
Even though they are both 70 years old, why do some people look old while others look young? Let's be honest

author:Doctor Director Guo

In this society, ageing has become an irreversible trend. With the improvement of people's living standards, there are more and more 70-year-old people, but why is there such a big difference between them who are both 70 years old?

Some people are still in good spirits, while others seem to have entered their twilight years.

What is the truth?

Even though they are both 70 years old, why do some people look old while others look young? Let's be honest

1. The power of sleep: quality determines health

When it comes to the secret of youth and health, we have to mention the importance of sleep. Good sleep quality is not only related to the next day's energy, but also has a profound impact on people's long-term health.

According to a 2016 study in the journal Sleep Medicine Reviews, long-term high-quality sleep is strongly associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and early death. In other words, a deep good night's sleep is not only about youth, but also about a healthy future.

Sleep plays a vital role in the body's recovery, it can promote the balance of hormones in the body, maintain metabolic function, and those who have sleepless nights and poor sleep quality tend to age much faster than those who have quality sleep of their peers. When you embrace adequate, high-quality sleep, you also embrace health and youth.

Even though they are both 70 years old, why do some people look old while others look young? Let's be honest

2. Mentality determines age: optimism and anti-aging

In addition to sleep, people's mindset also has an important impact on the aging process. As a 2018 study published in the International Journal of Psychological Science shows, older people who feel younger have better mental health and are less likely to suffer from cognitive decline. This may explain why some 70-year-olds are still in good spirits and full of energy.

Little did you know, an optimistic attitude is a good medicine, which can effectively delay aging. Facing the difficulties and challenges of life positively and keeping a young heart, such elderly people are usually full of positive energy and enthusiasm for life, which not only makes them appear younger mentally but also healthier physically. In other words, the mindset of age and optimism make the elderly younger.

Even though they are both 70 years old, why do some people look old while others look young? Let's be honest

All in all, whether it is the quality of sleep or the optimism of the mentality, these seemingly simple life elements actually play a decisive role in our resistance to aging and maintaining a healthy and youthful state. Therefore, when we marvel at the youthful state of some 70-year-olds, we might as well look for answers from the above two aspects. And for those who want to stay away from aging, optimizing sleep and staying optimistic from today is not a worthwhile path.

On the road to exploring why some 70-year-olds look older and others look extraordinarily younger, we've explored the important role of sleep quality and optimism in fighting ageing. Let's move on to the other key factors.

Even though they are both 70 years old, why do some people look old while others look young? Let's be honest

3. Weight management: Slimming is more than just appearance

The positive effects of exercise are not limited to heart health. Moderate regular exercise increases the body's metabolic rate, builds muscle mass and strength, improves bone density, and even has a positive impact on mental health, such as reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. And these combined effects will undoubtedly make people appear more youthful and energetic in appearance and spirit.

There are many ways to maintain a healthy weight, but the core principles remain the same: eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Moderate intake of dietary fiber, protein, and healthy fats is essential for weight control and the prevention of obesity-related diseases. At the same time, avoiding excessive intake of processed foods and foods high in sugar is also an important measure to promote health and longevity.

Even though they are both 70 years old, why do some people look old while others look young? Let's be honest

Stopping aging doesn't happen overnight. It requires a lot of effort from sleep quality, a positive mindset, regular exercise, and weight management. Each practice, although it may seem insignificant at the moment, can cumulatively make a difference at an old age. Therefore, in life day after day, let us not forget our original intention, stick to every little detail of life, and move towards a healthier and younger self.

After discussing why there are significant differences in aging among peers, we have learned the importance of sleep, mindset, exercise, and weight management. However, aging is a complex and multifactorial process, and there are other key elements that deserve a deep understanding of the aforementioned factors.

Even though they are both 70 years old, why do some people look old while others look young? Let's be honest

4. The Art of Diet: Nutrition and Longevity

Correct eating habits play a non-negligible role in delaying aging and maintaining youth. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that antioxidant-rich foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and whole grains, are effective in fighting free radicals and slowing down the aging process of the body's cells. In addition, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as deep-sea fish, are also extremely beneficial for heart health and reduce inflammation.

Furthermore, moderate alcohol consumption and limiting the intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods also have a positive impact on staying young. The Mediterranean diet, for example, is a diet that is widely believed to increase longevity and improve health.

This diet, which emphasizes plant-based foods, with moderate intake of fish and olive oil, while limiting red meat and processed foods, has been shown to be highly effective in slowing down aging in several studies.

Even though they are both 70 years old, why do some people look old while others look young? Let's be honest

5. Social Connection: The Dantian of Spirit

Human beings are social creatures, and good social relationships not only bring us happiness, but also effectively delay aging. A study published in Psychological Science noted that older adults with close social networks experienced a slower rate of cognitive decline than those who were isolated. Being loved and given love can not only greatly improve our mental state, but also bring about various positive effects physiologically.

In addition, participating in social activities and expanding interpersonal relationships can not only reduce loneliness, but also improve our cognitive and emotional management skills. Older people actively participate in social activities such as community service and interest groups, which can make them feel more fulfilled and happy, and then appear younger physically and mentally.

Even though they are both 70 years old, why do some people look old while others look young? Let's be honest

6. Adjustment of living habits: daily cultivation

Finally, taking all the above factors into account, the overall adjustment of lifestyle habits is particularly important. Following good lifestyle habits is not something that happens overnight, but a lifestyle that needs to be adhered to over a long period of time. From regular check-ups, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol to avoiding excessive UV exposure, these seemingly simple lifestyle adjustments can have a long-term positive impact on slowing down aging.

Every seemingly inconspicuous little detail of life can be a powerful weapon in our fight against aging. Therefore, it is essential to establish healthy living habits, constantly optimize oneself, and gradually form a positive and healthy lifestyle that is beneficial to physical and mental health.

Even though they are both 70 years old, why do some people look old while others look young? Let's be honest


To sum up, anti-aging is a long-term battle that requires multifaceted efforts. From diet to socializing, from lifestyle habits to mindset adjustment, every aspect is indispensable.

In this process, what we need is not only knowledge and methods, but more importantly, persistence and practice. As we grow older, let's take on the challenges with a more positive attitude and enjoy a healthy and happy quality of ageing.