, people with strong body and good immunity will basically not be infected, but friends with poor physical fitness must pay attention!

Of course, there are also many gyms that do a good job of sanitation and disinfection, I hope you want to find a regular gym for exercise and fitness, this is my point of view, what do you think or want to say about this, you can leave a message in the comment area and discuss it with you!

Oak, thank you for reading the future billionaire friends, see you in the comment area, don't forget to like and follow!

Finally, I wish you full of blessings, happiness, sweet smile, smooth sailing, two dragons take off, three sheep Kaitai, four seasons of peace, five blessings, six six Shun, seven stars shine, eight directions to wealth, ninety-nine concentric, perfect, worry-free, a thousand satisfactions, all the best, may your every day be full of sunshine and laughter, every step towards success and happiness!

Not to mention that you never know how dirty the gym is!

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