
Ten elegant names for tea

author:The light of China's intangible cultural heritage

01. 荼

This is the most used word for tea in ancient times. "Tu" was first seen in "The Book of Songs, Ye Feng, Gu Feng": "Whoever says it is bitter, it is as sweet as a camelina." Xu Shen of the Eastern Han Dynasty also said in "Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "Tu, bitter tea." ”

Ten elegant names for tea


"Ming" is the elegant name of tea, which was used to represent tea in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and later it was basically used with the word tea, and it is also a well-known name for "tea" among modern people. In many poems after the Tang Dynasty, the figure of "tea" can be seen, such as: in the Tang poem "Title Hui Mountain Spring", there is "wild guests steal tea, mountain monks borrow clean beds"; Su Shi in the Song Dynasty has a poem: "Never a good tea is like a beautiful woman" and so on.

Ten elegant names for tea

03. Senme

"Fresh buds" is a good name for tea. Qing Hu Huaichen's "Spring Sending Brother Minzhong": "The sea fan accounts for the spring letter, and the fairy buds ask Wuyi." "The sprout drink that only exists in the fairy family, it makes people want to try it very much!

Ten elegant names for tea

04. Sparrow's tongue

"Bird's tongue" is a metaphor for tea, named because the tea buds resemble the tongue of a bird. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, who loved to drink tea, liked to bring the spring water of Yuquan Mountain to cook tea when he traveled to the south of the Yangtze River, and he had a tea poem "Watching Tea and Singing", and there was a metaphor for the tongue of the bird: "Tilt the basket of the tongue of the bird and the claws of the eagle." ”

Ten elegant names for tea

05. Yunhua

"Hua" refers to the best part of things, the tea born in the clouds and mist on the top of the mountain, not polluted, is the best grade, so the ancients called good tea "Yunhua". The late Tang Dynasty writer Pi Rixiu wrote a poem "The Study of the Cold Day": "Count Ou only cypress leaves in the middle of the night, and a cloud in the early morning." ”

Ten elegant names for tea

06. Bixia

Bixia is the same as Yunhua, like something only in the sky, which is desirable! Therefore, the literati also praise tea as "Bixia". Yuan Yelu Chucai's "Seven Songs of Begging Tea from Wang Junyu in the Western Regions" said: "The red furnace stone tripod cooks the group moon, and a bowl of incense absorbs Bixia." ”

Ten elegant names for tea

07. Bitter Mouth Master

Kukou Shi is an anthropomorphic nickname for tea. From the impromptu chant of Pi Guangye, the son of the late Tang poet Pi Rixiu: "If you don't see Ganxin's family, you will welcome the bitter master first." Strong tea bitter, brew a cup of strong tea, take a sip, slightly bitter and full of mouth, and sip it will feel bitter and sweet. The anthropomorphism of "bitter mouth teacher" is very wonderful, tea is like a teacher of life, and it is not a simple thing to drink philosophy and debut from it.

Ten elegant names for tea

08. Never sleep

Tea has the effect of refreshing and refreshing the mind, so it also has the reputation of staying up late "never sleeping", which means that tea can be refreshing, and you can't sleep at night after drinking. Zhang Hua, a literati of the Western Jin Dynasty, said in the "Naturalist Chronicles": "Drinking real tea makes people sleep less, so tea is called never sleeping, and it is beautiful."

Ten elegant names for tea

09. Mr. Yugan

Yu Ganshi is also an anthropomorphic nickname for tea by the ancients. First, because the tea is sweet and delicious, it is fragrant after drinking, and the aftertaste lingers, and secondly, because it is distinguished from olives. The allusion of "Yu Gan's" comes from Song Li Yin's "Weiwen Zuoyu": "The world calls olives as Yu Ganzi, and tea as Yu Ganzi." Because of the word Yi, it was renamed tea as Yu Ganshi, so as not to be ambiguous. ”

Ten elegant names for tea

10. 涤烦子

Drinking tea can wash away the boredom in your heart, and it has always been praised. The Tang Dynasty poet Shi Beiwu poem: "Tea is to cleanse troubles, and wine is to forget worries." It is recorded in the Tang Dynasty historical book "Supplement to the History of the Tang Kingdom": "Changlu Gong accompanied the envoy to the west and cooked tea in the tent. Zampu asked, 'What?' and said, 'Cleanse your thirst, the so-called tea.' 'Because the tea is a cleansing child. This appellation also gives tea some zen connotation.

Ten elegant names for tea

The tea is elegant, and the name of the tea is also elegant. The thousand-year-old history of tea in China has a profound cultural heritage, and the literati have given tea many elegant names from the aspects of beauty, mood, and perception, so that tea is not only beautiful, but also drunk by the far-reaching imagination!