
"Universal Spaceship" and "Science and Technology on Campus"

author:Golden Sunshine Literature

Universal spaceship

Class 4.9 of the Fourth Primary School in Xixia County

Name: Li Yudong Instructor: Wei Xinyan

I want to invent a universal spaceship and make it reach sub-light speeds. At this time, you will definitely have such doubts: what is sub-light speed?

As we all know, light is the fastest known velocity of an object, while sub-light speed is the speed at which an object moves less than the speed of light. Now, let's start introducing my universal ship!

The ship I envisioned was streamlined. In order to maximize the use of space, the spacecraft turns on "near-Earth mode" and uses jet engines when approaching. It works by burning kerosene to drive an air compressor, which mixes one part of the air with kerosene and ignites while the other part is injected as power. But the wings cannot be installed, because the wings must have air to function, so the wings are useless in the vacuum of the universe. Secondly, the wings will also increase the collision rate of the spacecraft with space debris, which can lead to breakage. When it reaches space, the ship's engines turn on at full power, accelerating the spacecraft to one-third of the speed of light.

Then there's the question of life inside the ship. This is also very simple, you can use nutrient soil to grow vegetables, and there is no gravity in space, and each culture room in the capsule also needs to prepare some injection equipment in order to inject water into the soil so that the plants can obtain water. At the same time, the phototropism of plants can be used to make plants grow normally. In this way, when living in the spaceship, the nutritional supply can be fully guaranteed.

The spacecraft will also provide a variety of leisure and comfortable entertainment equipment, such as televisions, projectors, various fitness equipment, sofas, etc., so that people can relieve fatigue during driving and exploring. In addition, the spacecraft is also equipped with a remote positioning and detection system, so that when we are resting, the spacecraft can automatically detect the surrounding situation, and every time we get close to a new planet, the spacecraft will automatically display the corresponding data for analysis and judgment, and find out the safest and fastest orbit to drive. Then, we can play and frolic to our heart's content in a zero-gravity environment.

This is the universal ship of my imagination. It not only has all kinds of powerful functions, but will also take us to explore the mysteries of the universe and bring us endless surprises! I believe that with the progress of science and technology, these fantasies of mine will become reality step by step. I want to study hard and look forward to one day in the future I can participate in the design of the universal spacecraft and become a member of the aerospace scientific research workers of the motherland!

"Universal Spaceship" and "Science and Technology on Campus"

Visit the Science and Technology Fair

Class 4.9 Chai Yiran Instructor: Wei Xinyan

Today, I am looking forward to the playground to visit the annual science and technology exhibition organized by the school.

As soon as they arrived at the playground, the students rushed over like birds out of the cage. When I looked closely, I was greeted by a robot that wrote calligraphy, and its writing was no worse than that of some of my classmates who were studying calligraphy, which was really amazing.

Suddenly, I saw a place where there was a long queue, and there were many people rushing there, I quickly followed the steady stream of people to the back of the line, thinking to myself: "There are so many people here, there must be something interesting." I stood on tiptoe and looked at it, and it was actually an ice cream delivery, don't underestimate it, it's an ice cream made with a chemical, how amazing it is.

Here, you can also play with drones, and as long as you know how to play, you can experience the fun of drones. Here, you can also play a variety of challenge games, such as A4 Paper Stacks, Hule Tower, Flying Balloons...... If you win, you'll even get a box of small bricks to take home.

My favorite thing is the rocket launch test. This rocket is not the kind that can fly to the moon, but uses all kinds of ordinary things in the house to make a rocket that can fly into the air. Let me tell you about the scene of the rocket launch: first of all, the teacher took the rocket that had been assembled with great difficulty to an open place, opened the fumarole below, and suddenly the rocket rushed out with a swish, and finally opened the parachute in mid-air and slowly descended, and the rocket launch test was a complete success.

Happy times are always short-lived, and before you know it's time for school. During this visit to the science and technology exhibition, I learned a lot of knowledge, experienced a lot of games, and deeply realized the power of science and technology, and I really hope that I can participate in such activities again in the future.

"Universal Spaceship" and "Science and Technology on Campus"

Science and Technology Show

Class 49 Cheng Zimeng Instructor: Wei Xinyan

One sunny morning, the teacher and we participated in an unforgettable science and technology exhibition.

First of all, the teacher organized a team to the playground, and as far as the eye could see, the playground was bustling, and I followed the crowd to the first project. Guess what I saw? Yes, I saw a rocket ascending into the sky and descending with a parachute. I saw a good friend pumping the rocket with a pump on the side, and then we all counted down 10 seconds, and after 10 seconds, we only heard a loud noise, and the rocket "swished" into the sky, and then the eyes of the people around looked down at the sky and applauded the rocket.

Then I played another project, and it was amazing for me. Putting his hand on a huge iron ball, the staff next to him pressed the switch, and a magical scene appeared. I suddenly felt my hair miraculously stand on end, and no matter how much I shook it, it still didn't fall.

Then, I was treated to a cold and delicious ice cream, which was unforgettable. Later, I saw a classmate playing chess with a robot, and I couldn't help but think, "The technology is so advanced now!" and then I participated in another project, and I quickly grabbed a position, and at first I thought that our side would win. Before starting, I also adjusted my mentality and held on to the rope tightly, but we were all girls and all boys, so I was difficult to defeat my opponent and finally lost. However, as long as we work together, we are very happy whether we lose or win.

Next, I experienced another project that scared me very much, the staff first asked me to take a hand of foam, and then lit it with fire, I was so scared that I quickly threw it on the ground, and I stayed there like a frightened worm.

Finally, I went to see the art exhibition again, and the colors were brilliant and colorful.

Today's science and technology exhibition made me understand that as long as I study hard, I can make more contributions to the motherland when I grow up!

"Universal Spaceship" and "Science and Technology on Campus"

Visit the Science and Technology Fair

Class 49 Wang Xinyuan

On the afternoon of Thursday, March 21, just after class, a loud and crisp voice "flew" from the radio room: "This afternoon, the fourth and fifth graders took their stools to the playground to prepare for tomorrow's science and technology exhibition. ”

After hearing this, the classroom changed from silent to gossipy, and the students said curiously: "Ah! Oh my God! It's finally our turn!" At this time, the teacher came back and organized the students to go to the playground to gather, we picked up the stool and rushed to the playground, and when we arrived at the playground, the head teacher told us about tomorrow's preparations and safety measures, and then we went back happily.

The next day arrived, during the first class, suddenly the announcement was made that it was time for us to go, this time we didn't move the stool, and went directly to the playground to visit the science and technology exhibition, which had floating needles, charged balloons, and magical toothpicks...... The narrator told us the principle of the experiment: the tension of the water can make the toothpick float on the surface of the water and maintain its shape at rest, so it can float on the water!

The principle of the experiment of charged balloons is: the same sex repels each other, and the opposite sex attracts. The electricity on one balloon repells the electricity on the other. When there is a cardboard between them, the electricity on the two balloons draws them to the cardboard.

I remember there was a white robot and my classmates were there slapping the robot's head, and the robot said, "Don't hit me on the head!"

The Science and Technology Museum not only displays the latest scientific and technological achievements, but also conveys the power and significance of science and technology. Visitors can experience the fun and charm of technology first-hand through participation and interaction.

With the continuous development of science and technology, modern scientific instruments continue to come out, so that human beings move towards the stage of advanced civilization, and open up broad prospects for more developed science and technology in the future. As the next generation of successors, we should study hard and make greater contributions!

"Universal Spaceship" and "Science and Technology on Campus"

School Science and Technology Museum

Class 49 Yuan Mingmiao

Yesterday afternoon, we went to the playground to listen to the fourth grade leader's speech, and I was not very excited, but after listening to it, I could stuff an egg in my mouth. That's because tomorrow morning at 8 a.m., we're coming to the playground for a school event. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep that night. I wondered, "Will there be food for tomorrow's event, will there be drones and robots, will there be different competitions...... I thought a lot in bed, alas, when will it be dawn?

The next morning, before the sun got up, I got up, and I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. After washing, I began to eat, and this morning I was going to drink porridge, which I drank like a whirlwind, and then grabbed my bag and teacup and went to school. When I entered the school, I also saw my classmate, she happened to bring a watch, I asked her what time it was, she said: "It's only 7:42, don't be too anxious, there are still 18 minutes!"

When I came to the classroom, Friday was the morning reading of the Chinese teacher, I handed in my homework and began to memorize, and after a while, I finished memorizing. Wait until eight o'clock to have fun, but how can it be so simple! I waited and waited, and finally it was eight o'clock, but the teacher seemed to have forgotten. At eight o'clock, instead of letting us go to the playground, we were giving a lecture in the classroom, and I didn't listen to it at all. I talked about two and a half verses at once. In the first half of the third period, I wondered if this activity was in vain, but the teacher took us to the playground.

When we got to the playground, we ran around like happy horses. There was a lot of fun to play, and I was dazzled by it. I went to visit with my good friend Xiaojie, and we went to the drone first. My previous tablemate, Ozawa, was so funny, there was a person who let the drone take off, but he couldn't fly, Ozawa said: "Get up, you can't play, I'll do it!" But what I didn't expect was that Ozawa made it for a long time, and it took a lot of effort to get the drone up, and the people around him laughed. Ozawa lowered his head in shame and rushed to play somewhere else.

We walked east and west. Suddenly, we saw a group of people queuing, and we went up to see it, and wow! After waiting for a long time, it was almost time for me. Four, three, two, one... The number of people in front of me gradually decreased, and finally it was my turn. I don't know if it's my bad luck or God is trying to tease me, the little paper cup is gone, I can only eat with a spoon, I eat it in one bite, and I haven't tasted it yet. As soon as I finished eating, the little paper cup was brought again.

After a while, I said to Xiaojie, "Let's go to tug-of-war!" She didn't agree, so I went on my own, and when I got there, I saw my cousin, and I asked her to join the tug-of-war as well, but she was holding a teacup and couldn't participate. I asked her to put her teacup on the ping-pong table, but as soon as she came over, the event was over.

The end of the event didn't completely satisfy me, because I still wanted to feel the excitement and joy again, and my heart was still floating in that wonderful activity······

"Universal Spaceship" and "Science and Technology on Campus"

Science and Technology Show

Liu Ruixi, Class 49 of 4 Primary School in the urban area

Today, the school hosts its annual science and technology fair.

The students went to the playground in an orderly manner, and before they even walked to the playground, they saw large and small strange inventions and creations. There are robots, there are drones, there are air cannons, there are parachutes, and so on.

I'm most interested in the air cannon, this air cannon is not ordinary, at first glance it looks like a doll's head, with a pacifier in its mouth, and up close it looks like a real cannonball. Through my observation, I found that the shape of this air cannon is black, made of steel, it looks simple, but its role can not be underestimated, under the operation of the staff, it can actually spray oxygen to explode balloons. I think that's probably where its name comes from.

While I was studying the air cannon, I saw an umbrella fly down from the sky, drawing my attention. Many classmates flocked to it, scrambling to pick it up. I took a closer look, it turned out to be an umbrella cut from a large Sprite bottle, with a lot of decorations on the outside, which was particularly beautiful, and the staff explained to us how and how it was made, and I was surprised, it turned out to be not an umbrella, but a parachute.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell", a burst of music took me to the other side, here is a big robot with a tablet on his body, which can be used to perform all kinds of operations, you can make it sing and dance. What's even more shocking is that its eyes shoot green light that scans you and mimics your every move. It can also play chess and backgammon against us, but some of the students are very good at beating robots. Finally, I went to the ice cream making site, made an ice cream with my own hands, ate the ice cream, and hummed a little song back to the classroom.

This science and technology exhibition gave me a great shock, I also gained a lot, in the lament of the rapid development of science and technology at the same time, I can't help but respect those wise inventors, it is their infinite love for science, unremitting pursuit and hard work, there are countless great inventions, their spirit is worthy of our learning, I want to take them as an example, study hard, learn their imagination and creativity.

"Universal Spaceship" and "Science and Technology on Campus"

Remember an interesting tech tour

Li Zhaoyu in the fourth primary school and four nine classes in the urban area

The fourth class this morning, science and technology, is a lesson that allows us to gain knowledge and happiness at the same time.

The bell rang for the end of the third class, and the students galloped to the playground like wild horses, and the playground was suddenly crowded and lively. When my classmates and I arrived at the playground, a variety of activities were already in full swing, including flaming palms, tug-of-war, rockets, air cannons, robots, frozen ice cream, etc. My favorite item is "rocket", you will definitely think what is the fun of "rocket"? No, let me tell you, the rocket I saw is not an ordinary "rocket", this "rocket" is assembled from Sprite bottles, and each Sprite bottle has a small parachute prepared in advance, which can be used at the most critical time. Countdown to ten seconds "ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one" only heard a "whoosh" sound, the rocket went straight to the clouds, when it was about to fall, the small parachute would open, like a hot air balloon, and landed on the ground safely, I was really excited to see such a scene, and couldn't help but applaud and cheer.

This is not the only project I like, and I also like the "Flame Palm". I've only seen it on my phone before, but now I can finally see it for myself. Before starting, you need to apply the whole palm of your hand with foam, and then walk to the side of the flame, as soon as you ignite it, your hand immediately ignited a raging fire, I thought that doing so would hurt your hand, but I didn't expect the hand to be safe and sound, under normal circumstances, the hand will subconsciously shake the fire when it touches the fire, so just now I saw that some people also have the action of shaking their hands, that action is really cool! It was a hot day this morning, so in addition to watching the show, there were many students waiting in line to receive ice cream, and I was no exception.

Time is always so short, school will be out in a short time, and today's science and technology activities are over, and today's science and technology activities are my happiest and happiest class.

"Universal Spaceship" and "Science and Technology on Campus"

An unforgettable tech show

Class 49 Wang Ziyi

Today the sun was shining, and under the organization of the teacher, we came to the playground with great excitement. The playground was full of laughter and laughter, and a lot of technology was displayed in front of my eyes.

When I arrived at the playground, as soon as the teacher said that the disbandment was disbanded, the students cheered!

As soon as you walk to the center of the science museum, you can see the floating balloon, the colorful balloon floats in the air, giving people the illusion that the balloon is really in the air, but in fact, there is wind under the balloon, and the balloon can get up. The second thing I saw here was to light a fire with my hand, and I didn't want to go, but then I couldn't resist my curiosity and tried it. When it came to me, I was still a little nervous, the young lady comforted me, I was half-convinced and put my hand into the unknown liquid, slimy, I saw the young lady holding a lighter, pointed it in my hand, I was startled, but there was no imaginary pain and then I quickly learned the movements of others. After that, I really didn't understand what that sticky moving thing was, so I ran there and asked a young lady, who told me that it was hand sanitizer, and it dawned on me.

Then what catches my eye is an air cannon.,The way to play is to put a few paper cups in front of it.,Use the air cannon to blow the paper cups down.,The principle of this sister has told us.,It's because the air cannon is pulled less and squeezed.,As soon as you let go.,There will be excess air in the air.,The excess air will be squeezed out.。

There is a rocket made of Coke bottles in the last position, it was originally a scene that simulated the rocket launch, the sound was very small, and it flew directly into the sky, and there was a parachute when it fell, and the students saw it, and immediately ran to pick it up, and then it seemed that the staff brought it, and the principle of using the balloon to release the tail button and fly into the air at once.

I also experienced a variety of interesting scientific products and learned a lot of scientific truths, and I am really looking forward to the next science and technology exhibition.

Science and Technology Show

Four primary schools and four nine classes in the urban area Shen Hecheng

Today, the sky is cloudless. The sound of reading aloud came from the classroom. The students on duty told us that the Maker Cube would come to our school to perform the science and technology exhibition in the next class, and we would go to the playground to watch it throughout the fourth grade. After getting the news, the classroom suddenly boiled, and the sound of reading aloud suddenly turned into a noisy discussion, and the students were discussing what was fun on the playground, and some students were even screaming and cheering, and I was secretly happy.

After a burst of cheers, under the supervision of the teacher, the students walked towards the playground with neat steps. At a glance, the playground was crowded with people, and the students were talking about it. We noticed that there were a lot of machines on it, and suddenly, the headmaster announced that we could play to our heart's content, and as soon as the words ended, the students galloped forward like horses on the loose, all in high spirits.

On the playground, some students are participating in competitions and want to win prizes. Some are in tug-of-war, and some are playing with drones. In this scorching weather, the prize of the competition is even ice cream, and they are all vying for it. I played the best game of backgammon, and when I played chess, I gave it my all, and in the end the robot lost to my club. Hah! I feel really powerful at the moment. Then I got my wish and ate an ice cream, and my heart was as sweet as honey.

In the end, the activity ended in everyone's reluctance, and we all returned to the classroom in an orderly manner. During this event, I learned about the rapid development of science. We must study hard, master scientific knowledge, have a patriotic heart, contribute to the country, and make the country more prosperous.

Participate in science and technology exhibitions

Class 49 Nan Shiyu

Today, the school hosts its annual science and technology fair.

When we arrived at school, we arrived at the playground full of anticipation, and we were greeted by piles of toys and groups of students, and we rushed to the toys like crazy with excitement on our faces. The first thing I saw was that the static electricity can make people's hair stand up, and we also gave it a nice name called "Angry Hair Rushing Crown", its usage is to let people stand on the top of the electric insulation floor, touch the big iron ball, as long as the person next to the person presses down the "voltage" button, the hair of the person who touches the big iron ball will stand up, my table mates and good friends have tried, looking at the long hair that does not fall off the onlookers of the children let out bursts of laughter. But unfortunately, my hair was too short, and I was stopped by the staff as soon as I wanted to go up to play, so I had to walk away reluctantly.

Then I came to the robot, and wow, there were a lot of kids queuing, and I joined in, so I could let four kids experience it at the same time, and each of them could experience it for 3 minutes. After queuing for a while, it was finally my turn, and the four of us each took a remote control to control our own robots, and under the order of the staff, we began a fierce "fight". The first thing I saw was that the blue team player preemptively knocked out the red team, and just when the blue team members were secretly rejoicing, the yellow team team surprised the blue team members, and now they are "three defeats" and I quietly hide from the sidelines to watch the game. I attacked when I predicted that they would be physically exhausted, but I didn't expect the other party to be on guard, and pressed my robot to the ground and rubbed it, and I couldn't give up, because the opponent's robot had just gone through a fight, its strength was weakened, and I seized the opportunity to give him a "dragon descending eighteen palms" at the moment he gasped and sent the other party out of the ring. As soon as the blue and red sides saw this battle, they fled in disgrace and ran away, and I won the final victory.

As soon as the "battle" ended, I saw a large group of children in front of me, I immediately ran over to watch, it turned out to be the ice cream prepared by the organizer for everyone! This is my favorite, I ate ice cream after a short queue, a bite of ice cream in the stomach, cool, sweet, that feeling is great!

There were a lot of fun things to do, such as inflatable rockets and playing chess with robots, but I had to reluctantly return to the classroom when class was about to start.

This science and technology has broadened my horizons, let me understand a lot of popular science knowledge, they have benefited me a lot, let me know how much effort and hardship our researchers have made to achieve today's scientific research results, I think I should also be down-to-earth and study hard, long hair to contribute to the society!

"Universal Spaceship" and "Science and Technology on Campus"

Contributed by Wei Xinyan

Editor: Li Junwei

Review: Li Xinke, Li Yong

"Universal Spaceship" and "Science and Technology on Campus"

Golden sunshine, let your dreams fly

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