
In the past, the "top stream" revealed that he had cancer, and he was vigilant: this disease has a high incidence among young people

author:Science Grand View Garden Magazine
In the past, the "top stream" revealed that he had cancer, and he was vigilant: this disease has a high incidence among young people

Recently, the Internet celebrity "Laughing Allure" posted on social media that she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in the second half of 2023 and has undergone surgery and is recovering.

On the video details page, she wrote: Thank you for your concern! It's been a long time since I've seen you in a live broadcast! Because I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in the second half of 2023. At present, surgery has been performed, and the operation is quite successful. Now the body is gradually recovering, but the throat may be hoarse for a while, and the eyes are a little big, I hope you will bear with me! But everything will be fine. In the pictures released by "Laughing Allure", it can be seen that after the operation, she was left with a curved scar on her neck, and the other two eyes were also somewhat inconsistent in size.

In the past, the "top stream" revealed that he had cancer, and he was vigilant: this disease has a high incidence among young people

Thyroid cancer "favors" young people

In the past, the "top stream" revealed that he had cancer, and he was vigilant: this disease has a high incidence among young people

Wang Yu, vice chairman of the Thyroid Cancer Professional Committee of the China Anti-Cancer Association and director of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery of the Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Fudan University, said that thyroid cancer is the most common malignant tumor of the endocrine system.

In the past 20 years, the incidence of thyroid cancer in most countries and regions of the world has shown explosive growth, and it is the cancer with the fastest growing incidence, with the highest incidence among women aged 15-59 and men aged 15-44. Epidemiological data show that East Asia is the region with a high incidence of thyroid cancer, especially in South Korea and East China.

According to a report released by the China Cancer Center in 2022, the incidence of thyroid cancer in mainland China increased from 1.4 per 100,000 in 1990 to 14.65 per 100,000 in 2016, and its mortality rate is also slowly increasing year by year, with a 5-year survival rate of 84.3%.

Second, the incidence of thyroid cancer in women is nearly three times that of men. In the 2022 national data, thyroid cancer has ranked third among the most common malignancies in mainland women.

How to prevent thyroid cancer

1. Keep a happy mood: Some studies have found that people who often feel stressed have a 2.127 times risk of thyroid cancer compared to those who are less stressed, and people who love to sulk have a 3.429 times the risk of thyroid cancer who do not like to sulk.

2. Stay up less late: combine work and rest, live a regular life, and avoid overwork.

3. Stay away from electrical radiation and radioactive substances: especially adolescents and children need to avoid, parents should try to avoid taking the initiative to ask for CT, X-ray and other examinations. Computers, mobile phones, TVs and other items have relatively low radiation levels, so you don't need to worry too much.

4. Eat a regular, healthy diet and exercise actively:

(1) Eat three meals regularly and quantitatively, eat breakfast on time, try to order less takeout, and do not eat supper.

(2) The food should be based on fresh vegetables, and avoid fatty, spicy, alcohol, sweets, etc.

(3) Actively exercise to improve the body's immunity.

5. Regular physical examination: after the age of 35, especially women, it is best to do thyroid function test and thyroid color ultrasound once a year; pregnant women must have thyroid function tests; before trying to conceive, it is recommended that women be screened for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and other related indicators.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily WeChat public account

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In the past, the "top stream" revealed that he had cancer, and he was vigilant: this disease has a high incidence among young people

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In the past, the "top stream" revealed that he had cancer, and he was vigilant: this disease has a high incidence among young people

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In the past, the "top stream" revealed that he had cancer, and he was vigilant: this disease has a high incidence among young people
In the past, the "top stream" revealed that he had cancer, and he was vigilant: this disease has a high incidence among young people