
In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young


Impact Studio gathers all seniors and seniors from personal experience, covering portfolio production, study abroad selection, application process and other information to help new students avoid detours and move forward more smoothly on the road to study abroad~

01 | Our seniors

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young


Bachelor's degree: Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Major: Environmental Design


University College London

University of Edinburgh

Politecnico di Milano

Chalmers University of Technology

Design lovers who love music and photography, inspirational architectural dreamers with their own personal style!

He always adheres to a meticulous attitude in his studies and pays attention to the details in the design, but at the same time has a mild phobia of choice and procrastination, so he often draws all night before the deadline.

In the design, he pays more attention to the natural integration of space and plants, focuses on the sustainability of the works and the innovation of the form, and is good at using geometric methods to form the shape of the building or space.

02 | The offer is here

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young
In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

03 | edification

During my childhood, I lived in France for a long time, during which time I spent most of my spare time in museums, galleries and streets of Paris, in addition to many European countries, which gave me a keen interest in European art and architecture.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

The Pantheon painted by hand

Later, during my undergraduate studies, I gradually discovered my love for Europe, especially Nordic and British styles, in the process of designing. At the same time, in the process of studying design as an undergraduate, I was also accustomed to looking through domestic and foreign architectural drawings, portfolios, and other architectural drawings on various websites. A series of contents such as renderings, I have collected a lot of creative and thoughtful design works, but when I really set out to be creative, I found that I had already shackled myself in my undergraduate studies, and at the same time lost the art style I liked, so I hope to have an in-depth understanding of European art style through the experience of studying abroad, give full play to my own creativity, and make my own works that I really love.

Photography, or architectural photography, is my main hobby right now. In my spare time, I often go to see a building, a museum, or an art gallery. In the process of appreciating the architecture, I will try to find the most beautiful angle in the architectural space, and then gently press the shutter to take satisfactory photos, such a pleasant process has gradually made me have a great interest in photography, and the hobby of architectural photography has also made me more comfortable with the structure of the architectural space and the use of light and shadow in the design. At the same time, the shooting of a photo has allowed me to have a more nuanced observation and experience of the buildings and cities around me, and has made me more passionate about the scenery, things and people around me.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

While admiring the architecture, I also think about why the architectural space is designed the way it is. In the same way, in the process of finding inspiration, I always look for a lot of examples on the website to get a rough shape of my design in my mind. In the process of designing, I will use the block model to repeatedly scrutinize in the software, taking into account the surrounding environment, suitable people and other factors, until I find the most suitable shape for the project site. For the rapid improvement of the software, I think the best way is to use this software to participate in the design of a project, in the process of using the software for project design, you can gradually master the main operation of the software, and the process will not be very boring.

In 2020, due to the pandemic, my original on-campus 3+2 project was forced to shelve, so in order not to waste the next year and with the mentality of trying to apply to my dream school, my portfolio only started during the summer vacation of my junior and senior years, which was only four or five months. Because of the need for language proficiency at the same time, in the first two months, I was able to move forward with language learning and portfolio production at the same time, but the progress was slow. Later, I decided to give up the study of the language for a while, and at the same time subdivided the production of the portfolio into several time nodes, during which I focused on one thing, and the efficiency was greatly improved.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

Draw late into the night

At the same time, I also participated in the impact studio offline studio, and with the encouragement and progress of the studio teachers and classmates, the progress of the portfolio was also very fast, and finally I successfully completed my own portfolio with high quality before the deadline.

04 | Architecture and nature coexist

In my portfolio projects, the first one is campus architectural space design, where many students and professors live and study on campus. However, crowded spaces do not provide enough space for students to think and relax. It even limits people's imagination and ability to think critically. Therefore, we need to build a building that provides a huge meditation space for students and professors to unleash their imagination and gain insight into their inner thoughts.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

The second project focuses on the use of architecture in the renovation of old cities, and the project design transforms and revitalizes old neighborhoods with a modern and fluid building typology. At the same time, the original structure of the old building is retained, and in addition, considering that the activity space is very small, I raised the scenery into the air in the project, so as to provide more public space for people to do various activities, so that more green areas can return to the old city, so that the area can be sustainable.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

The third skyscraper design project is a tentative study and exploration of the future development of the city, after a big city has developed to the extreme, people have no more free space. At the same time, they do not have more cultural exchanges, they will become the cogs of productivity. Therefore, in the process of building a city in the future, we should strive to break this phenomenon and create the form of architecture in the city of the future. More importantly, we need to find the right form of architecture to face the challenges of the future.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

The venue is located in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong. Kwun Tong is not the city center of Hong Kong, but there are a lot of people living here. It consists of residential buildings and official buildings. However, there are no shopping malls, theaters, or even cinemas nearby. Therefore, we needed to build a tower to enrich the functionality of the site and create a convenient and future-oriented lifestyle for the people living there.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

Through the study of the built environment around the site, a more suitable building form is created, and then the site functions that need to be realized in the building complex are stacked in the vertical direction, and each building space is given different functions. At the same time, the aerial platform is interspersed in each space, expanding the rare green space on the ground into the air, allowing building users to have more activity space, and the building complex fully activates the potential of the building in the vertical direction.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

In the process of moving towards the future, we must not only pay attention to humanistic care, but also keep pace with the times. More importantly, we should connect people and ecology closely. The vertical space system allows people to create infinite possibilities in a limited space and make life better in the future.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

The last project is to provide more possibilities for the application of urban space on the water through the study of the development of water space, and at the same time to a certain extent to provide a "utopian" space complex with a certain distance from the city.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

These projects can fully reflect my understanding of architectural design, that is, architecture and nature are one, and the symbiosis between architecture and plants, and people, can create more possibilities in future architectural design.

05 | Keep thinking

In the previous school courses, our assignments usually focused on the specifications and final renderings of construction drawings, and did not conduct in-depth research on the specific process of research and analysis of design ideas in the early stage of design, resulting in a lack of depth in the design scheme. In the process of making the portfolio, the promotion of each project pays more attention to the preliminary research and the generation of the design body, and also emphasizes the internal logic of each step of the design, which in my opinion is very helpful for the improvement of design thinking.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

During this time at Impact Studio, I feel that the biggest improvement is in software skills and design ideas. In fact, software has always been a difficult problem for me to overcome in my undergraduate studies, because the level of software limits many of my design ideas. In terms of design ideas, I paid too much attention to the performance of drawings and neglected the preliminary research and process analysis of the design, and gradually established the production method of the above two parts in the production of the portfolio, which filled the gap in my thinking process about architecture.

06 | Love design, love life

Everyone must have a clear understanding of the matter of studying abroad, clear about the purpose of studying abroad, the significance and their favorite schools and majors, clear goals are the source of motivation, and it is not easy to give up halfway; Language scores and school courses need to be taken into account, but people's energy is really limited, so I recommend that when planning your time, you should arrange everything separately, such as focusing on a portfolio for a period of time, and taking two weeks to focus on learning English after completing a portfolio, so that you can efficiently complete all the preparations needed to study abroad in a limited time. However, in the end, it is recommended that if you have the idea of studying abroad, you should start preparing as soon as possible, such as working hard to improve your grades in school, practicing English in your spare time, maintaining a certain level of execution in your daily life, and minimizing procrastination.

For architectural design, we must take the time to expand our horizons and visit different countries and cities when we are young, these experiences can make us truly discover the beauty in life while improving our design and creative ability, and then fall in love with life and design.

07 | Life shines into reality

In the days of making a portfolio, because the time is very tight, the pressure on me from all aspects is also very high, but in the process of participating in the IMPACT offline studio, teachers and students will hold dinner parties and other activities from time to time, which can relieve the pressure and give us more time to exchange learning and life insights, so that the whole process of portfolio production is full of fun and no longer boring. At the same time, I am also very grateful to my portfolio mentor, who not only guided me carefully and patiently to solve a lot of design and software operation problems in the production of my portfolio, but also gave me continuous encouragement during my most stressful period, so that I was motivated to complete the portfolio in a short period of time with high quality.

In four months, I won offers from UCL, Edinburgh, CTH and other dream schools, and made my dreams come true while I was young

I am very grateful to Impact Studio for constructing, perfecting, and realizing my dream of studying abroad in architectural design! However, Impact provided me with very detailed teaching guidance in the field of architecture, which gave me a clear plan for studying abroad in architectural design. With the company of the teachers and classmates of Impact Studio, I regained my confidence and enthusiasm in architectural design, and finally with the joint efforts of everyone, I also successfully received a lot of dream school offers. From the small dream that I thought was "hard to achieve" to the reality of the dream, this experience is definitely unforgettable.

The works and some of the pictures in the article belong to the author

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