
How to achieve the effective implementation of "new quality productivity" through structured thinking?


Author | Fu Xiaoyan

Proofreading | Luo Yanshan

After the two sessions, "new quality productivity" has become a hot topic in all walks of life, the author previously wrote an article on "new quality productivity", calling it the end point of this round of digital transformation, the reading volume is quite good, indicating that everyone does have a lot of enthusiasm for this, I believe that many enterprises are also exploring how to apply this concept to the operation and management of enterprises, to meet the "epochal upgrade" of enterprises. This article is going to be divided into two parts, and we will talk about the directional topic of "new quality productivity" and digital transformation.

Understanding "New Quality Productivity"

Of course, talking about application is inseparable from the correct understanding, so we must first understand the "new quality productivity", the following is the standard explanation of the "new quality productivity":

The new quality productivity is the quality of advanced productivity in which innovation plays a leading role, gets rid of the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path, has the characteristics of high technology, high efficiency and high quality, and conforms to the new development concept. It is born by the revolutionary breakthrough of technology, the innovative allocation of production factors, and the deep transformation and upgrading of the industry, with the basic connotation of laborers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimal combinations, and the substantial increase in total factor productivity as the core symbol, characterized by innovation, the key is high quality, and the essence is advanced productivity.

From the explanation, the following key points can be seen to help understand the actual operation:

(1) The essence is "advanced productive forces"

This is important because from a corporate perspective, the use of any new concept, method, or technology will naturally try to be directly linked to revenue, but understanding "new quality productivity" It is necessary to put the direct benefits first, and the productive forces play a role in the production environment formed by the production relations, so whether the productive forces have direct benefits is not completely determined by the productive forces themselves, and do not always directly follow the productive forces to the enterprise benefits, the same bowl of rice, people with a large amount of food may not be enough to eat, and people with a small amount of food may not be able to eat, but the rice is the bowl of rice, it does not change because of the person who eats, the composition of the food, the calories provided, The nutrients are all the same, but the effect is related to the conditions.

(2) "New quality productivity" has both "hard" and "soft"

"New quality productivity" must have a high-tech aspect, and "black technology" is the most well-known "productivity". However, a more comprehensive understanding should be experienced from the "jump" of "labor materials and labor objects", that is, the tools used by enterprises, such as ChatGPT and processors, and the objects processed by enterprises, such as data. Data is a new factor of production, and readers may feel that there is something magical about 123456789, and the magic lies in the fact that today's data is relatively "big", and can only be processed by the indisputable representative of labor materials in the "new quality productivity", that is, software and hardware, and it may be very complex software and hardware, and data is a typical representative of the labor object in the "new quality productivity".

In addition to these "new quality productivity" that is easier to understand intuitively, it also includes "innovative allocation of production factors, deep transformation and upgrading of industries", "optimization combination" and other "soft" "new quality productivity", readers may feel that there is no production relationship in this, if subdivided, it can be regarded as a "method" to achieve "innovative allocation of production factors, deep transformation and upgrading of industries", "optimal combination", that is, the methodology of related fields, Method research, these still belong to productivity, after the implementation of the production relationship, that is, they are the design and realization of the "production relationship" of the "productivity", these are the enterprises are relatively lacking and not very keen to invest, for example, enterprise transformation methodology, digital methodology, enterprise architecture methodology, etc., the innovation of the methodology was originally in the requirements of the national digitalization-related policies, but these methodologies are often regarded as "virtual" things by enterprises, but they are precisely the "virtual" that helps enterprises "create something out of nothing" , rather than a waste of time, a waste of resources "virtual".

Enterprises are not keen on the study of methods, but often find people to teach themselves how to quickly "implement" the method, hoping for immediate results, which does not mean that the division of labor is reasonable, but some put the cart before the horse, outsiders to the most is to "wake up" themselves, if they lack "understanding" and enthusiasm for the method, then how to "point" will not "wake up" Enterprises must have the ability to do their own methodology, in order to better absorb external methods, just like learning, a good student will not be just a water tank waiting to pour the answer into it, must have the ability to draw inferences and even make the water sweet, which requires the enterprise itself to have a certain research and enthusiasm for the methodology. In the face of "new quality productivity", please treat the methodology like the main business of the enterprise itself, and the enterprise without the ability to summarize the methodology may not be able to become a knowledge-based enterprise, and it is difficult to control the "new quality productivity".

(3) People are the key "new quality productivity"

The "leap" of "laborers" is a key part of the theory of "new quality productivity", "new quality productivity" is created by people, used by people, and ultimately brings value to people. In the past year, the field of artificial intelligence can be said to be very explosive, and we have also seen that these leading foreign artificial intelligence innovation companies are highly talent-intensive enterprises, although more than 90% of other types of enterprises can not achieve this talent density, but if there is no basic improvement of the digital literacy of all employees, it is difficult to innovate in the context of labor materials (computer software and hardware) and labor objects (data) in this era. Adding new skills is a painstaking process, but it's something that must be experienced during the transition period, and there has never been an easy transition, and there has never been an era transition period that makes it easy for people to get through, especially with such a high level of knowledge density today.

Knowledge is not only "dry goods", but also creativity, to learn knowledge is not always staring at the so-called "dry goods", but to learn the ability to create knowledge, only staring at the "dry goods" learning, will not draw inferences, it is difficult to adapt to environmental changes, and the adaptation to the environment is the overall behavior of the enterprise, not only a few people know how to adapt to it.

The improvement of basic literacy may not be as difficult as imagined, and the most suitable way of thinking for this era is structured thinking, especially global structured thinking, because labor materials (software) and labor objects (data) are closely related to this way of thinking. With this mode of thinking, you can better understand the things around you, and you can also absorb knowledge better, it is the basis for knowledge refinement, many people may find this difficult, but think back to your student days, for most people, the basic structured thinking ability is there, but it just needs to be reawakened.

(4) Measure to see "substantial increase in total factor productivity"

Recently, some people have indeed talked about the measurement of high-quality development and new quality productivity in the chat, the system of high-quality development is very large, and its measurement is not clear in a few words, but in terms of "new quality productivity", after all, there is such a key measurement requirement in its explanation, that is, "total factor productivity has been greatly improved", so the test at the enterprise level can revolve around this sentence, which is measurable and measurable and can be improved by the enterprise itself after all. However, do not mechanically implement this requirement at all points in time, the innovation, landing, and adjustment of productivity are full of changes, and the time cycle of each factor may not be the same, so it is not possible to use a single ruler to measure factor productivity improvement very rigidly, which is a "technical work" It is more like a complex project portfolio management, where multiple elements evolve together on a unified timeline according to their own time rhythm, but may rise and fall at the same point in time, and finally achieve a phased overall improvement.

For example, the substitution of manpower by digitalization cannot be evaluated solely by higher human efficiency, which can easily lead to unnecessary "reducing personnel and increasing efficiency" in some industries that have the opportunity to play a better role through the combination of man and machine, for example, the inclusive business of the financial industry can provide more "warmth" through more business personnel in the case of digital capability improvement rather than always pursuing an account manager to manage more inclusive customers from the perspective of cost or digital technology efficiency.

To sum up, to understand the "new quality productivity", we must first grasp the key positioning of "productivity", "productivity" is not simply equivalent to income; secondly, "new quality productivity" is not only "black technology", but also includes a variety of methods of research, for most enterprises, the study of methods is more general, but also when the conditions are available, can really make good use of the "black technology" basis; thirdly, the most powerful "new quality productivity" It should be people, people do not improve, there are new weapons can not be used well, people have made great progress, they can also make weapons, but people's learning can not only revolve around the so-called "dry goods"; finally, "productivity" is "productivity" after all, therefore, at the enterprise level to test the "new quality productivity", we must look at the degree of improvement of "total factor productivity", but this measurement needs to have a certain time span, pay attention to the cross-cutting nature of the development cycle of different factors.

For a high-level understanding of "new quality productivity", you can try to analyze it through the following figure:

How to achieve the effective implementation of "new quality productivity" through structured thinking?

The "new" of the "new quality productivity" highlights the nature of the times, and the "quality" reflects the progress of technology, methods, and concepts.

Landing "New Quality Productivity"

From the understanding of "new quality productivity", we can roughly summarize the landing path of "new quality productivity", which is also a matter related to digital transformation, and many "new quality productivity" that can be applied in enterprises will be related to digitalization.

(1) Introspection

What should enterprises use, what can be used well, need to look inward, self-diagnosis, what are the goals, characteristics, resources, customers, markets, advantages, disadvantages of their own enterprises, with SWOT analysis, five forces analysis, value chain analysis and other classical analysis frameworks, first give yourself a pulse. Since the "new quality productivity" is first positioned as "productivity", the "productivity" is bound to have its environment, but also depends on the environment, soft and hard factors in the environment will have an impact on the role of "new quality productivity", many enterprises apply new technologies, new methods and ultimately fail to achieve good results, and then the blame is always the new technology, new methods and even the implementation of the exploration of the people, and unwilling to analyze themselves from the environment.

In the author's own area of expertise, that is, in enterprise architecture and engineering, there are always examples of failures in the introduction of enterprise architecture, the introduction of the middle office, the introduction of DDD, the introduction of agile and other methods. The inaccurate judgment of soft factors such as the environment leads to errors in the introduction of methods or errors in the adjustment of method implementation, and the failure to face oneself well is the beginning of most failures, that is, many failures fail from the beginning, rather than the implementation is not done well.

Digital transformation is a means for the implementation of many "new quality productivity", but the digitalization of many enterprises is also in hesitation and doubt to "consume" the time that could have broken through, the root of which is to cling to the word "digital transformation", without grasping the needs of the enterprise itself and the judgment of the future development rhythm. According to the author's experience, everything that enterprises themselves can't understand and control can't eventually fall to the ground, not because there is a problem with the tool, but because the enterprise and the tool are now "no fate".

"Digitalization" does have different values for different enterprises, some enterprises only improve operational efficiency, and some enterprises really want to use digital means to compete, what type they are, what type they will go to in the future, all need to be judged clearly, this question must be answered by the enterprise itself rather than others. So, don't always ask what the value of the tool is, the tool doesn't speak, the value is discovered by people.

Enterprises should carefully study these very basic and easy-to-use analysis tools, diagnose their own pulses, and observe themselves more. Methods are also "new quality productivity", and learning and innovating the use of methods is the best way to implement "new quality productivity". Many classic methods are not as full of "ancient taste" as imagined, such as the analysis of competitive strategy, the strategy is generally "the largest differentiation", "the lowest total cost", "concentration strategy" and so on, no matter how many tricks are played, these three categories are still these three categories;

Through the phenomenon to understand its mechanism of action, this is the fundamental learning, Internet marketing is not only to learn how to plant grass, how to circle fans, how to write advertorials of the surface method, a bunch of "dry goods" down, everyone will write, where is the competitive advantage of enterprises? good Internet marketing must be the self-innovation of enterprises on these basic methods, rather than continuous "reproduction".

(2) Amending the law

This refers to the continuous optimization of their main business, study, really come up with their own set of methods, all day "crazy" type of their own business process to continue to review, improve, not finally into a single order, finally breathe, but the success, failure is the same, don't always ask the result, no enterprise is not more than successful enterprises, to continue to summarize the "unique cheats" according to the success and failure experience, without this pursuit, failure will be more common, success has become to buy a "lottery" It is difficult for such a company to grow, and it may be possible to survive, but it is difficult to grow.

"Musk's biography" introduced in the "Musk five-step work method", the first step is the author of the most recommended, this step is the pursuit of continuous process simplification, we do not regard it as a simple "simplification", but continuous improvement, if there is no spirit, enterprises will not have continuous innovation and improvement momentum, and then, it will not be able to use tools to the extreme, then "new quality productivity" in such an enterprise even if it lands, it can only play a basic function, and even become a "new quality decorative force".

The environment is always changing, and without a constant pursuit of business improvement, it is easy to "swing". From last year to this year, there have been many changes in the automobile industry, Toyota has explored new production lines and chassis that can disassemble three-stage assembled automobiles, so as to achieve the ultimate pursuit of flexible production; foreign car companies have adjusted the development direction of new energy vehicles; new domestic car-making forces have appeared in a difficult situation, and so on, how should enterprises cope with these changes, and what judgment should they make on the future development of the automobile industry? What kind of automobile manufacturing might evolve into? Who will lead the new transformation of the production line? The financial industry is facing "big but not strong" The same is true for many industries, and there should be no enough self-satisfaction and resting enterprises in terms of optimization and improvement. All difficulties are opportunities for method innovation, and they are also solved by method innovation, and only with this basic respect for methods and the ultimate pursuit can we guide the "new quality productivity" to play a role.

(3) Strongman

"Strongman" here refers to strengthening people and strengthening people's abilities, especially those on the business side. Many of the "new quality productivity" that can be used at the enterprise level will be transformed into software and data capabilities to show to the business side, that is, if the business side personnel want to fully understand the "new quality productivity" and improve the learning ability of "new quality productivity", they may not directly learn some new technologies, which may not have a very direct effect, or the effect is relatively shallow, and it is only limited to the basic capabilities of some software or technical tools, and it is difficult to do more innovation. It is still necessary for the business side personnel to learn to define problems, analyze problems, solve problems, and learn to form the basic ability of business solutions. As many jobs, products, and services in the digital era are related to digitalization, analytical solutions and expression solutions require certain structured capabilities, as analyzed above, everything related to digitalization is generally inseparable from software and data, and they are all structured, if you want to turn business solutions into digital solutions, you need to express your needs in a structured way, so it is better to use a structured approach to analyze the problem from the beginning, so that the analysis and expression are integrated and continue to follow.

There are also many structured approaches, and considering the connection between business and technology, then enterprise architecture methods are worth referring to and learning. Many enterprises are talking about the integration of industry and technology, in the author's opinion, the key issue of industry and technology integration is "chat", and the business and technology can be efficiently "chatted" together, so the two sides need to unify the way of chatting, structured language is the mode of efficient communication between the two sides, in terms of business personnel, it is to put their own business processing process, business processing rules, business processing objects, The pursuit of experience is clear, this job has been the main task of the technical side demand analyst or product manager before, but now, since enterprises are pursuing transformation efficiency, it is necessary for the business side personnel to have this ability, which is not a big leap, but the business personnel need to make their own things clear in a structured way, no matter how difficult everyone thinks, this is not enough to talk to any kind of "black technology" Even some basic technologies (such as blockchain) to compare, if the enterprise has planned to let business personnel learn new technologies, it is better to spend more time learning the "technology" that business personnel can really master, and it can indeed improve the efficiency of business and technology communication.

Considering that enterprises will develop artificial intelligence in the future and want to use large models, the author also takes this point here to put forward a reflection on artificial intelligence. The current application of large models on the C-side pays great attention to natural language communication, and of course, there are some structured prompt word projects, but on the whole it is relatively "natural", but is it necessarily the same when used on the B-side?

The author believes that the B side attaches great importance to domain knowledge, whether these should be learned by the large model from the ambiguous documents, systems, contracts, and records of the enterprise, or through the "enterprise knowledge base", what should be the content of this knowledge base, what structure? Who should build it? The author believes that business processing processes, business processing rules, business processing objects, Special expertiseThese basic business knowledge can only be summarized by the business personnel themselves, which should be a shortcut and constraint for the large model to learn enterprise knowledge, and only in this way can we better understand the enterprise and discover the differences of the enterprise. Therefore, cultivating the structured thinking of business personnel and strengthening the ability to express business structure are also basic preparations for smart enterprises, and no one can prepare for the enterprise.

Regarding the matter of "revising the Fa", the author cites a picture from his courseware to facilitate further understanding by readers:

How to achieve the effective implementation of "new quality productivity" through structured thinking?

In most cases, the introduction of technology is not the first step in designing a solution, the first step is usually to clarify the problem, clarify the current situation, and then bring in technical solutions for the problem and the current situation, and transform it into a solution for the integration of industry and technology, which is the implementation process of "new quality productivity" in most scenarios of most enterprises. As for the pursuit of technological innovation enterprises, in fact, the first step in development is to give themselves a goal, although this goal is unattainable in the eyes of most enterprises, as Altman of Open AI himself once said, he found that many people who have made great achievements have a very ambitious goal, they do not create technology first, but first see a distant goal or have a dream-like pursuit, for which they finally innovate technology.

(4) Research and technology

The author puts "research and technology" at the end, because this point is very different for all kinds of enterprises, and enterprises engaged in "black technology" are engaged in "black technology", which is to gather high-density talents to engage in "life and death" innovation; but relatively speaking, enterprises in the "downstream" can only do innovation in application methods, not innovation in "black technology" itself; as for some enterprises with abundant funds in between, they may be in a state of "two openings", that is, "black technology" for enterprises with source technology innovation Carry out a certain technological transformation, which will become a unique competitive advantage of the enterprise, but also need a certain talent density, therefore, the point of "research and technology" is not a universal statement, different enterprises can "research" the "technology" will be very different, but in general will be divided into the source of breakthrough innovation, the middle layer of transformation innovation and pure downstream application innovation, the same enterprise may also have a variety of forms at the same time, so, according to the enterprise's own positioning and different departments within the enterprise, The team determines how to carry out the "research and technology" by positioning themselves.

To sum up, the landing of "new quality productivity" is very closely related to the word mentioned in the authoritative explanation of it, that is, "innovation". "Innovation" is not a flash of inspiration, the pursuit of enterprises is the ability to continue to innovate, which needs to start from the "introspection" first, to be able to objectively analyze themselves; followed by the "amendment", there is a continuous pursuit of optimization and improvement, only this pursuit can produce a sustained willingness to innovate, otherwise, once complacent, innovation will stop; again is the "strong man", "new quality productivity" is not a substitute for people, people themselves are "new quality productivity" Therefore, we must continue to strengthen people's ability, and the most valuable thing in people's ability is thinking, which is the foundation of human beings, structured thinking is the characteristic of this era, and must be cultivated; The implementation of "new quality productivity" is also inseparable from its digital transformation in many enterprises, and it should be fully combined to think.

The author has summarized a diagram for your reference:

How to achieve the effective implementation of "new quality productivity" through structured thinking?

The content discussed in this article is equally applicable to both corporate growth and personal growth, and strive to cultivate yourself, you are the "new quality of productivity"!

About the Author:

Fu Xiaoyan is the author of three books: Enterprise Business Architecture Design: Methodology and Practice, Digital Transformation of Banks, and Converged Architecture: Componentized Enterprise Architecture for Digital Ecology. Executive Director and General Manager of Beijing Tianrun Juliang Consulting Services Co., Ltd., Senior Vice President of Digital Twin Technology Co., Ltd., Deputy Director of the Expert Committee of Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence Industry Talent Base in Key Areas of Industry and Information Technology, Member of the Software Engineering Special Committee of China Computer Federation, Member of the First Executive Committee of Digital Finance Branch, Enterprise Architecture Promotion Center of CAICT, Technical expert of the Prefabricated Promotion Center, distinguished expert of the Expert Committee of the All-China Digital Talent Cultivation Alliance, professor of industry-education integration industry practice of the SME Development Promotion Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, researcher of the Financial Big Data Application and Security Research Center of the National Engineering Laboratory, member of the CIC Expert Committee on Financial Technology and Digital Economy Development, and vice chairman of the Expert Committee of the National Internet Data Center Industrial Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance.

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