
People who like each other will have these 3 tacit understandings

author:An Dongyue

I like a sentence very much: "The real tacit understanding is not to meet every day, not to contact from time to time, but I sent a message, after you see it, even if you don't reply, I know that you care about me." ”

Yes, there will be such a tacit understanding between people who like each other. It's as if there's a special connection that keeps their hearts together.

So, what are the specific aspects of this tacit understanding?

People who like each other will have these 3 tacit understandings

1. Eye contact

People who like each other are often able to convey each other's emotions through their eyes. When their eyes meet, there is a deep sense of love and tenderness.

This tacit eye contact is a unique way of communication between them.

Xiaoya and Xiaojie are a pair of lovers who met at a gathering of friends. Since that encounter, their eyes have never taken off each other.

Whenever Xiaoya looks at Xiaojie, her eyes always shine with happiness, and Xiaojie will respond to her with affectionate gaze, as if to say, "I like you too." ”

Once, Xiaoya was depressed because of work, and Xiaojie noticed her mood change.

He didn't ask much, just silently stayed by her side, comforting her with gentle eyes.

At that moment, Xiaoya felt Xiaojie's love and support, and the troubles in her heart disappeared in an instant.

Eye contact is the most direct and sincere way of communication between people who like each other. It doesn't need flowery rhetoric and complicated expressions, just a look to convey each other's emotions and hearts.

This tacit eye contact makes them more intimate and trusting in the process of getting along.

Eyes meet, love flows, tacit understanding is silent, hearts are connected.

People who like each other will have these 3 tacit understandings

2. Synchronization of behavior

People who like each other are often able to achieve a high degree of coordination and synchronization in their behavior.

Their movements, mannerisms, and expressions all seem to have some kind of mysterious connection, allowing each other's actions to echo and complement each other.

A husband and wife, married for many years and still in love. Whether it's traveling or going on a daily basis, they are always able to keep pace and get along.

Once, the husband took his wife to an important business dinner. At the dinner party, the husband needs to negotiate and communicate with the client. Although the wife does not understand business knowledge, she silently supports her husband in her own way.

She always pays attention to her husband's needs and emotional changes, hands him a glass of water and arranges his collar in time, and conveys her love and support for her husband with her actions.

The husband also felt his wife's dedication and dedication, and he was more confident in responding to customers' questions.

The synchronization of behavior is the embodiment of the tacit understanding between people who like each other. It not only makes each other more harmonious in the process of getting along, but also strengthens mutual trust and dependence.

Synchronized behavior, common minds, mutual support, overcome difficulties together.

People who like each other will have these 3 tacit understandings

3. Telepathy

People who like each other are often able to achieve a high degree of compatibility and sensibility at the level of the heart. They seem to be able to see through each other's inner worlds and understand each other's emotions and needs.

This tacit telepathy makes the love between them deeper and more lasting.

He and she met on the Internet, and although they were thousands of miles apart, their hearts were closely connected.

Whenever she was in trouble or depressed, he was always the first to notice her mood changes.

He will give her support and encouragement with warm words and caring care. And she can also feel his love and care, she knows that she is not alone, someone has been silently guarding her.

Telepathy is the most mysterious and profound tacit understanding between people who like each other. It transcends the limitations of time and space and connects each other's hearts and minds.

Telepathy, infinite love, the ends of the world, hand in hand.

People who like each other will have these 3 tacit understandings

The tacit understanding between people who like each other is the most precious. It includes three manifestations: eye contact, synchronization of behavior, and telepathy.

These tacit understandings not only connect each other's hearts closely, but also make them more harmonious, trusting and dependent in the process of getting along.

Please cherish the person around you who is in touch with your soul and full of tacit understanding, and manage and maintain this hard-won love with your heart.