
These parts of the dog are its "cool point", the more you touch it, the more you love you!

author:Captain Hago

Many people love to pet dogs, but do you know how to pet dogs correctly? These parts of the dog are its "cool points", and the more you touch it, the more you love you! Unfortunately, many people don't know!

These parts of the dog are its "cool point", the more you touch it, the more you love you!

1. The root of the ear, this is the sensitive area of the dog, gently stroke the chin, it will close its eyes comfortably, and it will be very comfortable!

These parts of the dog are its "cool point", the more you touch it, the more you love you!

2. The chest, the dog is very smart, if you pat its chest when it is nervous and scared, it will make it full of strength, it will feel that your owner is really caring, can detect its emotions in time, and can soothe it, it will definitely love you more!

These parts of the dog are its "cool point", the more you touch it, the more you love you!

3. The braincase, the dog's head has many nerves, you stroke its braincase, it will make it feel super comfortable, and sometimes it will take the initiative to use its head to arch you to ask for petting! Your dog will take the initiative to ask to touch it? The dog sends out a "demand" signal, don't be stingy, you have to touch it more!

These parts of the dog are its "cool point", the more you touch it, the more you love you!

4. The dog's neck, the dog's neck is also a more sensitive place, if you gently stroke, it will make it feel very comfortable, and if you pat it lightly, it will make the dog feel that you are praising it, it will be super happy, and get the owner's appreciation!

These parts of the dog are its "cool point", the more you touch it, the more you love you!

5. Belly, if the dog is willing to completely expose its belly to you, in addition to trusting you enough, it is also a signal to ask for touch, help it rub its belly, and it can also promote digestion, especially the dog who cooks quickly, often has indigestion, touch it, help it digest, and relieve discomfort!

These parts of the dog are its "cool point", the more you touch it, the more you love you!

If the dog is always indigestion, just by kneading is also a symptom but not a cure, it is recommended to change the dog to a slow food bowl, let it eat a little slower, in addition to the staple food is also best to choose a dog food containing probiotics to help gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve digestibility, such as Lotton, glutton, Nutris, pet rate, Aikenna, Fengqu dog food and so on.

These parts of the dog are its "cool point", the more you touch it, the more you love you!

In addition to petting the dog can make the dog love you more, you can also do more of the following things, which can also capture the dog's heart:

Play with the dog, the dog loves to play, can't wait to be out all day long and not come home, if you can take it out to play frisbee games, it will be very happy, not only release energy, but also let the body get exercise!

These parts of the dog are its "cool point", the more you touch it, the more you love you!

Occasional reward snacks, dogs are very greedy, if you occasionally give it a small snack, it will be very happy, will love you more, snacks remember to choose pure meat, it will be more like!

These parts of the dog are its "cool point", the more you touch it, the more you love you!

Conclusion: Do you usually have any tips for pet dogs?

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