
早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

author:Shanghai Changning
早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

Today's weather

Today it will be cloudy to overcast with a short period of light rain

Relative humidity between 95% and 50%

Due to the high humidity of the near-ground formation

During this morning's intermittent precipitation

Brief periods of low visibility may occur

Throughout the day at 15 — 23 ° C

The wind is still relatively strong during the day

Southeasterly winds have a force of 4-5

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

Hot Spot Recap


On the morning of April 10, Changning District held a meeting of the leading group for employment work. Lu Hao, deputy head of the district, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and members of the district employment work leading group and responsible comrades of relevant units attended the meeting. 【Details】

In order to strengthen the publicity of the key reform tasks of "One Network Office", promote the application of high-frequency scenarios, and enhance the service awareness and brand reputation of "One Network Office", in recent years, Changning District has actively carried out a series of activities of "sending policies, providing excellent services, and promoting development", so that enterprises and the masses can enjoy "one-to-one" accurate services and promote the sense of gain. This Friday (April 12th), "All in One Network" and "Ning" met at SkyBridge HQ Tianhui (formerly Lingkong SOHO) to achieve a two-way rush in spring!

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

In the past two days, many citizens have come to Xinjing Port for leisure walks, fitness exercises, bathed in the warm sunshine, and felt the spring beauty on both sides of the river. 【Details】

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

After a new round of renovation and upgrading, Hyatt Centric Shanghai Zhongshan Park and Caption Captiva Shanghai Zhongshan Park, located at the intersection of Yuyuan Road and Dingxi Road, will officially unveil their mysteries on April 18 to welcome guests from all over the world. 【Details】

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

A few days ago, the "Cheng Tu yes Guiren" citizen night school in the Chengjiaqiao Street Library officially opened. This is the first batch of public library night schools in Changning District, which has opened up a life of "working during the day and learning art at night" for many young people. 【Details】

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨


The 5th Shanghai "55 Shopping Festival" and "Shanghai Summer" International Consumption Season are about to start! More than 1,000 special activities will be launched→

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

As one of the main projects of the new Shanghai-Hangzhou Railway Passenger Line Hainan Liaison Line Project (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai South Liaison Line), the new railway Xinzhuang Station is currently in the first phase of construction. After the completion of the project, the Shanghai South Liaison Line (train), Jinshan Line, Metro Line 1 and Line 5, and buses will be seamlessly connected here to form the center of the three-dimensional transportation network and become an urban complex on a new generation of tracks. 【Details】

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

In order to implement the work requirements of the State Council on the "Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade-in" (Guo Fa [2024] No. 7) and promote the city's automobile renewal consumption, combined with the actual situation of the city, the Municipal Commission of Commerce has formulated the "trade-in" of old cars in Shanghai in 2024 Detailed rules for the implementation of the subsidy, from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 (the following dates are inclusive), individual users who purchase new fuel passenger cars of the National VIB emission standard, whose registered use nature is non-operational, and within the specified period, scrap or transfer (excluding change of registration) of non-commercial fuel passenger cars with emission standards of China V and below registered in the city under their own name, the city will give individual users a one-time purchase subsidy of 2,800 yuan. 【Details】

Yangtze River Delta

According to China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd., in order to adapt to the changes in the demand of the passenger and freight transportation market, the Yangtze River Delta Railway will implement the second quarter train schedule from April 11. The new map further optimizes and adjusts the operating structure of passenger and freight trains, adding 1 pair of passenger trains in the tube, adjusting 1 pair of passenger train operation sections in the tube, and adding 6 pairs of freight trains. 【Details】

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

Recently, a building in Suzhou has become a hot search. Every night, the building's façade light show transforms into the classic games "Tetris" and "Snake→

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

On April 9, the first main tower of the Huaisu-Bengzhou Railway Cross-Beijing-Taiwan Expressway Bridge was capped. After completion, it will become a convenient passage for the northern Anhui urban agglomeration to connect the Hefei metropolitan area and the Yangtze River Delta region, and help the Anhui intercity railway network to form a 1-hour to 2-hour rapid transportation circle, which is of great significance for promoting the coordinated development of the regional economy. 【Details】

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨
早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨
早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

Finishing/editing: Zhu Jiaru

Editor-in-charge: Gao Qin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

早安,长宁 | 今日多云到阴有短时小雨

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