
2 Laundry Behaviors Greatly Increase the Risk of Cancer in Loved Ones? The doctor lamented: There are many people who wash the wrong clothes

author:Lao Xu's medical science

Text: Dr. Xu

Edited by Chi You

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On an ordinary weekend, Zhao Hai just walked away from the cashier counter of the supermarket, holding not only the satisfaction of today's shopping list completed, but also a medical examination card that had just been drawn.

Zhao Hai is a software engineer who has a regular daily life and has always thought that he has managed his health properly.

But, like the beginning of many accidents, this seemingly insignificant physical examination card unveiled a shocking truth for him.

2 Laundry Behaviors Greatly Increase the Risk of Cancer in Loved Ones? The doctor lamented: There are many people who wash the wrong clothes

"Your medical examination report is out, and there are several indicators that are not normal. ”

The doctor's words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, making Zhao Hai instantly nervous from a relaxed state.

"However, it has a lot to do with some of your habits. ”

Zhao Hai was stunned, his living habits? He thought that his life was healthy enough, could there be any negligence?

The doctor went on to say, "The way you do your laundry, in particular, may greatly increase your risk of cancer. ”

2 Laundry Behaviors Greatly Increase the Risk of Cancer in Loved Ones? The doctor lamented: There are many people who wash the wrong clothes

Zhao Hai was even more puzzled, how could there be a connection between washing clothes and cancer?

The doctor saw Zhao Hai's doubts and patiently explained.

2 laundry behaviors that greatly increase the risk of cancer in loved ones?

"First of all, one of the common mistakes we make in laundry is to use too many chemical detergents.

Many people believe that the whiter the laundry is, the cleaner it is, so they use a lot of detergents that contain strong chemicals.

2 Laundry Behaviors Greatly Increase the Risk of Cancer in Loved Ones? The doctor lamented: There are many people who wash the wrong clothes

However, these chemicals can remain on clothing and cause skin conditions and even induce certain types of cancer. ”

"The second wrong behavior is to use hot water for laundry regularly.

While high temperatures are effective in removing bacteria, they can also damage the chemical structure in the fabric fibers, making it easier for residual chemicals to penetrate the skin.

In addition, high-temperature laundry can also accelerate the volatilization of chemicals, making people unknowingly inhale these harmful substances when breathing. ”

2 Laundry Behaviors Greatly Increase the Risk of Cancer in Loved Ones? The doctor lamented: There are many people who wash the wrong clothes

After hearing this, Zhao Hai couldn't help but recall his laundry habits, and it seemed that there was indeed a problem that the doctor said.

He was amazed that he had never realized the risks behind these daily habits before.

"Recent studies have shown that long-term exposure to substances in certain chemical detergents, such as phosphates, bleach, etc., increases the risk of skin cancer, breast cancer, and other diseases," the doctor continued.

2 Laundry Behaviors Greatly Increase the Risk of Cancer in Loved Ones? The doctor lamented: There are many people who wash the wrong clothes

In a high-temperature environment, the volatilization rate of these chemicals accelerates, and not only through skin contact, but also through the respiratory tract into the human body, affecting human health. ”

Zhao Hai was completely convinced by this time, and he realized that healthy living is not only about diet and exercise, but also about daily things like washing clothes.

He decided to change his laundry habits immediately, reduce the use of chemical detergents, choose gentle, harmless cleaning products whenever possible, and avoid using hot water for laundry.

2 Laundry Behaviors Greatly Increase the Risk of Cancer in Loved Ones? The doctor lamented: There are many people who wash the wrong clothes

Zhao Hai's story can't help but make people think:

In the pursuit of quality of life, do we ignore some seemingly inconspicuous details of life that have a long-term impact on health?

As Zhao Hai experienced, many "little things" in life, inadvertently, may have caused potential threats to our health.

And such examples are not uncommon in the medical community.

2 Laundry Behaviors Greatly Increase the Risk of Cancer in Loved Ones? The doctor lamented: There are many people who wash the wrong clothes

Some patients suffer from chronic health problems due to the long-term use of personal care products that contain specific chemical ingredients, while others suffer from respiratory diseases due to the release of harmful substances from furnishing materials in the home environment.

These cases remind us that in our daily lives, we should pay more attention to the health details that we have overlooked.

Returning to Zhao Hai's example, his changes are not only beneficial to himself, but also provide an opportunity for those around him to reflect and learn.

By changing a few simple habits, we can create a healthier living environment for ourselves and our families.

2 Laundry Behaviors Greatly Increase the Risk of Cancer in Loved Ones? The doctor lamented: There are many people who wash the wrong clothes

So, the questions asked for the topic content are:

In addition to the way you do your laundry, what are some of the other seemingly harmless everyday behaviors in modern life that may have long-term health effects?

This question leads us to further analyze other aspects of our lives, such as the choice of household cleaning products, the importance of ventilation in the home, and the safety of personal hygiene products.

2 Laundry Behaviors Greatly Increase the Risk of Cancer in Loved Ones? The doctor lamented: There are many people who wash the wrong clothes

By taking a holistic look at and adjusting these daily behaviors, we can more effectively prevent health risks and promote the overall health of individuals and families.

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