
Is it good to drink tea at night? How to drink tea without insomnia? It is very important to do these five points well

author:Tea Intelligence Bureau

People who like to drink tea can't do without tea from morning to night, and they have to make a cup of tea to drink when they go to bed. However, many novice tea drinkers often encounter the problem of drinking tea at night and not being able to sleep. So, is it good to drink tea at night? How to drink tea without insomnia? It is very important to do these 5 points, and next, let's talk about this topic together.

Is it good to drink tea at night? How to drink tea without insomnia? It is very important to do these five points well

1. Why is drinking tea easy to cause insomnia?

There are many reasons why drinking tea can easily lead to insomnia, mainly related to factors such as the caffeine in the tea, the composition of the tea leaves, and the time spent drinking the tea.

First of all, the caffeine in tea is one of the main factors that cause insomnia. Caffeine is a natural irritant, and it is found in tea leaves, especially in high amounts in pu-erh, black, and green teas. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increases alertness and inhibits the sensation of sleep.

When the body ingests caffeine, it hinders the effects of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that makes people feel tired and promotes sleep. Therefore, drinking caffeinated tea at night may interfere with normal sleep patterns, leading to difficulty falling asleep or insomnia.

Secondly, other ingredients in tea may also affect sleep. In addition to caffeine, tea also contains some compounds such as theanine, tea polyphenols, and amino acids, among others.

Among them, theanine and amino acids have some calming and relaxing effects, but tea polyphenols may stimulate the nervous system and increase alertness. As a result, individual reactions to these ingredients may vary from person to person, but in general, drinking tea at night may affect sleep quality.

In addition, the time spent drinking tea is also an important factor that affects whether it can cause insomnia. Drinking tea at night often leads to caffeine before bedtime, which can have a negative impact on falling asleep. The effects of caffeine usually begin within 30 minutes of ingestion and may last for several hours.

As a result, consuming caffeinated tea at night may interfere with the normal sleep cycle, leading to problems such as decreased deep sleep, difficulty falling asleep, and frequent awakenings during the night.

Is it good to drink tea at night? How to drink tea without insomnia? It is very important to do these five points well

2. How to drink tea without insomnia?

Drinking tea is a way to enjoy life and relax your mind, but to avoid the problem of insomnia caused by drinking tea at night, there are some suggestions to consider:

First, choose decaf teas. Decaf teas, such as herbal teas, herbal teas, or decaffeinated teas, are ideal for the evening. These teas usually do not contain stimulant caffeine, so they do not affect sleep quality.

Second, control the time you spend drinking tea. Try to avoid drinking tea, especially caffeinated teas, at night near bedtime. It is best to drink tea within a few hours after dinner to ensure that the body has enough time to metabolize caffeine and reduce its effects on sleep.

Third, choose tea products with a high degree of fermentation. Some teas with a high degree of fermentation, such as black tea, usually have tea polyphenols converted into thearubigins and theaflavins, which contain lower caffeine content and are more easily absorbed and digested by the body, so they have a relatively small impact on sleep.

Fourth, it is also important to control the amount of tea consumed. Excessive tea consumption may increase the amount of caffeine consumed, which in turn may affect sleep. Therefore, drinking tea in moderation is key, and it is generally recommended not to exceed 5-6 cups of tea per day, and at most one or two cups in the evening, with a capacity of no more than 400 ml.

Fifth, pairing tea with some relaxing activities, such as meditation, gentle yoga or deep breathing exercises, can help reduce physical and mental stress and promote better sleep quality.

Is it good to drink tea at night? How to drink tea without insomnia? It is very important to do these five points well

Overall, the key to enjoying tea at night without compromising sleep is to choose decaf tea, control the timing and amount of tea, and combine it with relaxing activities. With these methods, you can better protect your sleep quality while enjoying the benefits of tea.