
Should you eat before or after a workout?

author:Anshu Mori Physical Education
Should you eat before or after a workout?

The way you refuel before and after exercise can help determine the actual fitness effect of your workout. This is true whether you are lifting weights, running, or swimming.

So what's the best time to supplement? Let's find out with professional sports nutritionist Kate Patton.

How food promotes energy for exercise

When it comes to food and exercise, one question comes up repeatedly: Is it better to eat before training or after training? "It's a difficult question to answer, and chewing before a workout gives your body the energy it needs throughout your workout," Patton says. Eating afterwards can help with recovery. Not all foods will help you, though. The key is to put the right stuff in your stomach. Foods that contain carbohydrates and protein can provide the nutrients your hard-working body needs. Carbohydrates give you the energy you need to exercise and protein provides amino acids that your body uses to repair and build muscle. 」

Should you eat before or after a workout?


Eat before your workout

If you don't refuel your car, you won't be able to walk on the road, right? The same principle applies to getting your body ready for exercise.

"Ideally, try to eat a balanced meal three to four hours before your workout," says Patton. The plate should contain carbohydrates and a moderate amount of lean protein. Limit your intake of fat and fiber, which digest more slowly and can cause an upset stomach when bouncing during workouts. The closer you get to workout time, the less you want to gobble up during the activity to avoid abdominal problems. Think more about snacks than real meals. It depends on how much you can tolerate it, though. 」

Should you eat before or after a workout?


If you're exercising after waking up, it's not an option to eat a full meal a few hours earlier. "When you wake up, your blood sugar is at its lowest, so eating something like a piece of fruit or a cereal bar can already give you the boost you need. And, of course, consider the intensity of your workout. If it's an easy 30-minute workout, you may be able to skip a pre-workout snack. But if you're going to do it for an hour or more, it's recommended that you should eat something. In addition, exercising on an empty stomach can also lead to muscle burning. If you want to grow and build muscle, it is also beneficial to consume protein (the building block of muscle) while training. 」

Pre-workout diet recommendations (three to four hours before a workout)
  • Turkey and Swiss cheese sandwich with apple and low-fat chocolate milk
  • Peanut butter sandwich with banana slices and low-fat milk
  • Low-fat Greek yogurt with fruit puree and a small portion of chicken salad
  • Steel-cut oats
Stay hydrated and at least 16 to 20 ounces of fluid to prepare for an impending sweat
A 30 to 60-minute diet list is recommended before a workout
  • fruit
  • Granola
  • Pretzels
  • Sports drinks
Eat after a workout

Once the body has exercised and depleted its energy reserves, it is time to restore the energy supply.

Eat a quick protein-rich meal 15 minutes to an hour after your workout to start fueling. Can help avoid muscle soreness, tension, and cramps. At the same time, it is important to rehydrate and replace lost electrolytes. It is true that your appetite may decrease after exercising, or you may not be able to digest food immediately. In this case, liquid foods such as protein drinks or chocolate milk are also good options. "If you don't eat or drink after a workout, you may start to feel tired and even hungry, and you should eat a nutritious meal rich in carbohydrates and protein a few hours after your workout," Patton says. 」

Should you eat before or after a workout?


Post-workout diet table recommendations
  • Almond chocolate milk
  • Cereal, blueberries and Greek yogurt
  • Shredded cheese and pretzels
  • Apple and peanut butter
Also make sure to hydrate as soon as possible, as sports drinks that have lost electrolytes are ideal.
Suggested menu for a few hours after training
  • Egg and cheese stuffed tacos with fruit yogurt parfait
  • Chicken, vegetables and brown rice
  • Chicken, brown rice, black beans, cheese, lettuce salad plate
The diet plan should be tailored to the type and level of exercise

If you enjoy endurance activities like running, cycling, or swimming, your diet should rely more on carbohydrates to provide a longer-lasting source of energy. The rule of thumb, Patton says, is about 4 grams of carbs per gram of protein per meal. But if you're focused on muscle-building strength training, such as weightlifting, protein should fill your plate. Each gram of protein contains about 2 grams of carbohydrates. For an active person who doesn't necessarily focus exclusively on endurance or strength training, a middle ground can be taken: 3 grams of carbohydrates per gram of protein.

Should you eat before or after a workout?

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