
Netanyahu has caused war everywhere, and the United States must be dragged into the water, and the Russian-Iranian-Syrian strangulation bureau has taken shape

author:铁血 Outpost

Recently, according to a number of media reports, protest demonstrations broke out in many cities across Israel, and the protest group claimed that 100,000 people participated in the demonstration, calling on the Israeli government to reach an agreement with Hamas as soon as possible to release the detained Israelis. and demanded that Netanyahu and his government step down and hold early parliamentary elections. The delay in taking Gaza has led to growing protests against Netanyahu in the country. Before that, he also suffered a major blow to his political career due to corruption and forced judicial reform. After launching the military operation in Gaza, it can be regarded as saving its political life, but now it has not been able to take Gaza, which is strongly resented by the extreme right and the people in the country. On the surface, this is a contradiction in Israel, but on a deeper level, it is the hope of Jewish capital in the United States to change its puppet. Moreover, the Democratic Party of the United States obviously does not want to drag out the war until after the election, and the contradictions between the Biden administration and Netanyahu will intensify, in case Trump comes to power, Netanyahu will go down the slope, which is the biggest harm to the Democratic Party. Moreover, the United States knows what kind of strength Israel is, and it is impossible to swallow Gaza in one go, so it is better to let the international community recognize the newly occupied territory first.

Netanyahu has caused war everywhere, and the United States must be dragged into the water, and the Russian-Iranian-Syrian strangulation bureau has taken shape

But they ignore the extent of Netanyahu's madness, and Netanyahu has begun to take risks to sow hatred everywhere in order to preserve his political career. Netanyahu announced on March 31 that the government had approved a ground operation plan in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Israel's previous threat of a ground operation against Rafah was strongly opposed by the international community, including the United States. Israel's ground operations and bombardments in northern Gaza, which drove a large number of civilians from northern Gaza to Rafah, have become the last refuge, and if Israel were to act here, it is conceivable how many civilians would be killed and starved to death. Due to international perspectives, the U.S. government has repeatedly warned Netanyahu not to attack Rafah, claiming that Israel will be isolated from the world. At the same time, Israel has claimed to have arrested the Hamas-led sister and has done everything it can. In addition to its actions in Gaza, Israel has also channeled the flames of war abroad.

Netanyahu has caused war everywhere, and the United States must be dragged into the water, and the Russian-Iranian-Syrian strangulation bureau has taken shape

In recent days, Israel launched airstrikes on multiple targets in rural areas of Aleppo province in northwestern Syria, killing 36 Syrian soldiers and wounding dozens more, saying that the attack targeted a missile depot of Allah in Lebanon. During this time, Israel has been clamoring for the "Northern Expedition", and cross-border firefighting between Israel and Allah has frequently broken out.

Netanyahu has caused war everywhere, and the United States must be dragged into the water, and the Russian-Iranian-Syrian strangulation bureau has taken shape

Not only provoked Allah and Syrian government forces, in recent days, a series of huge explosions were heard in the Syrian capital Damascus, and Israel dispatched F-35 fighters to launch missiles and launch air strikes on the consulate building of the Iranian Embassy in Syria, which collapsed and killed many people, including two commanders of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps "Quds Force". The bombing of the embassy is tantamount to a declaration of war, and will Iran swallow this breath? The Russian military in Syria also responded positively this time, and the Russian mediation center in Syria said that the Russian military police had set up additional posts on the Golan Heights. Prior to this, the "Global Times" overseas network reported that Putin warned Israel that the Golan Heights belonged to Syria. Once Israel touches Russia's interests in Syria, Russia will not tolerate it, and this is also the key to strengthening Russia's influence in the Middle East. If Iran, Syria, and Lebanon endure silently this time, and can endure being beaten like this, then there is really little hope in the Middle East, and it depends on whether Iran will end up this time. It can only be said that Netanyahu is pressing his political life on the gambling table, and will the United States sit idly by? No matter what, then it will be completely driven out of the Middle East; no matter what, the United States will be dragged into the quagmire again to be buried with him, then this strangulation game has basically taken shape, and the United States will be consumed to death here.

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