
World Parkinson's Day on April 11 – Don't let caring for the elderly stay in words

author:Starry dreams


World Parkinson's Day on April 11 – Don't let caring for the elderly stay in words

世界帕金森病日(World Parkinson's Day)

The festival was established to raise awareness and concern about Parkinson's disease. Today is the 28th World Parkinson's Disease Day, and this year's theme is "Living in Harmony for a Better Life".

With the increasing development of the Internet, Parkinson's disease has also come into people's attention, and people are no strangers to it.

Parkinson's disease is a common degenerative disease of the nervous system, which is mainly manifested by tremor, muscle rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural balance disorders. At present, the aging of the population is becoming more and more serious, and Parkinson's disease has become the "third largest health killer of middle-aged and elderly people" after cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and tumors.

World Parkinson's Day on April 11 – Don't let caring for the elderly stay in words

Why do you get Parkinson's disease?

Strictly speaking, the cause is not yet clear, and the occurrence of this disease may be related to aging, environmental factors, genetic factors and other factors. Long-term exposure to chemicals can also lead to adverse effects on the body. In addition, unhealthy lifestyle habits can also play a bad role.

For example, long-term exposure to high concentrations of trichloroethylene, pesticides, etc., may increase the risk of disease. A foreign study found that patients who had previously experienced a concussion had a 56% increased risk of developing Parkinson's.

In addition, because the pre-Parkinson's symptoms are not obvious, coupled with the fact that the elderly are unwilling to trouble their children, they always feel that "they will carry it over" when they have problems, so that many patients do not seek medical treatment until one year after the onset of the disease. In fact, early diagnosis and treatment are key to controlling the progression of the disease.

World Parkinson's Day on April 11 – Don't let caring for the elderly stay in words

Detect symptoms promptly

Typical symptoms of Parkinson's disease are mainly divided into motor and non-motor symptoms.

(1) Motor symptoms

Resting tremor: This is an involuntary tremor of the hand when you are stationary. This is usually the first symptom. Generally, it usually starts with one finger on one side, appears when it is stationary, and when it moves, the symptoms will be reduced. The situation can be severe when you are nervous or agitated.

Muscle rigidity: It feels like the body is filled with lead, or like a gear jam, and the resistance increases when you pull it with the other hand for passive movement.

Bradykinesia: Slow, clumsy, the most obvious feeling at the beginning is the slowness of fine finger movements such as buttoning, tying shoes, etc., becoming clumsy, and then gradually developing into a decrease in generalized voluntary movements.

Postural disorders: decreased or even absent swing of the arms when walking, and the legs dragging the floor. Some may also freeze the whole body during walking, which is called freezing, or small broken steps, walking faster and faster, unable to stop, called forward gait or panic gait.

World Parkinson's Day on April 11 – Don't let caring for the elderly stay in words

(2) Non-motor symptoms

Sensory impairment: loss of sense of smell may occur in the early stage, and numbness and pain may occur in the middle and late stages of the disease.

Sleep disturbances: difficulty falling asleep, sleep disruption, early awakening, etc., need to be vigilant.

Autonomic dysfunction: constipation, difficulty urinating, abnormal sweating, etc.

Mental disorders: low mood, anxiety, depression, etc., for no reason.

Symptoms such as cognitive impairment and hallucinations may even occur in the later stages of the disease.

In addition, the symptoms of Parkinson's disease vary from person to person, and the presentation may be different for each patient. It is necessary to pay attention to the health of the elderly in a timely manner, and do not stop at paying lip service to caring for parents.

World Parkinson's Day on April 11 – Don't let caring for the elderly stay in words

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